
Random Poly Picture Thread


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
Holy shit. I missed this.

Quoting for the lulz.

No, but you are the asshole making an argument for assault on a child. I guess there are excuses?

How amazing, you must be the only person, ever, to know a victim of an assault, and are therefore, unequally qualified to instruct us all on what constitutes one.

Remember when I said this? You have only turned this shit up to 11 since then. The photo is a perfect example. Someone took that historical photo, and decided to make "a cause" out of it. If everyone isn't "TOTALLY OITRAGED!!!1!!!1!!!11!!!" then they are complicit to rape culture and must be burned at the stake, they are the enemy! Yea, maybe it's awkward, and not okay, certainly by today's standards. I wouldn't let that go. But context is important. It was you know, only the end of the largest war in human history, the culture was different, and people thought differently. It's worth noting that Jim Crow was alive and well and acceptable at the time of that photo as well. Where's your outrage about that? Maybe there is a historical photo of some black kids at a lunch counter or something we can hijack for a totally unrelated cause? Obviously we should hijack whole threads and castigate anyone not 150000% in agreance with you on how every single microscopic aspect of it should be handled.

Everybody down here in PaWN, is on your side. With the exception of N8, and $tinkle (RIP) this place is a liberal, bleeding hearted wonderland. We agree, for the most part (I think) that yes, women deserve to walk about freely, without fear of assault. The NFL has, at best, quite a long way to go to address it's problems, which are many, religion is bogus, so on, and so forth. Yet you take it upon yourself to address us all as if we are children when we don't want to burn institutions to the ground, tonight. You are incapable, or unwilling (I haven't decided which) of any fucking nuance. Jesus, we know the NFL has issues. Let some goddamn cancer kids watch a fucking college game without turning it into a cause. Lets appreciate the end of WWII without starting WWIII. I know grammar nazi is a long, proud, internet tradition, but maybe someone might use "irony" incorrectly without a graduate school dissertation on it's proper use. Maybe, possibly, every once in awhile, bears break into things. My dad has a great story about a bear ripping the windshield out of his patrol car when he was a ranger in Yellowstone in the late 60's, while he was in it. But that doesn't matter to you, because you've owned a parakeet or some shit and wrangled a couple turtles and that, apparently, makes you Sir David Fucking Attenborough.

It's getting to the point, where agreeing with you, makes me question how I think about things. I have been a card carrying liberal, leftist, pacifistic, hippie as long as I've known what those words mean. Remember how after the election, one of the "arguments" for The Dotards victory was that the common folk where tired of being "talked down to" by liberals? I thought that was complete bullshit until this last week, or so. That's what you do, to people who agree with you for fuck sake. You talk down to us all as if we are petulant children the second anyone finds nuance to an argument, on subjects that we agree on on a macro level. You're not wrong, you're just an asshole. Outrage isn't a race anyone is trying to win. I swear to the FSM. Keep it up, and I'll start going back to church, listening to Hannity, vote republican and using the words "librul", "cuck", and "snowflake" un-ironically.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Syadasti must have accidentally strangled himself with the cord from the white courtesy phone. Doubt we’ll be seeing him again.

Shame in a way I suppose. The dude could dig up references faster than most people can blink.