

  1. pinkshirtphotos

    new job

    Today I started my new job. It is at a pet store that specializes in fish. They have over 400 tanks of fresh and salt water fish. Well as the noob my job is to clean all the tanks. Today I cleaned 130 tanks. My boss has already given me the store shirt, and says I am good at cleaning tanks. This...
  2. pinkshirtphotos

    i got free gas today

    I have learned that scrap yards pay good money for old car batteries. I stopped at a few auto shops and got 4, then stopped at a lake marina and found a few laying by the dumpster. I took them too. Scrap yard gave me $5 a battery. Made $40!!! Not bad when the driving was only 22 miles total for...
  3. pinkshirtphotos

    angry parents

    my parents have always given me a hard time when i wanted to do something new. First it was getting goats, both of my parents are city raised and said no at first but then go used to the idea and said ok. Then it was biking, and then it was downhill. They were all worried i would get hurt ect...
  4. pinkshirtphotos

    i made a dicks mechanic cry

    Today I was in the mall and bored so I went into Dicks sporting goods. I saw a sign they needed a bike tech person so i headed over to the bike dept. Bikes were thrown together really terribly like in every dept store. I talk to the guy there this is how the convo went me, hey so i hear your...
  5. pinkshirtphotos


    I am getting tired of throwing all my money into bikes so I have decided to throw some in cars. I will be getting my dads a4 in a month so my ideas are the following. Keep my jetta with vr6 and do some euro mods. The jetta has 195k miles on it. Sell the jetta and buy a bmw 2002 with little rust...