


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
New Spitty is built up, but of course some tweaking and trimming are still needed.

Should I ride it as is with my old wheels or wait and order some new wheels ? The swamp system of local trails encourages me to wait and ride the old Spitty until moar shiny new bits arrive. Hmmmm...
Trail surfaces here changed quickly over a week from snow covered to fragile to solid. @Bunnista and I rode for about three hours on fatbikes this afternoon. Climbing seemed stupid easy with no snow and there was lots of downhill riding over sharp rocky chunder and logs on a not clearly defined trail we're in the process of imagining. We also spent time clambering over beaver dams, finding new places that just beg for some trail, and got back into a valley on the west slope of which ginseng grows. It's going to be a good year.