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N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Stupid Monday.... Back to the rat race

On the upside, I've booked a mtb weekend for Die Frau and I in Dalaas, Austria in a couple weeks. Also a weekend following that on Lake Lucerne in mid-Aug. Then we'll wrap up Labor Day with a trip to Berlin.

What travel plans are y'all looking forward to?
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Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Got woken up by the work phone just before 7am. Fixed the issue and am still sitting on the couch in my boxers. EVERY part of me wants to not go to work today. But it looks like we had some serious rain last night, so its not like I could go riding today anyways.

Time to put pants on.. :monkey:


Feb 24, 2011
While pedaling to work this AM, I had a school bus pass me. Right after he got in front of me, he turned on his lights and made a stop to pick up a summer school student. WTF? I didn't pass the bus because I can't have the rules of the road bend for my liking, but it did piss me off.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
'Morning. I went to bed at 8:30 last night, because tired. I was back in the pool early this morning for a two mile swim. I got my five shot Americano now to help get me through the morning.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

First weekend in as long as I can remember where I rode both Saturday and Sunday. And then hiked Sunday afternoon. Rather good I must say. Now I really must buckle down and fix up a few things prior to my home appraisal on 8/3.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Morning Momkies! No travel plans for me in the near future, the idea of traveling from less people to moar people sows not appeal to me right now. I am thinking of a road trip through northern Idaho and eastern Washington or maybe Colorado, Utah., Boise to visit the parents in the Tri-Cities area of Washington. Fruita & Moab by the end of the season for sure.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande

First weekend in as long as I can remember where I rode both Saturday and Sunday. And then hiked Sunday afternoon. Rather good I must say. Now I really must buckle down and fix up a few things prior to my home appraisal on 8/3.
Pro Tip: move your old truck from the front yard to the back yard in time for the grass the green up again.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Yo :monkey:s
Rode 4 days in a row with one of my best buds from the old country. Lots of sunshine and singletrack, hot temps, cold rain and hail storms, some gnarly bike park laps, plates of hot wings and a beer or three.

I feel like a million bucks.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Sweet, sweet justice. I was just sitting on the freeway in stop and go traffic, when some asstard decided to try to use the on ramp lane as a passing lane.

Buddy got immediately lit up by the police. :D:rofl:


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Half day guided fly fishing on the Arkansas river just south of Leadville yesterday, much fun.

Need to ride lots this week and make up for being back at altitude. I've missed all the high country riding in July so far so need to make up for that before the season ends...


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Computer doesn't work. Boo.

Spent Saturday doing car shopping again. Saw the Highlander, Pilot, MDX, and Infinity (Q7 and MB already eliminateD). Wifey has decided that the Infiniti is what she wants. Now we specifically need to find one with blind spot warning. She said that she thinks we should just pay off the Subie ($3k left) and keep it. If we turn it into a 7500 mile/yr car, keeping it long term should be even more likely. Go figure, she wants me to have a winter car.
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CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
Watched a BTTF documentary on Netflix last night, and they interviewed a "super fan" at his house, as he had a couple of the original vehicles from the movies. He said he was from central MA, and upon Googling, sure enough he's in my tiny, non-descript rural town of about 4,000.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Watched a BTTF documentary on Netflix last night, and they interviewed a "super fan" at his house, as he had a couple of the original vehicles from the movies. He said he was from central MA, and upon Googling, sure enough he's in my tiny, non-descript rural town of about 4,000.
sounds like someone has a new man-crush


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Weekend on the lake in western NYS. Went road riding both days and crushed this you dude who was used to riding with the old guys who have houses up there.

Nice to just sit in the AC and drink coffee on a Monday morning at work.

Flying to Denmark on Friday with the boys for a weeks vacation and then a week at the Danish office.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

Finished up the pallet sofa thing in the back yard and it turned out a lot nicer than that crap the wifey found on pintrest. Spent most of Saturday listening to my buddy bitch about his current crap lady related situation. I just sit and listen now and try to be supportive without choking the sh!t out of him. He won't listen if I try to give him advise, so I don't even bother with that crap anymore. Ever since the military retired him due to too many service related injuries, he's been in a funk. His goal in life was to make General, and I thought he could/would but repeated deployments take a toll on a person and after 12 years his body is shot. So he spends his time dating awful women with issues to pass the time, I guess.

It makes me grateful for what I have, that's for damn sure.


Moar coffee.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
It's 4:31pm here and I'm sipping a Westvelterian XII since I am out of my favorite Belgian biere.

Prost alles!
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N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Morning Monkeys.

Finished up the pallet sofa thing in the back yard and it turned out a lot nicer than that crap the wifey found on pintrest. Spent most of Saturday listening to my buddy bitch about his current crap lady related situation. I just sit and listen now and try to be supportive without choking the sh!t out of him. He won't listen if I try to give him advise, so I don't even bother with that crap anymore. Ever since the military retired him due to too many service related injuries, he's been in a funk. His goal in life was to make General, and I thought he could/would but repeated deployments take a toll on a person and after 12 years his body is shot. So he spends his time dating awful women with issues to pass the time, I guess.

It makes me grateful for what I have, that's for damn sure.


Moar coffee.
Is he a retired Col? Cuz there's some $$$$ in that.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Is he a retired Col? Cuz there's some $$$$ in that.
No, they passed him on Major due to injuries and retired him. He did retire as a prior enlisted Captain and I think his disability rating is something like 95% or some crazy crap, but he wanted to make one star. It has nothing to do with the money (he makes pretty good coin off his mailbox money), he's only 35 and feels his life has little direction now. But he has a lot of free time that seems to do more harm than good.

The hope is with his involvement with GFF and his organization that he will see a purpose in the greater good. Part of me wants to tell him just to SIUP, part of me wants to remove all the guns from his house.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Did you hit the power button? :busted:
Is it plugged in? Does it have a battery in it? :D

Some ditz would have run me over coming out of a parking lot (and crossing my right of way on a multi-use path without stopping) had I not seen her zooming through the parking lot with earbuds in place and anticipated her asshattery.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Took my kid (8 yrs old) on his second successful ride ever. I brought him over to some trails I built over the years in Idaho (I built them with him in mind when he was 1 and 2).
He rode four miles, and did GREAT.
It was the culmination of a many year plan to ride these trails with him and wifey, and it went flawlessly! I couldn't be prouder. What was even sweeter was seeing two other families on the trail (which is now an official FS trail) enjoying them. Before they were built there were NO kid friendly trails in the area (I am sure all of you can imagine the steepness of most of our trails around here).
Afterwards we went to the bike park and I showed him how old men huck off of little tabletops. He loved the pump track.
Just a beautiful weekend outing.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Yo :monkey:s
Rode 4 days in a row with one of my best buds from the old country. Lots of sunshine and singletrack, hot temps, cold rain and hail storms, some gnarly bike park laps, plates of hot wings and a beer or three.

I feel like a million bucks.
couple of weekend ride pics ...

kv 3s.jpg
nk 3s.jpg
kev climb.jpg
drop in.jpg

mg clip.jpg

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