
/∆\FBJ dimanche/∆\


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Bonjour mes amis!

First time it's been properly warm enough to sit outside for my morning coffee.

Contemplating whether to hike or canoe with the family today. I think canoeing could be fun, but the mosquitoes could be brutal. Of course, they would also suck hiking so....


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Bonjour mes amis!

First time it's been properly warm enough to sit outside for my morning coffee.

Contemplating whether to hike or canoe with the family today. I think canoeing could be fun, but the mosquitoes could be brutal. Of course, they would also suck hiking so....
Canoe to a hiking spot? Why not both? :D

And yes the mosquitos are back here as well. :(

5th day in a row of sun!!!

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
light rain shower came through last night. the sound of rain of the camper roof is unmistakable . Sspresso then grub and off to the med station. I hope no one gets kicked in the chest like yesterday. Should only get to 81 this afternoon.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Lots of work done yesterday but it feels like nothing accomplished. Spending a lot of time getting the tri bike ready to break down and sell. Basically race prepping it before I break it down, since I'm selling it to a friend (who coincidentally is an old boss), I don't want to send him something that's in shit condition. Got the DJ back to ridable condition. Sub-frame supports for the MIL's cabinets mostly finished. And a whole bunch of errands getting stuff for the kittens, groceries, etc.

Had a long conversation with my parents now that they've retired about financial planning and making the best of what they have, tax strategies for drawing, etc. My Dad is an "I know everything and you can't tell me otherwise, even if it's your specialty" kind of person, so it made for a fun talk. He's largely disregarded what I've told them about their retirement planning for the last decade and my Mom finally made him sit down and listen to me because of a simple concept fuck up on their tax planning that cost them a few thousand dollars last year. My Mom very much lets my Dad handle the household finances, but cracked the whip with a comment of "We haven't talked about any of this in any scope or identified any of these strategies in the last 4 years we've been planning for retirement. You're listening and finding out what we need to be doing differently. He clearly knows this better than you and you need to listen." I laid out a standard template for things I look at for new retirees and he just sat there silent for 20min while I was going through it. He left it with we'll talk after we finish our move to Texas." Should be fun to finally be able to be the unquestionable expert in a topic that has some real impact vs. car stuff or bike stuff, which are *meh when it comes to importance. I'm sure he'll use all of his spare time over the next 2 months doing research about everything I told him to find reasons why they shouldn't do what I say and why his plan is better, but hey, what do I know, I just do this for a living...


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
You're gonna love this... The camera is officially the wrong, so I got a new one from Crutchfiled ($200 cheaper ftw). Totally different mounting assembly. I've reached my FTS and I'm taking it to Car-Toys - $400 total re-start install of the camera, mic, head unit, and steering wheel controls. Should have done that from day 1, not gonna lie, especially given the frustration it caused us both.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
You're gonna love this... The camera is officially the wrong, so I got a new one from Crutchfiled ($200 cheaper ftw). Totally different mounting assembly. I've reached my FTS and I'm taking it to Car-Toys - $400 total re-start install of the camera, mic, head unit, and steering wheel controls. Should have done that from day 1, not gonna lie, especially given the frustration it caused us both.



Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes

currently candyflipping with claritin and allegra just to try to not sneeze for 15 minutes. It's remarkably dry out and apparently this is "Fuck you sandwich's family" season as my son is affected by it too. Woke up at midnight, sneezing fit. Jammed tissues in my nose to try and quell the flow only to sneeze them back out again. Second round of benadryl at 2am. Not sure if it's the masks, or the season, or being stuck indoors for a year, but my body is hosed.

In other news, pulled an @I Are Baboon and did a short run on Friday to crosstrain my legs, and then a 7-8miler with @StiHacka for fun and enjoyment yesterday. I think I may have finally found the source of my knee pain, for better or worse...


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Turns out I have a neighbor who is a hobbyist beekeeper. He was pretty excited about coming to collect them. It was very cool to watch.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Beauty day here. Did a short ride with a friend and his wife, who we haven't seen in a year. She got covid some time back and her lungs are shot..

This awesome newish farm store is open again, yay. Waiting for the lady friend to finish her picking and then I shall go get some goodies. Fresh pickles, bakery, fresh produce etc. So good.



Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Oh yeah.. @mykel @slyfink I drove by a provincial park today (mono cliffs) and holy shit they had signs up saying "park is full". No shit, people were parked on the road for kilometers and walking in. :(


Hopefully yall have some less traveled places to venture to.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Oh yeah.. @mykel @slyfink I drove by a provincial park today (mono cliffs) and holy shit they had signs up saying "park is full". No shit, people were parked on the road for kilometers and walking in. :(


Hopefully yall have some less traveled places to venture to.
How about 15 km into the interior of Algonquin in a canoe? :D
I just put in on an island in the middle of the Ottawa river. Played in some gentle currents with my boys in the canoe. I was a little worried because the water is still very cold and if we went in, I'm not sure how the boys would react. But it all went well and they learned about ferrying and ducking into eddies. When we were done my oldest actually said (and I quote) "that was fun. thanks for taking us papa". I think that may have been a first, so I was well pleased! I'd be chuffed if they got into white water canoeing...


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Car now has functioning rearview camera and mic. Kinda nice...

Also In-N-Out for dinner. Yummy.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Tired and Beat from three days at the horse show. Covered 20 miles walking the grounds. One buck off one kick to the chest by a horse. both folks will be ok just sore for a while ( kicked one was sent to the hospital to get checked out).

need to crash out soon as I have my normal 0315 walk up call


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
I have said this before, but my first kiss was from a girl named Beth from Mississauga. And it was about 15 miles from anywhere in Algonquin Park, in a canoe.
Thanks for the memories, and I will always be fond of Canada.
How were the black flies?