
≠≠≠≠ Monday GTM ∞∞∞∞


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
It's fall recess at schools in Denmark this week. I am taking the week off to hang out with the boys and get some shit done around the house too. Only thing that suck is my left knee is giving me trouble after I rode the mtb last week so I can't ride as much as I had hoped for.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
I was having a good ride tonight and went in for a second lap and it would seem a combo of bar mounted light, my endubro visor and a shit memory had me headbutt a fallen tree.
I was sitting down on the seat so it put a solid amount of load in to my neck and back, it popped the MIPS liner off its mounts at the front and the plastic MIPS shell thingy cut my head, got a bit of a ding up the helmet too.

I think I will be pretty much fine by the morning.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
Celebrated Crosstober yesterday with a short and intense ride on the cross bike.
Later, on a hike with camera, I was so "lucky" that a deer came out of the grass on the side of the trail and casually walked towards me ... but apparently the minimal focus distance of the lens is 6 m, so no in focus picture of it. :s :(
We were standing right in front of each other when it realized that I was there and ran off.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
It's fall recess at schools in Denmark this week. I am taking the week off to hang out with the boys and get some shit done around the house too. Only thing that suck is my left knee is giving me trouble after I rode the mtb last week so I can't ride as much as I had hoped for.
You are making it over to the smaller island for riding?


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001

fuck you my man.....fuck you....

she beat me to the morning constitutional part of the day....


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
Drizzle off and on forecast all day today. Inside house stuff to be done. Walking DSO #2 soon. Her gut seems back to normal so far.

Good morning!



Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Pondering what to do with a friday off. Not sure I have time for DH. Long MTB ride at lemonster forest? Extended road ride up MT Whachusay? Drive up to pepperell to get my frame (if it's done) and spend all day building it? The world is my clam.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011

At le work.

Going to go check out Costco tonight.

Orange cat comes off the IV today. I'm sure he'll be excited to not be a short leash.

And I've had a dull headache since yesterday morning, still going. It'd be lovely if it'd go away.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Back to work this morning after a couple of weeks off. I guess the first thing to do is see what I missed in the email inbox? Is that how these things work?


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Had to relent and put the heating on, 59F in a couple of rooms in the house this morning.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Fall break starts today, so I took all week off. Currently waiting for someone from Craigslist to come by and buy my tile saw, then it's straight into baseboards.

Goal is to get baseboards finished by eow, then listing my table saw, because I shouldn't be doing anymore projects that need a $1200 table saw sitting gathering dust until that point. Wifey doesn't seem to get that keeping a saw like that doesn't make sense if you have effectively no projects that will use it.

Got Haley's 24" bike put back together yesterday. Ended up tearing the 26" beater that I was trying to sell apart for parts, so that I didn't have to buy anything in the process. Maybe $100 for the bike vs. for sure $100 in new parts and and bb tool with no spare parts. Going to give the wheels and my spare XT v-brakes to the neighbor, as they won't fit on any bikes left. Give the dude a break and scrub a couple lbs off his bike.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Going to hook my knee up to an acuscope later. The flesh wounds have scabbed over properly but something inside isn't happy. No swelling at any point so wtf.

Took the rugrats hiking in the Columbia River Gorge. So many cliffs to fall off. Big rugrat found a cool lizard in between complaining she was outside on a hike and not watching some screens.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I just sold my table saw to the guy that bought my tile saw. Apparently Sawstop's are impossible to get in general right now. When I'm done with my project he said to call him and he'll come pay for it and get it. $100 more than I paid for and I've been using it for 2yrs.