
□■□■weds gfmt....■□■□


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Work windows PC has been updating and restating for over 35 minutes and still isn't responsive. I hate that shit. Let's look at the agenda today - a crappy snow storm with rain, a handful of crappy meetings, a pair of dental surgeries. Can I go to hibernation now and wake up 48 hours later, please? :dead:


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

The woman I usually see speeding and weaving in and out of traffic on my way to work crashed her brodozer. I'd say my morning is going quite a bit better than hers.
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Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
The sunrise this morning was eye catching. Craptacular picture, but the entire sky was like a giant rainbow.

I was enjoying the view and then my day suddenly got interesting. First I noticed that with defrost on, the coolant temperature on my car was dropping. Stick it back on the other modes and it slowly returned to normal.

I then got pulled over by the police in stop and go traffic. Awesome.

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Jan 23, 2017
Raleigh, NC
preemptive thoughts and prayers to NC

woke up at 7 expecting snow already on the ground, nothing, then some light rain starts, and now some now. :think:
I wanted to work from couch today, while petting doggo


Weather lizards on the local news are out and about in their trucks looking for snow to backup their turbo crap forecast


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Work windows PC has been updating and restating for over 35 minutes and still isn't responsive. I hate that shit. Let's look at the agenda today - a crappy snow storm with rain, a handful of crappy meetings, a pair of dental surgeries. Can I go to hibernation now and wake up 48 hours later, please? :dead:
i would just go ahead and dump a two liter bottle of soda on it and kill it....then go about your day.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
I think got pulled over by the police in stop and go traffic.
what does "I think I got pulled over" mean?! We you able to evade them with your super-duper traffic filtering skillz?!

I woke up several times during the night, and was up for good at around 5:45. :dead: this is super frustrating, caus' it's the first night in about 10 days the kids have slept through the night. And before that, I'd had a cold that kept waking me up at night, the end result being I haven't slept a solid night sleep since last year (before Christmas). I'm so fuckin' exhausted. On top of that, I've had the shits twice already this morning, and am having to work very hard not to throw up.

On the bright side of things, it was a super nice commute into work this morning. 10 freedom °, a light snow, and clean crisp air make for a beautiful winter bike ride. And as days are getting longer, I'm no longer biking home in the dark after work, which is sweet.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
what does "I think I got pulled over" mean?! We you able to evade them with your super-duper traffic filtering skillz?!

I woke up several times during the night, and was up for good at around 5:45. :dead: this is super frustrating, caus' it's the first night in about 10 days the kids have slept through the night. And before that, I'd had a cold that kept waking me up at night, the end result being I haven't slept a solid night sleep since last year (before Christmas). I'm so fuckin' exhausted. On top of that, I've had the shits twice already this morning, and am having to work very hard not to throw up.

On the bright side of things, it was a super nice commute into work this morning. 10 freedom °, a light snow, and clean crisp air make for a beautiful winter bike ride. And as days are getting longer, I'm no longer biking home in the dark after work, which is sweet.
I think I'm too tired to type the correct words out.

You bring up a sweet point, I did notice the other day that there was still light out after 5pm! WOOOOOO.


You might feel a little prick.
Sep 1, 2015
San Diego

Yall got it bad. It sunny here in lizard land. Only rained once here since last spring. Check out this free car i got. Its a total piece of crap, its got a good rear end in it im gunna save. Then im gunna paint it and put it in the yard for the kids to play in. Also the guy who is sueing me, his lawyer called my lawyer and said he is no longer on the case because he isnt getting paid. So thats great news. Also my parents home in mexico just entered escrow, cant wait to be rid of that nightmare. Its a great week and the lizards are looking over me.


You might feel a little prick.
Sep 1, 2015
San Diego
Ill make it short, I rent out auto wreaking yards right by the border, near where all the tunnels get dug. Anyway, this guy named carlos comes in and says he bought one of the wrecking yard business' and needed a lease. Which is pretty normal, i try to check people out but in this business standard ways often dont work. He didnt seem to know what he was doing but whatever, i have to develop the property and that yard will be gone one day and the previous guy was a good guy so i didnt want to fuck him. Days later i start getting phone calls that "Roberts back". Sure enough it turns out that he was the one that bought the yard useing carlos. This is not an ok scenario in the auto dismantling industry. He also is known to run several frauds, chop stolen cars, get in fights, is extremely offensive to women and Hispanics, and steals from his neighbors. Hes Iranian, which isnt a big deal as i have quite a few middle eastern tenants, they all hate this guy. One tenant locks his gate when he comes by to escape him. My good tenant is a devote Muslim and robert likes to talk real dirty about women just to offend him. So i fucked with robert for months, made him get completely compliant with the city and dmv. Then i evicted his ass because we only do month to month leases. So he sued me for 1.5 million. The whole time he was doing crazy shit. The guy is totaly wacko. Hes threatened me in a bunch of ways. I dont put up with that shit.

I forgot to add that i found out later that carlos is his son in law. He never paid for the buisness. And a bunch of other things. Its been going on for almost two years now.
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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Ill make it short, I rent out auto wreaking yards right by the border, near where all the tunnels get dug. Anyway, this guy named carlos comes in and says he bought one of the wrecking yard business' and needed a lease. Which is pretty normal, i try to check people out but in this business standard ways often dont work. He didnt seem to know what he was doing but whatever, i have to develop the property and that yard will be gone one day and the previous guy was a good guy so i didnt want to fuck him. Days later i start getting phone calls that "Roberts back". Sure enough it turns out that he was the one that bought the yard useing carlos. This is not an ok scenario in the auto dismantling industry. He also is known to run several frauds, chop stolen cars, get in fights, is extremely offensive to women and Hispanics, and steals from his neighbors. Hes Iranian, which isnt a big deal as i have quite a few middle eastern tenants, they all hate this guy. One tenant locks his gate when he comes by to escape him. My good tenant is a devote Muslim and robert likes to talk real dirty about women just to offend him. So i fucked with robert for months, made him get completely compliant with the city and dmv. Then i evicted his ass because we only do month to month leases. So he sued me. The whole time he was doing crazy shit. The guy is totaly wacko. Hes threatened me in a bunch of ways. I dont put up with that shit.
oh i like where this is going.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Woke up to the expected 3-6" of snow. Drove over mountain to teach HS Art (Pottery & Studio) while Sq-Earl stays home with the sicko kids (oldest tested positive for Flu and the youngest seems to have it as well). Interviewing for a Special Education position after school today. Not sure it's something I want or not, but I'm not going to turn down the opportunity to hone my interviewing skills and learn more about the position.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Just found out that a local Mt. biker, good friend (and my wedding photographer) just dropped dead XC skiing this morning.
He was a GREAT guy.
He was skiing in Grand Teton National Park on a bluebird day, couldn't have picked a prettier place to kick the bucket...


Jan 23, 2017
Raleigh, NC
Just found out that a local Mt. biker, good friend (and my wedding photographer) just dropped dead XC skiing this morning.
He was a GREAT guy.
He was skiing in Grand Teton National Park on a bluebird day, couldn't have picked a prettier place to kick the bucket...


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Just found out that a local Mt. biker, good friend (and my wedding photographer) just dropped dead XC skiing this morning.
He was a GREAT guy.
He was skiing in Grand Teton National Park on a bluebird day, couldn't have picked a prettier place to kick the bucket...
Sorry to hear.

I am currently in a middle of a dental surgery, I think the doctors are doing me and another customer in parallel. The Novocaine already wore off twice on me, that was fun. My mouth feels like a Turkish prison during a gladiators' riot. :dead:
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Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I had to go to my friends Mothers house and fix her sink. Plunger check. Tools check. Before we went inside she warns me her house is a mess. Upon entering I immediately realize she is a hoarder. I can't even get to the sink. Finally after clearing a path and emptying her disgusting sink, no amount of plunging is going to do the trick. In order to access the trap I have to clean out the cabinet. Trap has a cement like substance in it (Cat Litter I assume). I go to the store buy the parts to fix her problem. Install everything and she is good to go. I ran out of there as fast I could. I really have to do a better job screening my calls...
I had to go to my friends Mothers house and fix her sink. Plunger check. Tools check. Before we went inside she warns me her house is a mess. Upon entering I immediately realize she is a hoarder. I can't even get to the sink. Finally after clearing a path and emptying her disgusting sink, no amount of plunging is going to do the trick. In order to access the trap I have to clean out the cabinet. Trap has a cement like substance in it (Cat Litter I assume). I go to the store buy the parts to fix her problem. Install everything and she is good to go. I ran out of there as fast I could. I really have to do a better job screening my calls...
Our house is dangerously close to this state, what with my partner. I have a very few spaces that I can actually live in - the R-Pod, my CR-V, and my van are about all that's in my control. it sucks.