
◇♢◇Thurdsday GMT◇♢◇

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Waz up mah monkees? Just another day day in Montana paradise with a dustimg of fine powder over everything. I slept in until 5:30 so I am going to have to fight the Rockin' Grannies for treadmill space...


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
slept through the alarm clock to make the drive to atlanta to see the jesus and mary chain....kind of bummed..


Feb 24, 2011
Getting our first real cold snap of the year tonight. It is gonna hit -5 tonight and they there will be wind. I kind of like it when it is super cold out. Everything outside seems quiet and still on the freezing cold.

Going to put a down payment on a Trek Farley 5 today. My local LBS is a Trek dealer and they always treat me right. Should be able to pick it up hopefully next week. Frozen adventures here I come.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Walked into the building, fire alarm went off and I walked right back out. I wish that was all she wrote for the work day but no dice. Sigh, at least its pay day.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Morning. Getting ready for the first bigger snow of the season (measly 3-5"), dreading the weather in general (20s today, down to 3F tomorrow morning, up to 30s on Saturday and almost 60 and rain on Sunday).


Sep 8, 2009
Currently 15*F outside and got a few inches of snow last night but it's currently snowing like crazy outside. We're under a winter weather advisory until tomorrow morning. Blowing snow and horrible road conditions turned my 30min commute to work into 2hrs this morning. Wow that sucked!


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
I'm poopin'!

Also driving in once pooping done. Dropping off wheels after work for free truing at GBS. At least one of the sets has a free truing for life deal since I brought them in within the first 30 days.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Also cold here. With the wind, they say it feels like -15°F. But the wind has died down and the real temp is 4°F. Still cold, but not nearly as painful. It looked really windy as I was getting ready to leave, but seems to have died down right when I started. Needless to say I overdressed for my 45 minute walk and got to work pretty sweaty.

Who was it that was asking about layering for cold the other day? I was wearing merino from head to toe today: socks, long johns, t-shirt, turtle neck sweater, jacket, neck warmer and tuque. Like I said, it doesn't wick sweat nearly as well as a proper synthetic, but you stay comfortable and warm when not doing anything too aerobic; I was just walking.

first of three office Christmas parties this afternoon. oh well.
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Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Just got a chorizo breakfast burrito only to discover that it was mislabeled and the breakfast equivalent of a micropenis that is microwaved breakfast sausage was lurking inside. This has to be the worst thing that's ever happened to someone in the history of ever.. FML. :mad:


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Cooties in full effect @ casa de Pesqueeb. Wife and I both down with stomach "issues". Of course kid is happy as a clam and had to be drug off to school. I suspect it's gonna be a long day, and of course, it has to happen over my weekend. :mad:


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Walked to the bar in 2 feet of snow last night and hung out by the fire with some friends. It felt like the good ole days in Bend before so many tourists!!!!! Heading out to ski later. Woot woot!

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
90 minutes on the treadmill and 30 each on the eliptical and bikel. Cut the eliptical short when lady next to me was talking on her phone more than I could stand. The 30 minutes on the bikel was especially dick numbing, when I got off I discovered it had a womans specific saddle. I felt like an idiot who couldnt feel his dick.

On the bright side it was 10 degrees out which is 25 degrees higher than yesterday and the snow is up to 2.5 inches of light powder. Almost feels like summer. :)


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Forgot my pin code for my phone. I am clearly getting old.

Finally got out on my bike for a night ride. I was slow and still tired when I woke up. Legs felt heavy on the ride to work.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

Snow came in last night, just before getting off work. I should have ducked out and caught the 1:30 bus, but thought it wouldn't be awful by 3:30. I was wrong, bus was an hour late, stood outside waiting for it not dressed for snow. Poor planning makes for an angry commute. Didn't get home until 6:30, dear lord I was not a happy camper.

Snow day today.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
sun is out....rogue one tonight....
That reminds me: Dec 26-30 I'll be working but free of family. I should see some movies since I never get to these days. Any suggestions beyond Rogue One? Arrival?

Just got a chorizo breakfast burrito only to discover that it was mislabeled and the breakfast equivalent of a micropenis that is microwaved breakfast sausage was lurking inside. This has to be the worst thing that's ever happened to someone in the history of ever.. FML. :mad:
Mmm micropenis burrito. I've heard those are the tastiest.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Not sure I'll make it to my buddies Star Wars showing due to teh frozen. I am listening to this meeting and it just kills me. There is one co-worker who everyone seems to think is a huge know it all and yet the reality is they just know who to get answers from. They don't actually do any work because they don't actually know anything. But they know the right people and get them to do it, then get credit once its done. But if you ask them questions about it, they don't have a clue because they didn't do the work or even watch it get done.



resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Just got a chorizo breakfast burrito only to discover that it was mislabeled and the breakfast equivalent of a micropenis that is microwaved breakfast sausage was lurking inside. This has to be the worst thing that's ever happened to someone in the history of ever.. FML. :mad:
was it labeled a drumph burrito?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Not sure I'll make it to my buddies Star Wars showing due to teh frozen. I am listening to this meeting and it just kills me. There is one co-worker who everyone seems to think is a huge know it all and yet the reality is they just know who to get answers from. They don't actually do any work because they don't actually know anything. But they know the right people and get them to do it, then get credit once its done. But if you ask them questions about it, they don't have a clue because they didn't do the work or even watch it get done.

Isn't that just good management?


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Now that I've lived in Portland longer than I lived in California I'm allowed to bitch. But there are a hell of a lot of folks moving here and they aren't tourists.
I think we're living in bubbles. There apparently is this whole rest-of-the-country where times are hard, jobs are scarce, etc.

But yeah - shitloads of people moving here daily. Land of Milk and Honey and all that... oh - and weed. :D


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
That reminds me: Dec 26-30 I'll be working but free of family. I should see some movies since I never get to these days. Any suggestions beyond Rogue One? Arrival?
there is passengers......but waking up after 30 years....


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Still here. Still bored. At least I have plans to go boarding this weekend.
I think we're living in bubbles. There apparently is this whole rest-of-the-country where times are hard, jobs are scarce, etc.

But yeah - shitloads of people moving here daily. Land of Milk and Honey and all that... oh - and weed. :D
My commute has gone from 10min to 20min. It is ompletely unaceptable. All these people from CA, IL, and TX need to just stop coming here. But then again, I have a 40% rise in the price of my house in 5 years, so... it might be time to get Wifey the gigantic place she wants.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Land of Milk and Honey and all that... oh - and weed. :D
a friend of a friend honeymooned in colorado for that reason.....fucking kids...

i only saw one weed shop near schlongmont.....but i wasn't looking that hard.
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