
○Oo。.@(-ェ-)@ノ Friday Mini-Monkey Gaggle Eve Good Morning! Super Happy Fun Time Pancake Thread @( ◕ x ◕ )@

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
I'm awake at fye-vay-em on a Friday so I can get some work done and get out for a weekend of riding bikes to kick off the Colorado Mini-Monkey Gaggle, or something like that. I think it's just been downgraded to me and Teh Canadian™ riding bikes with @rideit -- after which he'll ride bikes in the Denver area with the rest of the Monkey contingent.

So, to start it out I went for a training ride last night with Teh Canadian™... Gave‘r on the first segment of the climb, took it easy on the rip down the descent, watched a couple roadies bunny hop a speed bump going ~40mph wearing nothing but their underwear and a styrofoam hat, and finished with a beer and a home made Matador pizza.

Be safe out there.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
Today I found out I work with morons. Some tidbits

"An economist that does research at a university on a given topic is as trustworthy as an "economist" who works for a bank because both of them are sponsored by someone and even though the banker guy isn't an expert on the topic we should listen to everyones opinion"

"You need to go back to university to know what scientific literature to read. If no one tells you what to read how do you know what to? You need a professor for that"

And the overall sentiment of "i am stupid therefore everyone is". Except for people in traditional positions of authority. Jesus. Kill me.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
At least I remembered to boil the water before pouring it into the French press full of grounds this morning. :bonk: .

Moving slow and stiff this morning. Might be because I have hiked between 8 and 10 miles a day every day for the past two weeks :headbang:


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Hello all. Biking to/from work and last Food Truck Friday afterwards.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
I think the toilet struggled with this mornings activities...

Finally FRIDAY. Woot. Beers tonight with the lady friend and showing her how to replace the brake pads on her bike. Then bike riding tomorrow and another short ride on Sunday. And then a baby shower thing Sunday afternoon. :(

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
I think the toilet struggled with this mornings activities...

Beers tonight with the lady friend and showing her how to replace the brake pads on her bike.
I just replaced the brake pads on my lady’s bike for her, and realized I missed a teaching moment. She likes knowing how to do stuff, but I took care of it while she was walking the dogs in order to facilitate her getting out on a ride a little quicker.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

More work to do today. Always more work. And getting my hunting crap in order since I'll be heading up to VT next weekend with my dad and bro.

Woke up this morning and the ole left knee isn't working as it should. This mean I'm getting older?


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I've got a half marathon tomorrow and my boss is already taking about US working tomorrow. GOD DAMMIT. I can work Sunday, not tomorrow.
You need to tell your boss this, not us. :think:

On breaking corporate news: EVERYTHING IS FUCKING FULL!

Also breaking corporate news: Communication is difficult/impossible. Also known as: humans are morons. :disgust:
Last edited:


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Picking a bin of apples for a friend who wants to make cider this weekend. All proceeds will be directly applied to my tab at the LBS, where I am piling cash in anticipation of the the Shred DOGGGGGS arrival.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
I want pancakes now.
Working from home today for a few hours. Just finished a freshly dried joint of home grown flower, got me pretty crispy in the head. Gonna be sooooo good once cured.
time for pancakes...


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
@Full Trucker @rideit sorry, not going to make it down to the Crest for tomorrow or Crusty for Sunday, too many things being juggled at home.

Hopefully a Monday afternoon ride occurs, which I would like to participate in.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
in full on fuck you friday mode. I just want to go home and play video games in my pajamas.

In lighter (heh) news, I finally broke 180lbs, and am officially the lightest I have been since high school (2001). I need two more pounds to secure 30lb lost and a "normal" BMI. Then pass the pepperoni, please.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
in full on fuck you friday mode. I just want to go home and play video games in my pajamas.

In lighter (heh) news, I finally broke 180lbs, and am officially the lightest I have been since high school (2001). I need two more pounds to secure 30lb lost and a "normal" BMI. Then pass the pepperoni, please.
Consider getting a body composition test when you're "done" to see how BMI correlates with body fat for your build.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
in full on fuck you friday mode. I just want to go home and play video games in my pajamas.
I'm still in my robe.

Sadly, I'm working (I mean surfing the Monkey) instead of playing video games.

In lighter (heh) news, I finally broke 180lbs, and am officially the lightest I have been since high school (2001). I need two more pounds to secure 30lb lost and a "normal" BMI. Then pass the pepperoni, please.
I should weigh myself... last time I checked was ages ago and I was almost UP to 180lbs. :p


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
My fancy pantsy bluetooth bathroom scale sez 19.5% body fat. No idea how accurate that is.

Rating a body-fat scale on its ability to gauge body fat was more complicated, and the results were unimpressive: None was very accurate. We know that because we got benchmark readings by using a measuring tool called a Bod Pod at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Conn.
A woman sits in a BodPod as a tester prepares to measure her body fat. It is more accurate than a body-fat scale.

The body-fat scales we tested were nowhere near as accurate as a Bod Pod, an instrument used to gauge the body fat of our volunteers.
How We Tested
Six volunteers—three men and three women, some heavier, some slimmer—climbed into the Bod Pod. The egg-shaped device determines body fat by precisely recording the change in air pressure created when a body is sealed into a closed chamber. (Research shows that method is as accurate as the other gold standard—measuring how much water a body displaces when dunked into a tank full of water—but the Bod Pod measure is quicker and easier to perform.)
The scales we tested measure body fat using an electric current that travels through your body when you step barefoot onto the device’s metal footpads. That tiny current—much too low to feel or cause any harm—passes up one leg, through your pelvis, and down your other leg.
The resistance the current encounters as it travels depends on the proportion of fat and muscle tissue. Based on that, the scales use built-in formulas to estimate the percentage of your weight that comes from fat.
For some of our test subjects, the scales overstated their body fat; for others, the scales understated it. The body-fat scale that came closest to the Bod Pod results was still off by up to 21 percent; the worst performer was off by up to 34 percent. At least they were consistent, though, so you can use the scales that scored better at body-fat repeatability to track relative gains and losses over time.
How a device errs may depend in part on body shape. Because the electric current passes through only your legs, the scales might underestimate body fat if you have a big belly but slimmer legs and overestimate it if you carry more weight on your hips and thighs.
Results can also vary depending on whether your feet are wet or dry (they should be dry, according to the instructions), whether you recently exercised, and how much water you had to drink. And the devices don’t work well if you have an artificial hip or knee because the man-made materials can interfere with the electric current.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Glad this effing week is finally ovah. Cars got stickered and serviced today, I beat two bosses in Cuphead, about to go for the first ride in many weeks, then dinnah with wifey somewhere in the burbs.

USPS still haven't delivered my Ti coil and apparently have no idea where it is. Fuckers.