
●●●Friday GMT●●●

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Morning Monkies! I have nothing particular to do today but up early because I ate a full pound of cherries yesterday. Not the tasteless California ones, the movers and shakers I ate were grown in Wenatchee, Washington. :thumb:

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
temps are only supposed to be in the mid 90s today which will be a relief after yesterdays 112*. Heading down to San Juan Bautistia to do my EMT thing for the weekend. Should be in the 80s at a tree covered facility. Almost have the camper packed.

Moar Coffee plz


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Overcast here with a low chance of rain, 90F. Not sure if I am going to ride today, exhausting afternoon will be exhausting. Meh.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Hit a tree at full clip last night. My hip bore the brunt of the hit. Advil and Tylenol seem to control the pain, so I don't think it's anything serious. No blood in my pee, and no vomiting (despite pretty serious nausea). My buddy had to drive me home.

Good thing I took the day off to be with my boy today. He's hanging out doing science experiments with the new science kit we got him.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Hit a tree at full clip last night. My hip bore the brunt of the hit. Advil and Tylenol seem to control the pain, so I don't think it's anything serious. No blood in my pee, and no vomiting (despite pretty serious nausea). My buddy had to drive me home.

Good thing I took the day off to be with my boy today. He's hanging out doing science experiments with the new science kit we got him.
Ouch, heal fast!


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Woot for Friday, even if it is pouring rain.

Not sure whats up, but usually there is zero traffic on the way to work on Friday mornings. Not today, shit was jammed out there.

Hopefully this rain lets up a little. We've got a double ride planned for tomorrow, all of it on rocks and more rocks.

Hit a tree at full clip last night. My hip bore the brunt of the hit. Advil and Tylenol seem to control the pain, so I don't think it's anything serious. No blood in my pee, and no vomiting (despite pretty serious nausea). My buddy had to drive me home.

Good thing I took the day off to be with my boy today. He's hanging out doing science experiments with the new science kit we got him.
Those damn trees! Relax and heal up.

I might be doing a mini road trip to the Ottawa area to do some riding over the long weekend. I might need your input on some spots to ride. Plan would be to drive part way out the Friday night, sleep in the car and then ride Saturday/Sunday and again bum it in the car somewhere.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Good Morning!

Rainy day here in central NC...in addition to snow, we're also not very good rain drivers, either. Highway was jammed with broken heroes on a last-chance power drive.....

The kiddo comes back from vacation with the in-laws today, so I took one long, last lingering look at the clean house before I left this morning.....

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
Yo. Sore from trail ride & jump session yesterday...weird.

Leaving early today to meet kid on last day o' school. Hoping it rains so I won't feel so guilty about bagging out on BMX racing tonight..tomorrow = BMX race in AM, hang out with old band friends in PM (most of whom are traveling from across the northeast). Sun = BMX clinic with some random pro.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Hit a tree at full clip last night. My hip bore the brunt of the hit. Advil and Tylenol seem to control the pain, so I don't think it's anything serious. No blood in my pee, and no vomiting (despite pretty serious nausea). My buddy had to drive me home.

Good thing I took the day off to be with my boy today. He's hanging out doing science experiments with the new science kit we got him.
Did you see that clip of Bernard Kerr's crash last weekend? He hit a tree at full clip too. I don't facegram so I don't know how to imbed: https://www.instagram.com/p/BVk4S0FjFGz/


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Last day in the office and I don't have plans to do much of anything. The tent is outside for the company picnic lunch, great day to do it. :rofl:


Monkey Pimp
Jul 25, 2001
Aboard the Inchcliffe Castle
I have a business partner trying to ruin my 4th of July weekend. Not gonna let it happen after he did this to me over the memorial day weekend. If he wants me or my staff on 7/3, he is going to have to pay dearly for it.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Working from home on a single screen. My efficiency levels are appallingly low right now. At least I have an extra monitor/keyboard/mouse setup so I have something larger than my laptop screen to work from.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Here. Working from home on a single screen. My efficiency levels are appallingly low right now. At least I have an extra monitor/keyboard/mouse setup so I have something larger than my laptop screen to work from.
you do know you can use both right? (laptop screen + monitor)


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

The good news on the boys ride, had he not blown both tires, he would have likely starved the engine of oil and blown it up. The oil pan was crushed into the oil pickup tube. Oil pan is $75, pickup tube is $8, new set of tires $275. He claims the tire blew causing him to swerve and hit the curb, the tire clearly says otherwise. And it's not like he just hit the curb, he was 2 feet onto the curb because you can see all the way to the exhaust pipe where the curb was.

Gatway Green opens this weekend. So suck on that a little bit.



Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Sweet jeebus, that tree hit video is brutal.

I am at work. I drove in, because rain and such. Solo long weekend with kids will begin once I return home...


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Fucking garbage disposal burned up post dinner party last night and filled the house with the invigorating aroma of burned electrical stuff. So in addition to the yard chores I've been putting off until the weather cooled, I'll be spending some time under the kitchen sink.

100* to 55 and rain. Yay Summer !!
While our temp swing was not quite that serious, I will praise teh @FSM for the relief he has brought us.

in the air no less.
Sweet jeebus, that tree hit video is brutal.
The limp body rolling down the hill made me slightly nauseous. Hooray helmets?