
♌︎♓︎♏︎ Good Coffee Tuesday MGMT ♌︎♓︎♏︎


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
I've started the day with the best cup of coffee I've had in years. If I can convince the coffee shop owner to sell me the limited amount of anaerobically fermented naturally dried beans I might make coffee at home for the first time this year. Seriously worth overspending for coffee.

In other news GF bought tickets and hotel place for Lousa World Cup next year. She doesn't ride but loves watching and is super excited about the sport so it will be fun. Wish I was flying out today.

Also my add medication does shit. No effect whatsoever. Still randomly checking on RM in the middle of work when I should be doing stuff. Thank god I'm working fast.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Up early, making some of that good coffee too. Might take an easy road ride once the sun rises, probably kill my lungs but im going nuts from a week of nothing.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Hiya pals! I swam this morning, which is something I've been neglecting since my Big Race, and I was feeling it. The pool was packed and people were chatty and I just wanted to be left the hell alone GOD DAMMIT. I do have coffee now, so at least I've got that going for me.

Still randomly checking on RM in the middle of work when I should be doing stuff.
Isn't this how it's normally done? Do people spend, like, non-work hours here? :confused:


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Cold still lingers, this time with the benefit of seizing up my back every time I cough, which is frequently.

Today I shall continue to play residential electrician, especially since I watched my FIL, one foot on a ladder and the other on the electrical panel, bore a hole through the panel backer and into a live wire on the other side. For the safety of all everyone, I think I should do most of the wiring.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Today I shall continue to play residential electrician, especially since I watched my FIL, one foot on a ladder and the other on the electrical panel, bore a hole through the panel backer and into a live wire on the other side. For the safety of all everyone, I think I should do most of the wiring.
or you could just let darwin do his thing. depends on how much you like your FIL.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
or you could just let darwin do his thing. depends on how much you like your FIL.
He's the man. Super generous, supportive, and easy to get along with. I'll happily take over if it means keeping him around for longer.

Though it does put into context how hes already survived being hit by a bus, a car, and having a car fall on top of him, and walking away from this last car accident with his spine in pieces...


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
He's the man. Super generous, supportive, and easy to get along with. I'll happily take over if it means keeping him around for longer.

Though it does put into context how hes already survived being hit by a bus, a car, and having a car fall on top of him, and walking away from this last car accident with his spine in pieces...
maybe he's like Bruce Willis in unbreakable. or a cat.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Another rough night with the sick baby. Wife will decide by mid day whether I am cleared to ride in the afternoon or enlisted to do elder kid pickup instead of her.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Day one of six days off work :banana:

Coffee is good this morning.
MIL managed to annoy me in 30 seconds this morning. I will endeavour to not kill her in the next 5 days at the horse show. Thankfully she is not staying in our camper ( sister in law paid to put her up in a nearby rental, thanks Mary). Hitting the road in an hour.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Borrowed my friends Chainsaw for a random tree cutting down session in the park by the bike trails. I am still at home trying to find a vessel for gas transport/mixing. When I am done doing that I plan on running through the park screaming at the top of my lungs with said Chainsaw. No worries, I found my safety goggles. I should be safe.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Borrowed my friends Chainsaw for a random tree cutting down session in the park by the bike trails. I am still at home trying to find a vessel for gas transport/mixing. When I am done doing that I plan on running through the park screaming at the top of my lungs with said Chainsaw. No worries, I found my safety goggles. I should be safe.
i've been looking at an electric saw for these kinds of applications.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Oh snap big ole changes to one of the local bike clubs are coming. Two of the leaders on the board are stepping down.

I can only imagine that this relates to them publicly shaming people for various reasons, including riding without purchasing club membership, riding without your club membership tag showing etc etc.

This is going to be so good for the club. Woot. I think I'll buy a membership now...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Borrowed my friends Chainsaw for a random tree cutting down session in the park by the bike trails. I am still at home trying to find a vessel for gas transport/mixing. When I am done doing that I plan on running through the park screaming at the top of my lungs with said Chainsaw. No worries, I found my safety goggles. I should be safe.
FFS, man... be careful.



Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
So yesterday was my birthday. I took the day off to ride my bike and chill. I started by going to the bike shop to have them install an EDC tool in my steer tube. Very sweet little device. Then I set off for my ride on a perfect day: sunny, 63°, dry and no leaves on the ground yet. After climbing for 20 minutes, I hit my first downhill, and this happened:

so I went straight back to my bike shop to pick up some new spokes (I already had a spare hanger and derailleur at home). I let the shop put the new spokes in while I sat back and had a beer. needed 8 new spokes in the end. I finished the install of the new derailleur, cable and chain at home.

Then, I had planned to do Indian take-out for dinner, but the only places nearby close on Mondays. So we had pizza instead.

Then, while clearing the table I asked my 6 year old to put an empty wine bottle in the recycling. He tripped and fell on it, requiring a trip to the ER for (3) stitches... so no cake for me!

still, that was his first trip to the ER for "trauma" and I found out how much of a trooper he is. No crying, no whining, no fussing. He's a brave little guy.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
So yesterday was my birthday. I took the day off to ride my bike and chill. I started by going to the bike shop to have them install an EDC tool in my steer tube. Very sweet little device. Then I set off for my ride on a perfect day: sunny, 63°, dry and no leaves on the ground yet. After climbing for 20 minutes, I hit my first downhill, and this happened:

so I went straight back to my bike shop to pick up some new spokes (I already had a spare hanger and derailleur at home). I let the shop put the new spokes in while I sat back and had a beer. needed 8 new spokes in the end. I finished the install of the new derailleur, cable and chain at home.

Then, I had planned to do Indian take-out for dinner, but the only places nearby close on Mondays. So we had pizza instead.

Then, while clearing the table I asked my 6 year old to put an empty wine bottle in the recycling. He tripped and fell on it, requiring a trip to the ER for (3) stitches... so no cake for me!

still, that was his first trip to the ER for "trauma" and I found out how much of a trooper he is. No crying, no whining, no fussing. He's a brave little guy.
Not sure if I should like this post or not. :confused:


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Full scheduled day got cancelled for a 10:15am (done) and 1:30-3pm. Guess I got some down time today.

RS is saying that the post is a repair issue, even though it's just over a month old. I'm going by the shop on the way home tonight to see what the mechanic says. Fox sent me an RA and shipping label, so I think they are claiming it. No word back yet from DTSwiss.

Been talking with Yeti about tracking down a mini-sized shirt because Haley could use a jersey. I also found out that 5.10 makes kid shoes and REI has them on stupid sale right now, so... off to downtown this weekend.

Found a new HY savings acct at 2.52%, so transferring a bunch of money there,because interest. Mtge refi is almost done as well. Looking at Wifey's car again vs. saying fuck it and getting her one that does not have any issues (Subaru Ascent or Toyota Highlander), because I'm expecting we can get lower rates in the near future. I don't like having payments, but having a car that isn't a rolling warranty claim by extending the payment at same cost for 3 more years might be worth it. I need to run the math on extended ownership of the hybrid vs. non-hybrid option on the Highlander, though back of the envelope is saying the Ascent ends up being cheaper than either Toyota option long-term. Morally I want to get the hybrid though.

Interestingly, I did recently learn that the avg ownership length for a newly bought Land Cruiser is 10 years. That includes your car flipper people, which with a car that only sell a few thousand per yer, is pretty fucking long.