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Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

At the ripe old age of 30 I have received my first jury summons, conveniently scheduled for the day the wife and I leave for Hawaii. Guess I'll be postponing my civic duties to a later date.

On the plus side bike is in the truck and there are trails that must be ridden after work. In the mean time I have the remains of a chocolate cake to finish, need to fuel up amiright?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
mornin'. Power company is replacing poles and lines on the block of my son's daycare and will be cutting power for 6 hours today. so daycare is closed. so I will be working from home this morning. work is super busy, and my son wants to sit on my lap while I work. I'm not willing to sedate him with TV just yet, so I'm just rolling with it. We'll go for a walk to the bakery in a bit, even though it's 0 out... the boy needs to get out.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
For all the CO monkies you can thank me for the snow dump this Friday. I knew it was too early to take of the snow tyres this past weekend. But I didn't want to continue driving around on them in 70 degree freedums.

Forecast suggests a possible 2ft dump of heavy wet stuff. Better get in a good ride today, might be the last one for a couple of weeks.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
The snow can come just in time for me to go to Florida for a week on Saturday. This actually works well: ride Thursday, shovel things Friday, peace out Saturday.


Monkey Pimp
Jul 25, 2001
Aboard the Inchcliffe Castle
Quasi successful wrenching on my bike last night. Arrangements are in the works to attain 100% functionality. My son and I are off to Reno for 4 days with all of my siblings and quite a few nieces/nephews for my fathers 80th, and then Spring break at beach painting the condo with my brother, while my family is off doing other things in other places (Paris and 30A). Looks like mId April before I can hope to finish fixing the bikes and get to ride. Now that I am in this process, I am jonesin to ride.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Hi! 60 minutes on the treadmill this morning....a fairly hard effort. 8.3 miles at 7:13 avg pace, and now I feel nauseous which is probably an indication that I should have eaten something beforehand. Whatever.

Most of my work day will be spent interviewing five people for three open positions in my department.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
1. Here

2. I hate stupid people (ver. 291,593): If you are the last person on the elevator and proceed to select the highest floor, while all lower floors are pushed, you get off the elevator at each floor to make space for those exiting. Not stay in place spinning around with a backpack on trying to figure out which way to lean.

3. I have setup a training plan with a buddy, so as we both don't get more fat and out of shape. Meet every weekday morning at the gym at 5:00am MWF do the studio bike class, TTh lift, one weeknight ride, and at least one long ride per weekend. Both wives are on-board, mostly because it's ass early before the kids wake up, late after kids are asleep, and a normal weekend right.

4. Second cup of coffee.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

Rain all week, yay. Have a guy who really wants to sell me a motorcycle he has. I told him the bank wasn't happy with the idea of a car loan and a bike loan and would have to wait until I sold the car. Now he's decided he wants to do a trade. Not sure if I should, but might entertain the thought.

Car value = about $10k (willing to take $9k)
Bike value = about $9k (have gone on ebay for $7500)

The original idea was sell the car (owe about $5k) and use the cash as down on a $7k leaving only a few grand plus mods. If I straight trade, it's still a damn good deal for a $9k bike for $5k. Only problem is I still need to replace the wheel bearings and get the nose repainted on the car. I didn't plan on listing it for at least another month. Bike is in Florida and he is offering free shipping for the bike.

I could take a week off, drive down and ride that bitch back. :rofl:


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Morning Monkeys.

Rain all week, yay. Have a guy who really wants to sell me a motorcycle he has. I told him the bank wasn't happy with the idea of a car loan and a bike loan and would have to wait until I sold the car. Now he's decided he wants to do a trade. Not sure if I should, but might entertain the thought.

Car value = about $10k (willing to take $9k)
Bike value = about $9k (have gone on ebay for $7500)

The original idea was sell the car (owe about $5k) and use the cash as down on a $7k leaving only a few grand plus mods. If I straight trade, it's still a damn good deal for a $9k bike for $5k. Only problem is I still need to replace the wheel bearings and get the nose repainted on the car. I didn't plan on listing it for at least another month. Bike is in Florida and he is offering free shipping for the bike.

I could take a week off, drive down and ride that bitch back. :rofl:
Uh, that's not a bike for $5k. That's a bike for $9k. Plus how are you going to trade if the car still has a lien on it? Makes no sense, this does.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Uh, that's not a bike for $5k. That's a bike for $9k. Plus how are you going to trade if the car still has a lien on it? Makes no sense, this does.
I pay off the car for $5k, I get the title. I hand him the title for the car, he hands me the title for the bike in trade. So I just "bought" a bike for $5k. How does this not make sense?


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Cause the car is worth $9k...
A car is worth what someone is willing to pay (or what the bank says you owe). I owe the bank $5k, so that is a more realistic figure than what Kelly Blue Book says my car is worth and not having to deal with assholes wanting to test drive my car would be worth more than just about anything. :rofl:

<edit> I'm not sure I want to deal with idiots trying to sell my car in the first place. After the jackasses that wanted to buy my Harley kept showing up, holy hell.

Who goes to look at a motorcycle with the intent to test ride it and not bring a helmet? A $3k Harley brought out some real pieces of work. I can only imagine what a $10k Corvette brings out...


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
For all the CO monkies you can thank me for the snow dump this Friday. I knew it was too early to take of the snow tyres this past weekend. But I didn't want to continue driving around on them in 70 degree freedums.

Forecast suggests a possible 2ft dump of heavy wet stuff. Better get in a good ride today, might be the last one for a couple of weeks.

Giggity. Guess I know what I'm doing on friday. And possibly sunday.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
A car is worth what someone is willing to pay (or what the bank says you owe). I owe the bank $5k, so that is a more realistic figure than what Kelly Blue Book says my car is worth and not having to deal with assholes wanting to test drive my car would be worth more than just about anything. :rofl:

<edit> I'm not sure I want to deal with idiots trying to sell my car in the first place. After the jackasses that wanted to buy my Harley kept showing up, holy hell.

Who goes to look at a motorcycle with the intent to test ride it and not bring a helmet? A $3k Harley brought out some real pieces of work. I can only imagine what a $10k Corvette brings out...
I'll give you tree fiddy, take it or leave it.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I'll give you tree fiddy, take it or leave it.
The dude without a helmet also nearly dumped my bike in the driveway. The Sportster has a lovely "feature" of having a spring loaded kick stand. Stand the bike up and the kick stand magically rises and tucks away. While sitting on it running, he went to lean it back onto the kick stand (that is no longer down at this point) and as he started to pass the tipping point, his right hand wrenches the throttle open as he is trying to right the bike before it hits pavement.

I frantically grab the bike to stand it up while homeboy is confused as to why the bike suddenly rev'ed up (as he rolls the throttle). :panic:

Even with a fat stack of bills in my hand, I'm not sure I want to jump in the passenger seat of the next craigslist jackass.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2003
Sorry, I'm Canadian ..sorry...
Unpacking, Day 3. Still haven't found my riding gear..

Coffee is in, round 4 about to start.

Work can go away, its been unusually slow here due to forever winter. Need the sun to come out so the people come out and get their cars fixed.

Dog is home, so she's happy. Picked up a few odd quirks while away.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
I have a coworker who uses lots of big words, in a very unnatural and forced way. Listening to her explain issues she knows nothing about to the IT guy is enough to make me wish for death, more than I usually do. I get it. You read a thesaurus. Using big words won't cover the fact that you don't really know what you're talking about.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
coworker just said there was pizza and wings leftover from a luncheon. the wings were breaded. they are not wings, they are an abomination.

breaded wings = kill list


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Put in a bid on the house in Denmark I want to buy. It will be interesting to see what they say. A very similar house was just listed around the corner at the same price but in much better shape so hopefully that will help them accept.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
On the plus side bike is in the truck and there are trails that must be ridden after work. In the mean time I have the remains of a chocolate cake to finish, need to fuel up amiright?
When/where are you heading? Wife and I are considering a WR lap around 3:30ish.