


Lubrication Sensei
Jul 11, 2006
Rainbow City Alabama
Morning monkeys,

Going to try to link the southern end of the Cloudland Connector trail all the way to Chattanooga. Should be 4.5hrs ish 35+mi less than 3 on pavement and the last 10 are downhill.

Journey from the Clouds.



Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Rain here today, I'll be hanging around a partially constructed waste water plant for a liquid egg manufacturer.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Work. Contractor painting high ceilings and doing more drywall repair today. Electrician also coming out.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Gonna ride after work today. Another chapter in the Hardtail Chronicles. It's been fun, but I have to say I'm looking forward to being on the big bike again.

Otherwise, helped my FIL dig out an 11' long by 3' deep trench yesterday through the rockiest soil known to man. Couldn't make progress except with a pick-axe. Man was it brutal.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Thought it was raining on the drive home after the ride last night. Nope, just clouds of bugs. Entire front of the car and the windshield and covered in these green thing. Left headlight has a huge splooge spot on it, wonder what that one was?



Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Newburg Egg?
LOL, no but the Catskills were a very prominent Jewish chicken and egg producing area of which Newburg Egg and the facility I'm going to started from. Newburg Egg is just down the road from this one. How did you know about Newburg Egg?

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
One week to go at this job and since I am leaving, people expect me to work with a sense of urgency to tie up their loose ends and reply to their requests. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I am doing the absolute bare minimum...just enough to make people think I am actually working. I don't care how much shit goes unfinished before I leave.


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
So, I rearrange a whole whack of shit this week so I can combine a bunch o errands into a bike ride. Idea was, drive to town, do some shit, drop off crap, go ride bike, pick up fixed crap and go home. Weather forecast is good, so winner.

Get up today, and yup - Wet.
Gonna rain all day, so bike ride is out. (Clay/Sand base)
Can't change my appointment, so now I get to kill several hours with nothing to do and nowhere to go as I am not a Covidiot, I am not going to wonder around stores or go visit friends.

Guess it will be sit in the car in the park and read a book.


:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Otherwise, helped my FIL dig out an 11' long by 3' deep trench yesterday through the rockiest soil known to man. Couldn't make progress except with a pick-axe. Man was it brutal.

seriously though, there's a reason we joke about "east coast rox". also you should be glad it was just rocks. down here in pennsyltucky we have no topsoil to speak of, just rocks and clay.
LOL, no but the Catskills were a very prominent Jewish chicken and egg producing area of which Newburg Egg and the facility I'm going to started from. Newburg Egg is just down the road from this one. How did you know about Newburg Egg?
Google search for liquid eggs. In the food realm, I have various family connections in the Kingston area, not that that applies...


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
Otherwise, helped my FIL dig out an 11' long by 3' deep trench yesterday through the rockiest soil known to man. Couldn't make progress except with a pick-axe. Man was it brutal.
Haha Florida is mostly 3 inches of soil, then 50 feet of sand to the limestone bedrock. I was doing some extralegal septic work and my old ass dug and refilled a 2 foot deep, 50 foot long trench in two hours before sunup. It was just grey water from the washing machine dumping to my yard, so not turds and nasty shit. Someone installed a "grease pit" as the septic guy called it, and they couldn't touch it without tearing out the whole thing. I'm not going to install another $8000 tank and field for 5 loads of laundry per week.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
In theory, version 2004 of Windows 10 was released yesterday. It does not appear to be available for any of my systems yet.
As far as I know they roll it out in waves, if you're getting updates from Microsoft.

Interesting to see that end of support ends in 2021 for enterprise versions, but the previous version ends in 2022. 1903 was like that too. :confused: :confused:
As far as I know they roll it out in waves, if you're getting updates from Microsoft.

Interesting to see that end of support ends in 2021 for enterprise versions, but the previous version ends in 2022. 1903 was like that too. :confused: :confused:
I am getting them from Microsoft and they are throttling the release.

> (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion").ReleaseId
> [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version

Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
10 0 18363 0


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
I am getting them from Microsoft and they are throttling the release.

> (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion").ReleaseId
> [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version

Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
10 0 18363 0
My work laptop will get it if I tell it to, my laptop knows nothing.

I'll refrain though as I've already bypassed my corp update policy on this machine and I don't want to stand out - particularly if there's something incompatible post update.


Lubrication Sensei
Jul 11, 2006
Rainbow City Alabama
10 miles of awesome singletrack, in a jurassic feeling forest...

Unfortunately guess my chain was further gone than I thought; after breaking it three times gave up and velocipeded 8ish mi down the road in a pleasant shower and deployed the mobile shed while I waited for a friend to retrieve me.

Next time.....

Morning monkeys,

Going to try to link the southern end of the Cloudland Connector trail ...


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
So, this is cool. My shop ‘job’ is letting me work as much as I want, but won’t submit the hours until after the Stimulus Unemployment runs out. They are strapped for cash right now, so it’s a win-win.


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
So, this is cool. My shop ‘job’ is letting me work as much as I want, but won’t submit the hours until after the Stimulus Unemployment runs out. They are strapped for cash right now, so it’s a win-win.
Loot the corpse, brother. Hungry Hungry Hippos that shit.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
Went for a ride. Someone had made some smaller, rollable jumps into gap jumps and extended them. No sign warning of new features (official trails, so normally they are there). Stopping would have been a disaster, so went for it but barely made it over the third jump. Pushed up and did them again and when you know what comes up they are sweet.

On a side note: came to a small drop, 4 XC guys hanging out in front of it blocking the trail, they decided to drop in on the chicken line right before I got there and last guy needed to blow his nose right before clipping in. I stopped and waited for a couple of minutes because virus. WTF is wrong with people? He clearly saw me approaching.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
10 miles of awesome singletrack, in a jurassic feeling forest...

Unfortunately guess my chain was further gone than I thought; after breaking it three times gave up and velocipeded 8ish mi down the road in a pleasant shower and deployed the mobile shed while I waited for a friend to retrieve me.

Next time.....
saw a big ol patch or rain headed that way...still sounds fun tho!

rainy here all day. gonna get some spray paint for the kiddo to finish his launch ramp. and i need some beer...

kids "finished" schoolwork for the year today. guess i now officially have a 5th grader and a hs freshman. wtf??? all i can say is that if i survive the summer with them home they'd better be back in the classroom in the fall for everyone's sanity.

carry on.