
04.14.08 @ 14:08


High Priest or maybe Jedi Master
May 2, 2006
Ventura, CA
Did anyone talk to you two about "tongue tied"?

Did you know that a woman who's never been pregnant can make breastmilk?

She needs to pump for 3-4 weeks regularly before the supply becomes substantial enough, but in the mean time, you can give your kid the little amount of breastmilk for the antibodies that mom produces.

It frustrates me that I continue to hear moms/parents weren't given enough info.
We were given a lot of info. Both the pediatrician and the lactation consultant both felt that in this case the formula was a better route. My lady could not produce enough milk even with the supplements and other things we tried (under the supervision of the pediatrician and consultant). They may have been some underlying medical issues that came into play. My lady had open heart surgery as a baby that they feel was resulting in one breast's inability to produce milk properly. The rugrat did get 5 weeks of straight boob juice, about 5 weeks of both, then went to formula full time after that. We were just one of the small minority who just could not do breast-feeding, as much as we wanted to.

Bottom line, breast is best, but don't feel guilty if it doesn't work out


Oct 17, 2002
They may have been some underlying medical issues that came into play. My lady had open heart surgery as a baby that they feel was resulting in one breast's inability to produce milk properly.
That makes sense and wow!

Bottom line, breast is best, but don't feel guilty if it doesn't work out

Breastfeeding is easy = a huge fvcking lie.

Did your docs/consultants recommend any homeopathic options, like Fenugreek?


High Priest or maybe Jedi Master
May 2, 2006
Ventura, CA
Did your docs/consultants recommend any homeopathic options, like Fenugreek?
There was some but Fenugreek wasn't one of them. The biggest problem seemed to be quantity. Since the one breast was producing less milk, the other one had to take up the slack and couldn't keep up. Then when we stared the formula, the old milk factories just closed up shop no matter how much she tried to pump


Oct 17, 2002
There was some but Fenugreek wasn't one of them. The biggest problem seemed to be quantity. Since the one breast was producing less milk, the other one had to take up the slack and couldn't keep up. Then when we stared the formula, the old milk factories just closed up shop no matter how much she tried to pump
Please know that I'm not criticizing or judging you two, I'm just curious on how much info doctors and consultants give and how early into the process.

We're going to a free clinic and I'm hearing horror stories from mom's who got poor info from their docs and paid consultants. Our doctor told us that this free clinich is far superior to the fee ones. Go figure.


High Priest or maybe Jedi Master
May 2, 2006
Ventura, CA
Please know that I'm not criticizing or judging you two, I'm just curious on how much info doctors and consultants give and how early into the process.

We're going to a free clinic and I'm hearing horror stories from mom's who got poor info from their docs and paid consultants. Our doctor told us that this free clinich is far superior to the fee ones. Go figure.
No worries, Mother Hen :brows:, I know where your coming from. We saw a lot of conflicting and sometimes downright false information being given us, so we did our own research, talked to 2 or 3 lactation consultants,a couple of doctors, some nurses, etc and tried to make the most informed decisions we could. In our case this was the right one, but we also let new parents know, not to give up to easily. The we add that if you have to give up, don't feel guilty.

I was a bottle baby and I turned out ok :twitch:, except for a slight obsession with boobs :brows:


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Congrats H8R!

Oscar? "Named after a hot dog! You poor man. You poor poor man!" - Venkman

And the rest of you baby people shut up! You're making me and the wife nervous!!! (Our time is coming and it's ticking down...tick tick tick)


Oct 17, 2002
And the rest of you baby people shut up! You're making me and the wife nervous!!! (Our time is coming and it's ticking down...tick tick tick)
You might learn something that'll save a world of stress :)

Like elsewhere, someone posted about "febrile seizures" which are common enough and typical no where near as serious as it seems.


High Priest or maybe Jedi Master
May 2, 2006
Ventura, CA
And the rest of you baby people shut up! You're making me and the wife nervous!!! (Our time is coming and it's ticking down...tick tick tick)
Sorry bro, it's seems like a lot but the instinct kicks in when needed.

The only side affect is the uncontrolable need to discuss baby stuff ad nauseum. Before long we'll be having long conversations about bodily fluids :banana:

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Congrats H8R!

Oscar? "Named after a hot dog! You poor poor man!" - Venkman

And the rest of you baby people shut up! You're making me and the wife nervous!!! (Our time is coming and it's ticking down...tick tick tick)
Yep, same here.
Just wait until the Church of Breastfeeders descends upon you.
Talk about a group of blowhards.
They will talk your ears off about how breast milk is downright magic.
You will have grown men put their hand on your shoulder and give you a gay little condesdending nod, and say, "Breast is best."
This is where you will want to hit them with your mace.....twice.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Well, he was born 6lbs 7oz and yesterday weighed in at a whopping 5lbs 12oz. :twitch: That is why I flipped.

I shouldn't have flipped, I should be the old pro that I am at this. Something about this little boy makes me extra vigilant and protective. He's just too awesome.

We don't believe in formula except as a last resort, but I was willing to try it to get the weight up. If he doesn't gain some weight over the next few days we may supplement. I don't think it will be needed though.

As far as breast milk goes, it really is best. No one will convince me otherwise. I have seen the results first hand with my daughter when she was a baby. We had friends with kids who were formula fed and others who were breast fed exclusively like my kid. All of the formula fed kids were sick way more often and cranky.

Babies gain way more weight on formula, but that's not always good in the long run. I don't want my kid to start off life sucking down corn syrup if he doesn't have to. It's not poison, but it's not the best thing. No shame in wanting only the best thing.

He's doing good today, in much better spirits. (we all are) He slept much better and is pretty much wanting to eat constantly.

I took him on a tour of the vegetable garden in our backyard and showed him the lawn he will be mowing out front. He looked excited.

Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. Except for my freak out I've been walking around the house zombie-style in tears of joy. Totally blessed.

Ciaran - tag, your it.


High Priest or maybe Jedi Master
May 2, 2006
Ventura, CA
That comes later when she gets interested in boys. It's hillaaarious.

For now I'm totally suppressing thoughts of that time frame.

She is my sweet little angel and I'm the ONLY boy in her life.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Cute shot of the sleeping bambino. I'm glad things are starting to get better


Oct 17, 2002
Well, he was born 6lbs 7oz and yesterday weighed in at a whopping 5lbs 12oz. :twitch: That is why I flipped.
Understandable, that's 11%. I've heard that over 10%, you should be concerned.

Did anyone discuss "tongue-tied" or "tight fernulum" with y'all?


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Understandable, that's 11%. I've heard that over 10%, you should be concerned.

Did anyone discuss "tongue-tied" or "tight fernulum" with y'all?
We've talked to a total of three different lactation consultants. No issues with him except he's small and likes to suck in his bottom lip when he goes to eat. He wasn't getting the hang of it and getting a good deep latch. I guess he didn't inherit that from dad.

I will ask about it though.


Oct 17, 2002
What about, in the meantime, pumping breastmilk and bottle feeding him that? Your wife should be pumping anyways, to maintain/increase milk production until your son gets the hang of it.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
What about, in the meantime, pumping breastmilk and bottle feeding him that? Your wife should be pumping anyways, to maintain/increase milk production until your son gets the hang of it.
We ended up supplementing a couple oz of formula today at the behest of the midwife on call, just to get something in him in volume.

We are pumping and using this:

I taped the little tube to my pinky and fed him. It was cool. We will incorporate it into the breast feeding. We want to avoid bottles if possible because we will develop stronger nursing.

So far so good. He is having his first real "milk comas" since he was born. I can now hold him without being treated like I was poison oak.