
'08 USA Worlds Team Announced

ska todd

Turbo Monkey
Oct 10, 2001
I think that the Open is hugely significant, but for whatever reason, whether because of USAC or the folks that run it, it's not an official selection race. Riders that do well there deserve a long hard look, but because it exists outside of the USAC framework they may need to petition to get in. Is that the step that we're getting hung up on? Meeting USAC half way?
The folks at USAC are WELL aware of the US Open (oh prolly cuz I don't shut up about it :busted: ) but, USAC does stuff their way, Diablo does it theirs. I have worked to try to put the two in sync on my own but, hey maybe it's better not to force-fit an issue and instead let the two exist and be happy the way it is. I still will support each and defend them individually to all get-out.

A UCI sanctioned event generally will get consideration ahead of a non-UCI event on any federation's selection criteria. If memory serves me correct, you cannot have two UCI sanctioned events of X size on the same weekend in the same country per sanctioning rules. That is how the system works. The big boys all know this well enough by now.

Say, for example, the US Open? Oh, but it's not a "recognized" event??? Sure sounds like a matter of the almighty dollar...

Not trying to pick on you or your words, it just seems a bit contradictory...
Nope...not that at all but, more like things such as categories, officials, and the such. I'm not at all implying that the US Open is in anyway a sub-par event; heck, I fully advocate there should be MORE groundbreaking, fun spirited, paradigm shifting, s-load of fun events in the spirit and flair of the US Open!! But, if you're going to make the argument that the US Open should carry more weight than the Chili, well then both should be on a level playing field in regards to the agreed and written rules and standards of competition.

But there is no way anybody without a crackpipe in their hand could rationally not put Geritt on the team.

Just another mindboggling USAC oversight that adds to the reasons why so many Dhers are not even renewing their license anymore.
I think we're ALL in agreement here that Gerritt is at a level fit for consideration for the squad, as I'm sure are a handful of other riders. I think it is a bit wrong to call it an "oversight" as I'm sure it was a very tough decision that no matter how you sliced it would have left people with hurt feelings. I think it would be improper for any of us to say that any particular rider listed on that roster does not deserve to be there. They all did their proper work and I'm sure made the squad on their own merits.

Hey Garrit, maybe you should have ran Fox Forx this year so Fitzy would go to bat for you.

If you're reading this Fitzy, I'm just kidding. But I like to stir the pot. It's funny that our Worlds team is going to have a bunch of guys who can't even qualify for a World Cup though.
Actually Butch, you are trying to "stir the pot" by allegation of impropriety but shrug it off as "I'm just kidding". You planted the seed and did the damage. Your further statement of "...with their fork sponsor as one of only 2 people as the selection committee gives us our team." points out quite directly that you are actually not "just kidding" and quite believe it to be the case.

This allegation is in no way fair to Fitzy, Gerritt, or the selected riders. Having worked with Fitzy previously in this type of process as well discussed lots of riders and events over the years, I know that he is clear headed and impartial in this decision process. He brings organizational skill, knowledgeable depth of the field, and experience to the table. In a sport with next to zero funding from the federation and zero direct funding from the USOC, we should be lucky to have guys like Fitzy putting in their personal effort to giving the US team some sort of shot and working toward development. I'm sure most of us have better things to do than essentially chaperon a groups of downhillers around Europe for a week.

List of four reasons
I'd like to preface my comments by saying that I really like and respect Gerritt and my arguments below are not in anyway to be considered swipes or pot shots at or against him in anyway, but in direct rebuttal to posted commentary. If people are going to make illogical arguments, well logic shall prevail :)

1. Training with Carmichael Training Systems (to cover Todd's commitment loophole)
The "commitment" I spoke of is directly referring to international (ie. World Cup) competition. Winning all of the races in your hood is fine, dandy, and mighty respectable. Hoping on a plane, trudging thru Europe, and doing it is on another level entirely. Both are admirable but, that line of attack doesn't win me over. Hate to say it but there are tons of midpack roadies who also use coaches like CTS. If I had Chuck Norris as my coach I couldn't just randomly kick someone's ass.

2. East Coast dominance ...you can't just ignore the East Coast if all the other riders are considered of similar talent. Guy is actually living on the road all summer to do World Cups and all the East Coast DH races 12 hours from home.
Ok, I've gonna stop you right here. We all know few have waved the "East Coast" banner higher or stronger than myself over the years. I am damned proud of my roots and commitment to the East Coast scene but, comparing performances at World Cups to performances here at local East Coast events is like comparing the Army to the Boy Scouts.

Within their own realm, the events here on the East Coast are very well run, well attended, have excellent competition...but that competition is not World Cup-winning caliber. Yes, we know Beneke can still haul ass, Nobby is a pinner, and guys like Memmelar are coming on strong but, if you beat those guys in a World Cup you're still generally going to be middish pack on most WC weekends. That's just how it is right now in all honesty.

3. US Open dominance
There was one dominant rider that day and he rode a neon orange Cove bike with a TLD kit and a Redbull helmet. Anyone who beats the reigning World Champ at his own game can claim dominance.

4. A gigantic JOKE of a selection criteria. Let's all get realistic here. For a National Federation to make a 3 paragraph CRITERIA is laughable and pathetic. You get World podium...you go. You win Angelfire, you go. That all we qualify. We make 'em up rest! Pale face talk funny...him no go!
Whine all you want about the selection criteria but, it has been posted and was known for several months. There were no surprises there.

Should the selection criteria be dumbed down? I sure hope not! It's pretty straight forward: perform well on the globally recognized upper level of the sport and be rewarded.

There are a couple concessions in there this season seeing that Worlds is happening three months earlier than normal but, the criteria is similar to standards used in previous seasons. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, my personal preference would have been to not fill the squad and instead only bring the best 3 to 5 Elite mens racers.

To allege that this is a swipe against Southerners is silly - Last year there were two East Coast downhillers, both from NC, on the Worlds team racing in Scotland...but neither racer started on race day.

This is nothing aimed at Todd though. I'm sure those rules didn't come from his keyboard since we know he'd have written a diatribe. :D But who in their right mind designs a 7 man squad's qualifications to be a podium internationally and a single race on US soil? It's USAC's fault that this list of riders isn't clear, not the riders.
Again, see above explanation. The lead-up to the Worlds this year is much shorter. There aren't many events that could have been crammed in early for selection criteria. If there had been no criteria and instead it was only coaches discretions there would have been uproar over that too.

And you are correct, this qualification procedure was not penned by me. Yes, I write a lot. Yes, I enjoy healthy, well-spirited, and contentious debate. I love the sport and the riders too much not to care!

If USAC had given the ground rules more thought and a criteria that had opportunities for riders from ALL ACROSS THE US to qualify for Worlds, then fine. We'd all be tight lipped and have maybe 1 guy to whine about as "coaches pick". USAC just made no effort, half assed a set of shoddy qualifiers that a World Cup top 10 rider would even need luck to achieve (as I remember Kovarik was a given winner at the Chile Challenge last year and his bike exploded or something). Had Garrit gone to the Chile Challenge and left a derailleur on the mountain, then what?
Where was your critique of the qualifying process months ago when the procedure was posted? I seem to remember folks being all sorts of happy because "finally" a qualifier round was added at Plattekill. Well, you know what, kids from all around the US traveled to that event. Tons of guys also traveled to Angel Fire from far and wide to race. The results list is peppered with cities in CA, including a bunch from NorCal. That is a good 1200 miles from AF. AF is a couple hundred miles farther from Port Angeles, WA than from Fletcher, NC. That's not quite rolling up to your local event either!

Had the coaches not filled the 7 spots you'd be complaining that they DIDN'T fill the spots. When they do fill them you complain that it isn't to your exact liking.

I'm not trying to be a douche here but seriously, stop for a minute or two and look at it from the other side of the coin a bit. The whole universe isn't how things affect "me" or "I" but rather how they affect "we" or "us". How about being stoked for these seven guys? How about a guy like Lars Sternberg who busts ass to race bikes or Kain Leonard who has been at it for years and now is getting his shot at the big time? Let's turn the negative energy into some positive love and support for these seven in their quest in Italy two weeks from now!!

-ska todd
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Turbo Monkey
Really, everybody bitching about Cali, Colorado and the East Coast and it took almost a full six pages to get any mention of the N-Dub. We're out here, yo.

Seems to me that our cycling organization is way down overall on how much support they give to their elite racers, at least when compared to most other federations. Hell, we can barely determine who those racers are a lot of times.

If only DH could become an Olympic event...


Feb 14, 2007
Its not even really a team in till there is a real coach and an OFFICIAL way of picking a team. Also, people have to want to work together in order to do well at an event like worlds, I do my best when I'm out there riding with a bunch of friends rather than a bunch of enemies. I duno, its gota be a team, is all I'm saying.


Aug 27, 2004
Way to go Pitts! I remember racing with him a few years ago. There was one xc race where we were about halfway through the last climb, and talkin about a Cougar Mountain race earlier in the summer. Good times, kick some ass over there man.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2006
mill creek, WA (now in Surrey UK)
Really, everybody bitching about Cali, Colorado and the East Coast and it took almost a full six pages to get any mention of the N-Dub. We're out here, yo.

Seems to me that our cycling organization is way down overall on how much support they give to their elite racers, at least when compared to most other federations. Hell, we can barely determine who those racers are a lot of times.

If only DH could become an Olympic event...

word, im stoked for Lars making the team. think he got like 47 at ft william yesterday. something like 510 was his time.

anyways, andy your right, the PNW is "out here". glad we have someone repping us. (not just strobel, but lars as well) both are super local boys

General Lee

Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2003
The 802
One thing worth considering is that when you choose the field a team of 7 riders, none of whom have even an outside shot at getting a medal at worlds, you can take a bit more liberty in picking your riders. lets be honest, when no one has a chance to be on the podium it certainly opens the door for a lot more riders to be "deserving" of the experience of racing on the nationals squad. 'top 20' doesn't mean anything at the world champs the way it might at a regular world cup race, so essentially there is little difference in sending riders who will finish 30th or 60th.

until American riders can actually meet the automatic criteria (and not a dumbed down version) I'm all for the practice of spreading the opportunity around to some of the lesser known privateers.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
Geez Todd. Chill out. :rofl: You got to spend more time talking with me personally one day to know everything I say is tongue in cheek. Again, there's no underlying thoughts by me about Fitzy being unfair. I know the guy is a VERY good guy and wouldn't do that crap. It's a joke and an irony all at once. I'm sure he's aware of it too and can laugh about it...even if it might be uneasy. Carlos Mencia would say "Oh..sure I said it but you were thinkin' it."

Maybe this played a small part in not picking Garrit:
Last year there were two East Coast downhillers, both from NC, on the Worlds team racing in Scotland...but neither racer started on race day.
It's hard to say if people's personal budget played a role in getting the snub this year. Oh..and what's this about a 30 year old I've never heard of going to Worlds? Somebody bring me up to speed on how he's the future of our World Cup efforts again and why he's suddenly faster than a bunch of groms?. :D I'm sure he's a pinner and all but...

In reference to the Worlds criteria and the stokage, why was Plattekill only for Juniors and not Seniors? UCI points are a joke. One year, to get enough points to race Worlds, Herndon, Bosch, Ebbett and a bunch of others drove all the way to Alabama to race a 1 1/2 minute DH on flat ground b/c it was the only US points to be had on the East Coast. Herndon and one other, maybe Bosch, blew themselves up on the only tech part and wound up having to miss the World Cup they were gunning for.

DH Rules

Jul 13, 2006
On the trails of WNC - Mostly

Point 4 says: "The winner of the Chile Challenge/Mountain States Cup # 3 Downhill - USAC-MTB National Gravity Calendar race. This event is currently scheduled for May 26th, 2008 in Angel Fire, NM"

I see Kain Leonard got the selection and not Kieran Bennet who won it...is it okay to get the selection if you came 2nd?

Another question; Bangert, Warren, Strait, JD - part of World Champs Team selection, were all at the US Open, not at Angel Fire. This event was sometime before the closing date for petitions for team selection; did they already know that they had made the team and felt they didn't need to be at Angel Fire?

DH Rules

Jul 13, 2006
On the trails of WNC - Mostly
One thing worth considering is that when you choose the field a team of 7 riders, none of whom have even an outside shot at getting a medal at worlds, you can take a bit more liberty in picking your riders. lets be honest, when no one has a chance to be on the podium it certainly opens the door for a lot more riders to be "deserving" of the experience of racing on the nationals squad. 'top 20' doesn't mean anything at the world champs the way it might at a regular world cup race, so essentially there is little difference in sending riders who will finish 30th or 60th.

until American riders can actually meet the automatic criteria (and not a dumbed down version) I'm all for the practice of spreading the opportunity around to some of the lesser known privateers.
Great idea, why don't we put all the registered pro-riders names in a hat and randomly select 7 names. It will save a huge amount of time and money chasing the elusive selection critea.

General Lee

Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2003
The 802
Great idea, why don't we put all the registered pro-riders names in a hat and randomly select 7 names. It will save a huge amount of time and money chasing the elusive selection critea.

or USAC could choose only to send riders who might be in medal contention, in which case we'd send no one.

Nothing against Gerrit, he's a great guy and a fast racer but he's been to worlds a few times with average results. and while he may be fast from an American standpoint there's no reason to believe his results would be any different this time around. Same goes for the other members of the team (though JD and Strait being 19 and 22 have potential for future success). So if usac decided to offer spots to other hard working, non-medal contenders who have yet to go to worlds that is fully acceptable so long as said riders followed the petition proccess.

Sorry, but without medal contendors i see no reason why someone should have more of a right to go and get 20th than the guy who might end up 35th. As for guys being at the Open making the team, those guys also qualified for for the 2 world cups they entered this year, Gerrit did not. With worlds being early this year one bad race makes a huge diffrence.

Sure i think Gerrit should be on the team but i wouldn't be surprised if someone at usac decided he'd had his turn(s) and his spot was given to someone else this year.

Until American racers and the domestic racing calendar step it up considerably selecting a national team is going to remain pretty objective.
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Sep 20, 2005
Maybe it had some to do with the overall USA Cycling ranking. Geritt is in 9th while guys like Lars, Cole, Kain and Cody are in the top four.

Also, don't forget that Lars placed 13th in the 06 MX at Rotorua. This isn't DH, but it's still a good placement by an American Rider. There's a recent interview with Lars here.


May 4, 2005

i know you state you were only joking but Todd is correct with all this fuss being made, to plant the seed joking or not about Fitzy wasn't to cool....

Fitzy is an asset to our sport, and our team and would like nothing more then to see our country get back to it's position as a top contender at the highest level of racing.

as for all this fuss...it happens every year....i remember in 95 i had a better season then HB as far as overall points but they sent him out of respect for his career....as it was going to be his last worlds.

i told myself then if i ever get to a spot in my career that a younger rider coming up can learn through experience and possibly be a better rider in the future i would bow out. and did it in 04.

i would really like to see usac switch focus to development....get a program going that identifies riders that are young and have potential to do well and are focused on being top DH riders......

regardless of results or qualifiers get them to worlds for experience, if i was racing DH at Chili and was fast enough to earn a spot i think it would be horrible to send a 38 year old DH rider with his fastest days behind him....but its easy for me to say as i have had a lot of great experiences that others haven't in Europe.

a guy like Gwin clearly is going to be a player for us in the future, the sooner we can get guys like him in the mix the better.

but based on the published criteria he shouldn't go this year, but he clearly is ready....

and so everyone knows Gwin is a rider sponsored by Fitzy

i know that all would be a tough line to walk...just picking guys randomly would be a bigger hornets nest then this, but somehow we have to get into development similar to say an NBA team during a restructure.


Jan 10, 2006
Fletcher NC
Howdy guys!.. Geritt Beytagh here...(notice the spelling)
I will say that I am a little disappointed by not making the worlds team as I thought that I would have made it this year but it really isn't the end of the world as far as racing goes!! The fact that I had a couple of great results for me personally was a great achievement by itself as I have been working with a great trainer this year from Charmichael Training that Cole Bangert and Chris Herndon have started using and I was glad it was paying off! I was also very happy with all the sponsors I am riding with this year!
As far as selection goes I was pretty much going off the Bromont win as my only point for selection as I knew US Open would do no good but I thought it would have helped in the selection process. I really just wanted a top 10 at that race as I have had top 10s there every year and I didn't want to break that streak!
The main reason is that I think I had a good shot at being selected for the team but I didn't have high expectations as I was going off the Bromont win only and with a good result at US Open which I knew wasn't really going to count.

All the riders on the US team definitely deserve to be there. They followed the rules and the races they needed to do to get recognized whether they filled the criteria or not, it was still the races to do to be noticed and as far as USAC goes it must have been a little difficult for them as World champs is so early this year they would have had to have strict rules that they would need to follow so that everyone had a fair chance of being selected, I don't necessarily agree on the race venues they chose but that is how things go whether we like it or not. It would be nice though if USAC would recognize all the top events in USA even if its not a UCI or USAC recognized race the US Open is still a huge race that everyone goes to and far as media goes it is the place to be for guys like me trying to get into magazine's to promote their sponsors properly and that is why so many Pro's race there.. media and money.... also riding there is way to much fun... like a mini holiday

As for the Plattekill race and the Mt Snow race, I was mainly there for training and just good riding...there were fast riders there don't get me wrong but, as far as world cup standard, if I hadn't won those I wouldn't needed to bother petitioning for Worlds as I want to be on top of my game if I went.

I really didn't want to come off as a whiner and I appreciate everyone's opinion! Its great to know there are fans out there! pretty stoked!
I will send out an appeal just in case someone drops out from the team but I really don't have high expectations for anything to happen

Cheers and we will see you at the events :thumb:


Sep 20, 2005
Hey Geritt,

Great attitude. One thing I appreciate about our sport is the attitude that we all are working to may USA a great place to ride and race. I like that I see competitors pushing each other, instead of breaking each other down. Thanks for confirming this.

I know your time will come. Good luck!


Turbo Monkey
Sep 9, 2001
In reference to the Worlds criteria and the stokage, why was Plattekill only for Juniors and not Seniors?

Probably so that Geoff Ulmer could qualify, however after they made Pkill a qualifier he signed with that Playbiker team and is racing all the World Cups this year, and in Europe for the most part, so he ended up not having to do that race.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering

Again, my apologies if anybody thought I was railing on Fitzy. Unfortunately for me, the internet doesn't make it easy to deliver wit and sarcasm. I can't state enough that I've dealt with the guy many times and he is an AWESOME guy who helps people, even sometimes when he doesn't even have to.

I absolutely agree 100% that he is fair. But I do have a big problem with the poorly thought out qualifying criteria. Anyone with knowledge of US pro results in the last few years would KNOW that there would only be 2 automatic selections for DH, 07 Natl Champ and 08 Angel Fire 1st place, leaving 5 at large bids rather than people who actually had something to qualify at.

Taking 2nd place at Angel Fire is a stretch. It's just awarding a slot to the only at large rider they could give it to...closest to a foreigner finisher. The World Cup automatic bids were laughable too. No US rider is cracking top 5 now, most likely in the next 2-3 years unless Strobel comes back from injury as a top 5 World Cup rider out of the blue.

I still say sending Strait is an insult to guys like Bangert, Herndon, Warren, JD, etc. The guy is as fat as I am. Sure, he's naturally talented, but there is no way the guy has earned it this year or he'd out doing road rides in his spare time. His diet shows the level of commitment he's made to US DH.

I say he stays home until he can prove through an entire season of free entry fees and airfares that he'll drop the weight and prove he's deserving of a spot on a team where he might actually compete using something other than raw talent. I'm not discounting that boy is a beast and maybe our best placing, but if you're any other US rider out watching every calorie and logging every training session, paying your way and chasing the dream, it has to eat you up that he gets to go.
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Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
I still say sending Strait is an insult to guys like Bangert, Herndon, Warren, JD, etc. The guy is as fat as I am. Sure, he's naturally talented, but there is no way the guy has earned it this year or he'd out doing road rides in his spare time. His diet shows the level of commitment he's made to US DH.

I say he stays home until he can prove through an entire season of free entry fees and airfares that he'll drop the weight and prove he's deserving of a spot on a team where he might actually compete using something other than raw talent. I'm not discounting that boy is a beast and maybe our best placing, but if you're any other US rider out watching every calorie and logging every training session, paying your way and chasing the dream, it has to eat you up that he gets to go.
Are you Fing serious?

He was the highest placing US Elite man at 2 out of 3 WCs this year. What does it matter if weighs 180 or 280?
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Feb 20, 2002
Just to clarify why my name isn't on the list. I thought it would be more important to pay my mortgage and save my money for Bottles and diapers!

I think it would have been cool to at least have my name on the list with a * next to it though.

Whatevs though. Good luck to team USA this year!

Big HOuse

General Lee

Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2003
The 802
I still say sending Strait is an insult to guys like Bangert, Herndon, Warren, JD, etc. The guy is as fat as I am. Sure, he's naturally talented, but there is no way the guy has earned it this year or he'd out doing road rides in his spare time. His diet shows the level of commitment he's made to US DH.
It must be a real insult that he's finished in front of all of them at every World Cup so far this year (okay, so JD beat him at Maribor). I'd say that counts as earning it. Talent might get you down Maribor but you need fitness at Ft. William, and he looked plenty fit to me.

as for his weight, have you seen his father? The man is a readwood tree. it's in his genes, not his lunchbox. You going to go tell Rennie to hit the roadbike too?

should mention that he is still only 22, he's just been around since he was like 15
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May 18, 2006
Big House - great to hear from you. Congrats on making the team and declining the nomination. And you better satisfy that dining out jones right now...and go see a movie or two while you're at it, 'cuz all that stuff's coming to a rapid end.

Geritt - man, what a great response. Your tact and perspective make me a fan. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. If you ever end up out our way for a race or two know that we'll find a way to get you a place to sleep and a few squares a day. I will also stop slaughtering the spelling of your name. Thanks for chiming in.

...and one more time because I think a few folks missed it, no DH auto qualifiers were awarded to the US Pro Men at Chile. The ruling from USAC was clear - you needed to win to earn the spot. If you took second to an international or second to someone who was already on the team you had to rely upon the petition process like anyone else.

I think that it's important to keep in mind that DH is on the rise here in the US from both a participation perspective and in terms of visibility. The dialogue with USAC is also better than ever. There are bound to be some bumps along the way, but from what we see, things are getting better, not worse and that's reason for optimism. We've got elites who are beginning to challenge, we've got juniors coming up who are off-the-charts fast and we've got a federation that's paying more and more attention to the gravity side than ever before. Is it a perfect situation? By no means. Not yet. Is it getting better? I'd say yes. Is there reason for optimisim for what the next decade holds? Holy sh1tballs, yeah.

The silver bullet was touched on a few posts ago - make DH an Olympic sport. Once that happens all the line items that are associated with what are considered 'real' programs will fall into place. With the light that Freecaster has shown this year we've got a bit more ammo for that argument.

Lots of good points in this thread. Clearly there are a lot of knowledgeable folks out there. Maybe we should start it earlier next year so that the thoughts and expectations of the community can be used as a tool or even just food for thought during the selection process?



Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
I still say sending Strait is an insult to guys like Bangert, Herndon, Warren, JD, etc. The guy is as fat as I am. Sure, he's naturally talented, but there is no way the guy has earned it this year or he'd out doing road rides in his spare time. His diet shows the level of commitment he's made to US DH.

I say he stays home until he can prove through an entire season of free entry fees and airfares that he'll drop the weight and prove he's deserving of a spot on a team where he might actually compete using something other than raw talent. I'm not discounting that boy is a beast and maybe our best placing, but if you're any other US rider out watching every calorie and logging every training session, paying your way and chasing the dream, it has to eat you up that he gets to go.
You have entered the realm of retarded ridemonkey members.

Oh, and the USA does not 'send' ANYONE...get your sh1t straight.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
The folks at USAC are WELL aware of the US Open (oh prolly cuz I don't shut up about it :busted: ) but, USAC does stuff their way, Diablo does it theirs. I have worked to try to put the two in sync on my own but, hey maybe it's better not to force-fit an issue and instead let the two exist and be happy the way it is. I still will support each and defend them individually to all get-out.
I just think it is funny how people are getting in your face about recognizing the US Open, when your company is a major sponsor of the race!


Aug 8, 2003
he'll drop the weight and prove he's deserving of a spot on a team where he might actually compete using something other than raw talent. I'm not discounting that boy is a beast and maybe our best placing, but if you're any other US rider out watching every calorie and logging every training session, paying your way and chasing the dream, it has to eat you up that he gets to go.
**** that, you're telling me that any fit NFL back is less fit than some little MTBer like Minaar or Neethling? You'd be wrong. The fact is, people get into bikes(or skiing) often when they're young because they're too small to be good ball players. Road, XC, SuperD/EnduroDH and even MX are different because it's a long, drawn out aerobic exercise. However WC DH is 2-5 minutes. It's mostly anaerobic, and there is no doubt that strength helps a ton. Look at BMX racers, there's a lot of big guys that have been on top. Paul Kitner?? I'm 40+lbs heavier than all my friends, yet I'm one of the most fit in a DH setting. How does that work? My friends aren't weekend warrior sport class guys either. Pull your head out of your ass. Cyclists aren't a special breed, they're just guys who choose to ride bikes instead of make plays. Like said above, if you're doing well at Ft. William, you're probably a fit mother****er.


May 4, 2005
**** that, you're telling me that any fit NFL back is less fit than some little MTBer like Minaar or Neethling? You'd be wrong. The fact is, people get into bikes(or skiing) often when they're young because they're too small to be good ball players. Road, XC, SuperD/EnduroDH and even MX are different because it's a long, drawn out aerobic exercise. However WC DH is 2-5 minutes. It's mostly anaerobic, and there is no doubt that strength helps a ton. Look at BMX racers, there's a lot of big guys that have been on top. Paul Kitner?? I'm 40+lbs heavier than all my friends, yet I'm one of the most fit in a DH setting. How does that work? My friends aren't weekend warrior sport class guys either. Pull your head out of your ass. Cyclists aren't a special breed, they're just guys who choose to ride bikes instead of make plays. Like said above, if you're doing well at Ft. William, you're probably a fit mother****er.
all that aside....i don't think kyle's result was a good one at Ft William (i'm sure he would say the same) and it points to a problem i see in our system...."Top American" until we strive to be the best and not be complacent with Top American we will continue to have these types of results.....

Kyle is a good kid from a good family...he's a kid with lots of potential, but he is being tugged in to many directions with in the sport....unless he focuses on DH exclusively i would be surprised to see top 10 results from him...which is far below his potential.

i can't blame him for doing it part time though...he make more money doing the freeride/slopestyle gig without the stress of racing the clock.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 22, 2008
Boone, NC
**** that, you're telling me that any fit NFL back is less fit than some little MTBer like Minaar or Neethling? You'd be wrong. The fact is, people get into bikes(or skiing) often when they're young because they're too small to be good ball players. Road, XC, SuperD/EnduroDH and even MX are different because it's a long, drawn out aerobic exercise. However WC DH is 2-5 minutes. It's mostly anaerobic, and there is no doubt that strength helps a ton. Look at BMX racers, there's a lot of big guys that have been on top. Paul Kitner?? I'm 40+lbs heavier than all my friends, yet I'm one of the most fit in a DH setting. How does that work? My friends aren't weekend warrior sport class guys either. Pull your head out of your ass. Cyclists aren't a special breed, they're just guys who choose to ride bikes instead of make plays. Like said above, if you're doing well at Ft. William, you're probably a fit mother****er.
You're dumb, downhillers are a different breed both physically and mentally.

ska todd

Turbo Monkey
Oct 10, 2001
Bennigans sponsors the open?
But doood all you can eat boneless buffalo wings and potato skins is the shiz. Oh, and 2fers drink specials too. And at least you don't have to wear pieces of flair like at other chain restaurants.

-ska todd


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Ha, but you are right about him (Todd) taking the heat.
Everybody knows he wants what is best for the sport,
and of course so does Fitzy as well.
the sad thing is, if Todd stood up (figuratively) and said "I was part of the selection process, we made our decision based on these races (including the US Open :rant:), as well as who we felt had the most potential for being a long-term asset for our country and our sport" there would've been far less of a negative tone here, since we all know Todd, his knowledge of the national racing scene, and his strange ability to pick stupidly fast people for the Monster/Mad Catz team.

however, part of this I think stems out of the fact that the only real automatic qualifiers were AF and last years Nats, so that means that 5 people were chosen based on someone's personal judgment (and far fewer of us know Fitzy than know Todd)... and anytime you have someone's personal opinion up for scrutiny, especially someone that you don't know, you're going to get criticism of that opinion.

anyway, thanks Todd for hanging out here and trying to answer as many questions/concerns as possible. I owe you a single-malt next time we meet... :cheers:

edit - the US Open should be sponsored by The Vernon Inn and Coors Light.:rofl:
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