
09 SX trail Crank arm length...


Dec 10, 2009
I've just bought a 09 SXt frame (medium, Gold) and I can’t wait to get it out on the trail now:D
Anyway I'm in the process of looking for components to build it up. I'm looking to fit the lighter end of the AM scale rather than the heavier DH end as I'll still need to pedal it uphill some of the time.
During my recent searching I have found a shop selling Gravity Light MegaExo crankset reduced by £100!! Problem being that they only have them in 165mm or 175mm. I know the built up bike comes with 170mm cranks. So my question is, will it really make that much of a difference to fit the 165mm and just rise the seat the differing 5mm??
Or I could also get an SLX crankset in 170mm for the same price as the Gravity Lights. Should I just get those instead
I'm also considering some Truvativ stylo AM 2.2 (what comes on the built up bike). I’ve heard some negative things about these though.

Any help or advice on which crankset and how important the crankarm length is would be much appreciated. Infact any suggestions on components for this build would be fantastic

Cheers :thumb:


Dec 15, 2005
San Jose, CA
Oh no. A crank arm length question. These tend to get heated.

Simple. Buy a length that suits your size and how you plan to use the bike. How tall are you? I'm 6'2" and I run 175 SLXs on my SX Trail. 170s work. 165s work. If you're shorter, get shorter cranks. How are you going to use the bike? Some trail rides? Get longer cranks. Just a park bike with not much pedalling and technical terrain? Get shorter cranks.

Based on what you posted - a medium AM bike - I would go with the 170 SLX cranks.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
If you're on a medium I'd recommend the 175's. I consider that to be standard unless you are short, or have short legs, or have a stupid low BB and need the extra clearance (I have 165's on my dh bike b/c it has a 12.75" bb height, but I'm 6'1").


Mar 16, 2007
If you run 175's on that bike you better be good at not clipin pedals. I had an older SXT with 170's and banged my pedals on rocks and roots all the time. it was quite anoying.