
1 day race weekends


Turbo Monkey
Jun 26, 2007
Not sure how many of you people follow moto but last year they downsized their race weekends to a 1 day event. I think they did it to save racers and teams money.

So what do you guys think about making some of the local races a 1 day event?

I know places like Fontana where you have to shuttle would not work at all. Diablo has a high speed lift and i feel like they could host a 1 day race event.

What do you guys think of this? Do you think its good or a bad idea for the sport?

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Its great if you live close enough to the mountain to make it in a day trip.
For example, the NC ski resorts are 2 hours from my house.
I can be up there early, ride all day, get in a race run and come home.

I honestly think this setup would do better at places that have a bike park or other trails to ride beside the race course though.
I can't see many people driving 5 or 6 hours and blowing their whole weekend for one day of riding. But if they can stay over on Sunday and ride the park, then It would work if entry fees are fair.


I come bearing GIFs
May 10, 2005
I'm assuming race-day is Sunday? As long as I get my Sat walk and practice, I'm good.

The grounds are going to be a madhouse though.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
I'm assuming race-day is Sunday? As long as I get my Sat walk and practice, I'm good.
youd probably have to buy a lift ticket for that saturday if that were the case and probably costing more money than a normal 2-day race weekend would cost.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
would probably work if the race course is established and not fresh cut. I could see practice time being an issue on a fresh cut course, but I feel like I already know the platty Cat 2 course for this weekend and someplace like highland changes very little year to year. I can't imagine not getting a long practice session in on the platty pro course though, as I have no idea what any of it looks like.


Jul 10, 2009
The East
I could see this working in some ways. It would have to be in the summer when you could have racing go on until 6-7pm. Saturdays would be best and the entry fee would have to be worth the trip. Would definitely be different and racing would be more challenging doing it all in one day. Supercross riders only get to practice the day of the race, so I see what you are saying. Moto changed to Saturdays for a few reasons though. everything from finances to trying to get more NASCAR teams involved like JGR did, giving the fans a chance to travel home early Sunday.
I prefer the 2 day arrangement. Walkthru and practice on saturday. Short practice and race on sunday. I did not like the Massanutten friday/saturday arrangement at all. I couldn't make it up friday because of work, and didn't feel relaxed on saturday because I was anxious about getting registered, and getting in practice runs (on a course I'ved never ridden). I was sloppy and tired for my race run; I never got into a rhythm.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 26, 2007
Things that would help a bunch:
Online registering
Permeant race numbers for the series
(this would save huge amount of time for everyone)
If the race is held at a park like highland, diablo, whistler... you can have combo fees. 25-35 bucks to race for the 1 day event, 50 bucks for a weekend pass.

feel free to post more ideas

Mr Lahey

Sep 23, 2009
I like the idea a lot. The closest race for me is over 4 hours one direction and weekend time off from work is very hard to come by. As already pointed out each day on the road/at the race is expensive.

I've only done the Massanutten race, however I didn't feel like I needed more than 3 laps and a walk to learn the course. Anything beyond that I would chalk up to lacking bike skills, fitness, or just general preparedness.
yes, i agree, people who need more than 3 practice runs are hacks and have no business being on the same mountain, maybe even the same planet as you.

I'm fine with 1 day events, but I would then prefer it to be on a saturday rather than a sunday. Because, I think race start times would probably get pushed back 1-2hrs later than usual. I think the number of racers, length of course, and speed of the lifts also will influence this. By having the race wrap up later, that means I may not get home until later and would suck if I have to wake up early for work/school the next day.
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Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
I would like something like this for mount snow...it's just not worth it for me to drive there, pay race fees, pay gas, AND have to pay for a hotel since you can't camp. If a race is closer or you can camp for cheap, like platty, it makes so much more sense. Suddenly a $60-80 weekend turns into $160.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
If the course is simple enough or at a park like Diablo or Whistler with a huge 'local' base then 1 day races are great.

We did a local 1 day race a couple weekends ago and it was a huge success. The course was simple to ride, but hard to race fast. The shuttle was fast enough to get in 5-6 runs. 2 races runs and everyone was happy.