
100 ft drop? Thats what the word is.


3 Dude Approved
I was talking to a buddy of mine who is on the inside of things in the industry. Apparently someone is lining up around a 100 foot drop for this coming FR season.
Thats not to say that I beleive it but with the rapid progress of the bikes the NUTS of these riders and adrenaline of going big. Is it possible.
I heard of a guy that his parachute did not open, he hit the ground full throttle bounced and walked away.
There's 2 hairy lookin kids in mexico that look like little werewolves, so Yeah it probably is possible.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Of course it is possible, but it would be like the Crying Game. It would require the perfect tranny.


3 Dude Approved
Screw the tranny, it's his head banging off the bars or removal of seat from his as _ thats going to be intresting.
I look at both sides to this and on one hand I've seen some seriously stupid stuff that god had his hand on to make possible without death, on the other I've been unfortunate enough to see people not make it literally.
Through all that they just seem to line up and try anyways.
If it doesn't materialize it's probably for the best with safety in mind and being christmas I have to keep a humanitarian aspect to this, on the other hand it's almost new years eve and a new year to be rowdy. I say to hell with it someone does need to go for it as long as it's not me. I wanna watch....


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
last years whole shenanigan was a freaking joke!

The guy who was supposed to do it (I know his name but I'm not going to say it) weaseled his way into the Rampage last minute by talking about how awesome and crazy of a freerider he was. He got his runs in but made a terrible performance. He went for some of the easiest lines and wadded up left and right.

Then a few months later he's talking about this huge cliff in Utah and he get's Guiness involved and tells the magazines. Of course he realized last minute that he hasn't got what it takes (Who does? Not me!) and that he would more than likely die trying so he backed out.

If this is the same guy something needs to be done to prevent it from happening again but something tells me it's not him. I don't think anyone would take him seriously anymore.

I have no doubt that 100' will happen in the next few years if not sooner, freeriding is progressing like cray. I mean Romaniuk hucks that huge gap in Collective and other kids are already throwing suicides of it and clearing it on hardtails! I can't believe more people aren't dying!

It's pretty amazing where freeriding has gone in the past few years. When Kranked came out we were all blown away and now we can all do most everything they were doing then. I wonder if that means we'll all be going huge in the next few years and 100' huge in the next decade :p
bullcrew said:
Screw the tranny, it's his head banging off the bars or removal of seat from his as _ thats going to be intresting.
I look at both sides to this and on one hand I've seen some seriously stupid stuff that god had his hand on to make possible without death, on the other I've been unfortunate enough to see people not make it literally.
Through all that they just seem to line up and try anyways.
If it doesn't materialize it's probably for the best with safety in mind and being christmas I have to keep a humanitarian aspect to this, on the other hand it's almost new years eve and a new year to be rowdy. I say to hell with it someone does need to go for it as long as it's not me. I wanna watch....
What he said. :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :nuts: :dancing: :dancing: :dancing:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 11, 2004
Uhhhh I'm pretty sure this is a rumor that keeps going around, and its a complete joke.

I'm not really into the whole drop thing.....
everytime I do em, I roll up thinking ohhhhhhhhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Then I hit it, and its really easy skill wise, but my feet hurt really bad from the impact, and a few times, I've even smacked my head forward really hard ( I think giving me whiplash).

They just suck, they take big balls, then they're easy,
then your feet hurt. I'm over em. I'll stick to trying to ride really fast, tech riding, and dirt jumps. Thats more fun to me.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
zedro said:
he might possibly survive if the tranny is beyond perfection and Karpiel has nothing to do with designing the bike.... :eviltongu

hahahahha does anyone remember the thread about 2 years back that talked about benders 3495803458340 foot drop, that he would be using a "one off karpiel dubbed the funeral"... :p

man i wish that thread was still around.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
Didn't you guys sponsor him, or did he just have stickers?

Funny how "No Way" is more fitting to him than it is to Hans. Hans' nickanme should be "Yes way"


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Depends how you measure the drop - I did a drop that was ten feet high over a ten foot gap, so 10 x 10 = 100 feet! Whaahooo, I already did it!! Anyone wanna sponsor me? :D :D :D


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
OGRipper said:
Depends how you measure the drop - I did a drop that was ten feet high over a ten foot gap, so 10 x 10 = 100 feet! Whaahooo, I already did it!! Anyone wanna sponsor me? :D :D :D
Now all the chit talkers on pinkbike are going to start measuring their drops in square feet, thanks man!!! :rolleyes: :eviltongu
