
150' long slip and slide!


duch bag
Nov 19, 2004
Wooo Tulips!!!!
the sweetest slip and slide you have ever seen!!!
150' of painting tarp, a sprinkler and it was covered with dish soap for added slideige.

this was a party at my friends house last weekend it was out of controll drunk slip&sliding.



The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Sweet. When I was a kid one of the neighbor kid's Dad found an olympic-sized swimming pool cover. Best slip and slide ever. It covered the whole freaking backyard. Needless to say their water bills were quite high that summer.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
While growing up in NVA, our house had a huge, steep hill behind it that was always covered to a depth of 2"-3" in dried pine needles. It was perhaps 200 yards long and the mature pine trees were evenly spaced in rows about 8' apart to aid in erosion control. Although we had two slip-n-slides that we would set up in series, we could never come close to matching the speed generated by boogie boarding down the dried pine needles, sometimes on only cardboard sheets. We were able to generate such speed on the hill that our momentum carried us across the back yard lawn, through my mom's vegetable garden and into the side of the house. Let's just say my dad was displeased when he discovered that perhaps 10 linear feet of our house's lower section of aluminum siding were smashed completely flat by our crashes into the house during our sessions of pine needle tobogganing.


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
kindtrails said:
Man that brings back memories of ICE-BLOCKING, you find a big grass hill, sit on an ice block and....whee!
oooh i've done that before. that **** is scary fast and no control

good times


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
That looks sweet! I bought my daughter the "classic" model when it hit 100 a few weeks back. My abs hurt for 3 days afterward.

<edit> Saw this on the Onion this morning:

* SACRAMENTO, CA&#8212;Breaking the previous world record by a full three minutes, it took only 27 seconds after setting up the Slip N&#185; Slide for someone to be seriously injured.