
2 Clavicle breaks..


Oct 23, 2005
Broke my collar bone back in January snowboarding, doc said let it heal. I was back riding/downhilling within a few months. Well broke it again on June 13th, bad slam to the shoulder from going over the bars.. Anyways, I just cracked it in the same spot again, and now its healing a Lot faster than the first time. Within a week I didnt need a sling, and now it hasn't even been one month and I have +- 85% movement, can bear my full weight on it, it just feels like...Great. Did anyone with multiple clavicle fractures experience a very speedy recovery their second break? Im a little worried im overworking it, but I have no pain at all. Also, has anyone heard of the "false joint" that can form from using it too much while it is healing. Here is an xray of the break.


Feb 27, 2006
Espoo, Finland
In my case, I snaped the collarbone in half (thanks to a rock) and surgery was needed to temporarily install a plate. While the bone healed OK, my AC joint got jacked up after a few months (not quite sure how). Anway, I would suggest to take it easy until the ligaments fully heal in the event some damage was done.


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
Broke the same twice, two years in a row. First time took forever, next one broke in three pieces, break occured on each side of the healed fracture. Almost no pain the second time, and no sling either. But it did take the same amount of time to be 100% though.