
2007 u.s. birthrates the highest; what do the numbers reveal?


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Yup, something I'm well aware of, however, not adhering to traditional marriage doesn't mean they don't value it. There's no shortage of hypocrisy there, but the black population voted 70% for Prop 8. For a population that doesn't value marriage, they certainly value the traditional version of it.
No, they just don't like gay people.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
watching gay usa on free speech tv the other night & the guy who sub'd for andy humm was a black guy. funny watching him cover the latest prop 8 news & act incredulous @ teh mormon church w/o so much as a whiff of hypocrisy for his peeps.

i haven't seen that much pearl clutching since the last show of Grand Ole Opry


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
never again doubt his womb-shifting prowess
reminds me of the time i was a freshman in college... a newly arrived foreign student.
went out with this cute girl from my english class, who had a distintive ring in one hand, although it was obviously not a wedding ring.

me, ignorant of southern and religious american customs, didnt give it much thought.... until i made a comment about it, during our first date.
she told me it was a "pledge" ring, meaning she we would "save" herself for marriage and etc.. and there i was cursing myself for picking a prude for a date, from all the girls of loose morals in a college campus.

and then, we went to her dorm "to watch a movie"... and she it took up the pooper!!!!!!!! awesome date.

and then.. this other girl back in Lima, who i chased for a while since high school... she swore she was a virgin (we were 19)... but after so much insistance of my part, she wanted her first time to be in a $400/night hotel.

holy ****!, i got my brains screwed over the phone for a few months, while i was... dying in anticipation of the day i came back home, to do the deed and to spend $600 in one night in date/hotel....

funnily enough, when i got back home, during a college break... she had gotten herself a new boyfriend...... next thing i knew, she was a single mom within a year...

i´ve had funny experiences with "virgins" over the age of 19...
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The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
There was a chick I dated in high school that was saving herself. She dated a jock who knocked her up after me. At the 20 year reunion I asked where she was and learned she had 5 kids from 4 dads and didn't feel like going. :rofl: