
2009 Beech Mountain Triple Crown Series

Metal Dude

Turbo Monkey
Apr 7, 2006
Smackdonough, GA
Keep it coming maybe someone will listen for once.

Next question, if I decide to skip this one and attend the last race, will it have a longer practice session?
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Turbo Monkey
Apr 12, 2004
Durham, NC
I'm just going to echo some other peoples concern about the shortened practice time. As an event promoter, how could you possibly expect a decreased amount of riding time to not discourage potential participants. I know this really has me second guessing my attendance this weekend.


Jul 22, 2009
Daytona Beach,FL
Get rid of the Pro Qualifiying and make practice longer or keep the short practice time and ad a Dual Slalom race on Saturday evening. :thumb:
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Mar 10, 2008
Raleigh, NC
Well with the way this went we will prob only get an hour next time :( Kinda makes me sad the all day riding sat is how i justified me spending my money, i suppose i'll still come but its just a bad deal in general.
Pro qualies definetly need to get cut in favor of more practice for all considering. I'm sure Ryan is crazy busy last minute before this race, but it would be great to hear what's up with all this. I'll go either way, but it would be nice if my $$$ spent went to getting me more runs. Who wants to do shuttle runs at Sugar before or after???


Oct 1, 2006
west asheville
It's definitely got me doubting whether I will attend or not. So far, everyone else I have spoken with is also unsure. Someone should ask Ryan for an official word.


Mental acuity - 1%
Jan 9, 2004
in a single wide, cooking meth...
I can certainly understand why many people are upset about the reduced practice time - especially if you're driving from Florida or Georgia. However, for the first race, me and my crew didn't start practicing until about 12:00 anyway, and I personally felt like I got plenty of runs in. To me, it's a lot like Massanutten in that there is only one course to ride, so I honestly don't need 17 runs to figure it out. And I learned my lesson at SS about knocking out a ton of runs the day before the race - I was utterly blown up on race day and completely sucked my way down the hill during the race. I've never really considered actual races to be great opportunities to knock out dozens of runs anyway - altho, it seems more feasible at a place like Diablo where there are multiple trails. Again, I get why some folks are bummed about this, but I'm still confident I will get all the runs I need to put in a decent time on Sunday.


Mar 10, 2008
Raleigh, NC
As where i agree with you i did about 5 runs on sat at the last race and was one of the first people up the lift. With this new time format and already knowing the course some this is prob fine however i don't want to feel rushed to dial in my bike. I like last time where i could do a run then when i get to the bottom feel it out change some stuff on my bike talk to a buddy then head back up without stressin out and trying to get all i want to do in a 5 hour period of time squeezed into a 3 hour period of time.

Also some people come for the ride on Sat and thats there whole reason for coming the race is just for fun and they don't care if they are all blown up for race day


Mar 30, 2009
I make the race decisions for the Triple Crown Series. At the first race, few riders were at the lift station when practice started at 10am. Most showed up later in the morning and began practicing well after 11am, closer to noon really.

Few riders practiced during the last hour of the Saturday practice session, 2-3pm.

This is the correct practice schedule:
Saturday 12-3pm Practice
3:30pm Pro Qualifying
Sunday 9:30-11:30am Practice
12:00pm Race Start

The Saturday rider meeting will be held at 11:45am at the View Haus deck.

ONE HOUR OF PRACTICE has been added to Sunday. Total weekend practice time is now a whopping ONE HOUR shorter than the first race...

SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SCENE! It is hard work to provide it for you.


Metal Dude

Turbo Monkey
Apr 7, 2006
Smackdonough, GA
Support your local riders and what they are asking for....
2-3 pages of response about more practice time. hmmm
Charge more money and have the lifts open longer if that's the problem.


Mar 10, 2008
Raleigh, NC
Thanks to Ryan and his crew for putting this series together!!! Everyone else that is whining, eat some cheese......
There is a difference between whining and expressing your opinion. If you don't say what you like and don't like there can never be change.

I'll still be there supporting the racing and the work that Ryan and his crew has done is great.


Oct 1, 2006
west asheville
No whining - just a little disappointed that Big R decided to change the schedule at the very last minute - after all of us had plan to come up and ride for the whole day. Hasn't the schedule been posted on their website for many months? It's cool that he added another hour of practice on Sunday though. That will certainly help.

I had a blast at the first race.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 3, 2004
Cary, NC
I am a bit disappointed in the lack of practice time as well


I think 9 runs is totally achievable in the 3 hours of practice time.
~15 minute lift ride
~3 minutes down


Jan 26, 2007
Yo, big props to ryan for putting on a race+getting a race course at beech! To all the people complaining about short practice times, get the **** off the internet and go practice riding your bicycle right now. Thats gonna help more than 1 extra run on saturdays practice. EAST COAST DH!! see you at the race


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
Yo, big props to ryan for putting on a race+getting a race course at beech! To all the people complaining about short practice times, get the **** off the internet and go practice riding your bicycle right now. Thats gonna help more than 1 extra run on saturdays practice. EAST COAST DH!! see you at the race

Ummm...cussing us? Why? I just hope you don't have some sort of mechanical that requires you to hit the parking lot to repair a tire, replace a spoke, derailleur, rebleed a brake, bandage a gash on a shin, or get some water from the parking lot...you'll be down 2-3 runs or maybe a good hour of practice. Those of us that love to hang out at races and pump out tons of runs for the sake of getting in max vertical know usually you just don't get on the bike and rip off run after run non stop for 3 hours.

Typically you hit the parking lot at least once, if not twice for a 30 minute mechanical or medical...heck, even a shoe string breaking. It's just how this sport is. We know all too well that 3 hours and 100 plus riders gets eaten up quick. Heaven forbid someone should be unfortunate enough to warrant a course hold and need a medic.

See where we're coming from? No need to rage.:thumb:


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Yo, big props to ryan for putting on a race+getting a race course at beech! To all the people complaining about short practice times, get the **** off the internet and go practice riding your bicycle right now. Thats gonna help more than 1 extra run on saturdays practice. EAST COAST DH!! see you at the race
what??..i didn't hear any "no dig, no ride" rhetoric this time? :confused: :rolleyes:

yes, props to Ryan for getting the race series up and running. i'm not racing, not because of the practice time issue, but because i'm broke as hell now that my wife isn't working and i'd rather race the dirty bird with noah than Beech by myself. i think we'll still come out and session the mtn board course though :thumb:
that said, more practice time is always better for those of us that don't get to ride DH anytime we want. i have all but quit going to the bigger races because it's not worth my money to have to rush for 3 hours to try and get in enough runs to learn a course, especially when it's crowded. it's always nice to have a little time between runs to process the previous run in my mind and recover a bit. i think the main issue here is that the times were changed mid-series after everyone had made plans. it's like pre-paying for a zip-line tour that advertised a 45 minute run only to find out that it's only going to last for 20 minutes after you get there. you came there to ride a zip line for 45 minutes and paid for that time.
i personally justify the cost of a DH race by equating lift time with the cost i'd normally incur by shuttling. the race fee and race run in itself is just a formality of the easy access to a lift; therefore, less lift time = less value.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 3, 2004
Cary, NC
Ummm...cussing us? Why? I just hope you don't have some sort of mechanical that requires you to hit the parking lot to repair a tire, replace a spoke, derailleur, rebleed a brake, bandage a gash on a shin, or get some water from the parking lot...you'll be down 2-3 runs or maybe a good hour of practice. Those of us that love to hang out at races and pump out tons of runs for the sake of getting in max vertical know usually you just don't get on the bike and rip off run after run non stop for 3 hours.

Typically you hit the parking lot at least once, if not twice for a 30 minute mechanical or medical...heck, even a shoe string breaking. It's just how this sport is. We know all too well that 3 hours and 100 plus riders gets eaten up quick. Heaven forbid someone should be unfortunate enough to warrant a course hold and need a medic.

See where we're coming from? No need to rage.:thumb:
I don't know what you're talking about old man! ;) I can easily ride 3 hours straight. :thumb:

Metal Dude

Turbo Monkey
Apr 7, 2006
Smackdonough, GA
The riders aren't asking for a rediculous amount of practice time...
We are used to having 5+ hours at all the other events. Riding is fun and
Like Butch said, things happen and it's nice not to be rushed.
Seems the locals are the ones who don't mind the short window. hmmm
There are more people who aren't speaking their minds on RM that feel 3hrs. is 2short.
I am trying to come regardless of practice time, but I can't find anyone to come up with me cause they don't think it's worth the effort vs. amount of riding time.

I am certainly not trying to dog Ryan, and appreciate the amount of work he and others have put forth to make the race happen.

We are just trying express that more riding time is the First way to make it a Success!
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Mar 30, 2009
Please remember there are TWO HOURS of practice on Sunday morning. FIVE HOURS total practice time is available to you all between the two days.

You will get plenty of practice Saturday, IF you promptly attend the rider meeting at 11:45 on the View Haus deck fully geared up, with your number plate on your bike, and then head directly to the lift.

The vast majority of riders at race #1 did not utilize the entire practice time on Saturday. Many riders and those who could not attend Saturday needed more time on Sunday.

I changed the schedule based on observing the practice sessions from race #1.

On another note, the weather is looking pretty good. And, isn't racing bikes fun! See you guys on the mountain.


Mental acuity - 1%
Jan 9, 2004
in a single wide, cooking meth...
We are just trying express that more riding time is the First way to make it a Success!
Duly noted, but as Ryan mentioned above, no one seemed to want/need this time during the first race, so he made an adjustment. Plus, I'm sure running the lift with no one on it does not sit well with the Beech management. Of course we would all like to have 12 hours of lift time so we can get in as many runs as we want, whenever it is convenient, but we have to recognize the fact that we're trying to re-invigorate the NC DH scene, and not showing up to races because we get "shorted" one hour of practice isn't going to help. It's kind of like the chicken and the egg thing: ski resorts want to see impressive turnouts and property rentals, while riders want almost unlimited lift access and relatively inexpensive race fees. To me, the goal is to strongly support local races, and then push for more trails and lift access as turnouts increase.

Anyway, I am ready to fuggin race.


Mar 27, 2005
Boone, NC
I understand where people are coming from with the disappointment in the practice time. And I could see the validity in the complaint if it was a shuttle where you had to wait and wait in line and didn't get to go right back up, but I can't imagine it being a long time waiting in the lift line to get practice in. Walk the course first, then go practice and make the most of your time and have fun. If you can't fix a flat, replace a spoke, or solve any other mechanical in less than 45 minutes, good luck driving to any of the two shops 45 mins to an hour away and getting back in time if the practice was 5 hours. Likewise, if you get out and stack it so hard that you have to take an hour out of practice to deal with it, you probably shouldn't be going back up to get another run in and should call it a day. Just my opinion, but what do I know? NC is stepping it up and people all over the country are noticing so support the race, go out and have fun, and tell Ryan thank you for doing something that you didn't do which is get a race series at Beech Mtn going again!


Apr 25, 2006
I'm just really pleased to have another ski resort even allowing dh on its slopes. Furthermore I can't wait to see how those shirtless prepubescent young boys do....


I rode throughout practice on Saturday at race 1. And I was still bummed when practice ended. So I am disappointed that we will have an abbreviated practice. And I've talked to 3 guys so far who might not go solely due to the shortened practice.
That said, I'm being optimistic about it. I don't think most of us will need as much practice since we have learned the trail for the most part. And the 5 hours total practice might just keep me from wearing myself out before race time.:thumb: We're all excited to have a race series right here in NC. And I for one would not miss out on supporting it. Let's see how this new schedule works out. I'm sure if it causes problems, Ryan will be all over it. BTW, I'm gonna kick some ass this weekend. I'm not going to "just make it down safely" or "try to have fun" screw that. I'm coming to win.:headbang:


Turbo Monkey
May 5, 2002
just south of the ATL
I hope everyone who is not happy with the practice schedule emailed Ryan about it. Bitching on the forums only goes so far, especially if the organizer isn't on them much!

We may or may not make the trip. For me, the riding is more important than the race. But my 14 yr. old has come to the dark side and got fast on a DH bike. So if we go, it will be for him.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
Waxhaw, NC
It seems like there are two pretty easy scenarios.

Show up and race. If there is enough turn out and demand for more practice it will either get changed on the spot or at the very least for the next race.

Or you can NOT show up and low rider turn out can jeopardize the length of practice for the next race and if extreme enough could affect whether there is a race series next year. Why should practice be extended and more expense taken on by the resort if there is no financial incentive to run the lifts? More riders using the lift more often will be better for everyone.

That said I will not be there. Not because of the the practice times but because I have to work.


Oct 1, 2006
west asheville
Or you can NOT show up and low rider turn out can jeopardize the length of practice for the next race and if extreme enough could affect whether there is a race series next year. Why should practice be extended and more expense taken on by the resort if there is no financial incentive to run the lifts? More riders using the lift more often will be better for everyone.

Unfortunately that's not how it works. There were NINETY SEVEN riders at the first race and the potential to have a ton more at this race WAS there. That should be plenty of financial incentive to run the lift for the times that they advertised.

Why not be happy that the first race had such a good turnout and in anticipation of the 2nd race add a 2nd hour of practice on Sunday? That INCREASES value for your customers. They're currently doing the opposite.

I always say that my race run is my least favorite part of a race weekend. And to take away the additional practice just sucks. You can't really blame the riders for being upset.


Jun 20, 2009
everyone needs to show up regardless. Do you guys have any idea what it costs to operate a lift for a day? We are lucky they are running it in the first place do to liability etc.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Never seen so much mouthbreathing over 1 hour of practice.
Enough to fog up a 3 story glass house.

Drama is to the Southeast DH scene what
high fructose corn syrup is to fat people.

See you guys in the morning.:)