
2010 NHL Playoffs Thread


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
1. How many times were the Red Wings on NBC for Sunday night hockey vs. the rest of the teams in the league?

2. I can't comment as I didn't see a ton of the Red Wings v. Sharks series.

3. Montreal isn't out yet - although they've got a tough road to climb to beat the Pens. Vancouver ain't dead yet either. And if the Blackhawks play like they did last night they could blow this 3-1 lead.

4. Trapezoid rule is really dumb - I agree.

5. Interesting perspective. What if you allowed a guy to throw the puck in the goal - that'd be more handball than hockey right?

6. Eliminating the red line was a brilliant move - the game is much quicker as a result. I love that rule change.

7. Find an old game on ESPN Classic or something and then watch a modern NHL game. I suspect you'll find the hits in today's game to be a helluva lot harder than in the 70s, 80s, even 90s era of hockey. Players today are bigger, faster, stronger and they hit a helluva lot harder as well.

Also, watch an old NHL game and witness all the clutching and grabbing and interference that went on. Those old games are boring in comparison to the game as it stands now. Goalies weren't nearly as athletic as they are now, and the goaltending training is of a standard that you just never saw back then. Technology has also helped - skates are unbelievably light, equipment is more protective, yet lighter, and better designed. And players today essentially train year round. Much different.

* The one rule I'd like to see looked at bit more is automatic icing. I'm on the fence on that rule actually because sometimes the chase to the puck is good to see, but many other times it results in a cheap shot "push the guy into the boards when he's a foot away type hit" that can be very dangerous and potentially career ending for some of the top talent in the game today.
Agreed on all. I would like to see a retro game someday, where some of todays top players use equipment made before they were born. Tube runner skates, all wood sticks, all leather gloves, even some of those heavy all felt chest protectors for the goalies. And no helmets, just for giggles. That would slow some of these guys down. There is a story about Gordie Howe shoveling a rebound into a goalies stomach when he could have put it into his face, telling him something along the lines of "Next time I put it in." Into his face or the net I dont know, but there isnt that kind of respect in the game today...

And Salo went down like he had been shot. Keith is becoming legendary


Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2009
Fenton, MI
1. How many times were the Red Wings on NBC for Sunday night hockey vs. the rest of the teams in the league?

2. I can't comment as I didn't see a ton of the Red Wings v. Sharks series.

3. Montreal isn't out yet - although they've got a tough road to climb to beat the Pens. Vancouver ain't dead yet either. And if the Blackhawks play like they did last night they could blow this 3-1 lead.

4. Trapezoid rule is really dumb - I agree.

5. Interesting perspective. What if you allowed a guy to throw the puck in the goal - that'd be more handball than hockey right?

6. Eliminating the red line was a brilliant move - the game is much quicker as a result. I love that rule change.

7. Find an old game on ESPN Classic or something and then watch a modern NHL game. I suspect you'll find the hits in today's game to be a helluva lot harder than in the 70s, 80s, even 90s era of hockey. Players today are bigger, faster, stronger and they hit a helluva lot harder as well.

Also, watch an old NHL game and witness all the clutching and grabbing and interference that went on. Those old games are boring in comparison to the game as it stands now. Goalies weren't nearly as athletic as they are now, and the goaltending training is of a standard that you just never saw back then. Technology has also helped - skates are unbelievably light, equipment is more protective, yet lighter, and better designed. And players today essentially train year round. Much different.

* The one rule I'd like to see looked at bit more is automatic icing. I'm on the fence on that rule actually because sometimes the chase to the puck is good to see, but many other times it results in a cheap shot "push the guy into the boards when he's a foot away type hit" that can be very dangerous and potentially career ending for some of the top talent in the game today.

1. I don't know I would have to look back, but I venture not nearly as much as the pens, regardless I usually watch the games on FSN Detroit.

2. It happened in both series, but the point is you don't all of a sudden go from least penalized to damn near most, the refs need to be more consistent, either way I dont care, just so long as its the same in both seasons.

3. Agreed, my point is that even though I would love it, the NHL would suffer because of it.

4. :thumb:

5. Kicking and sticks are fine, no hands. I don't like hand passes either. But it would add about a half a goal a game or maybe 1/3 goal a game per team which would up scoring. Isn't that where a lot of the lame rules came from?

6. I am still on the fence, I actually enjoy hockey where a team holds the zone for an entire shift during even strength hockey, that doesnt happen nearly as often as it used to. I do like that there is more continuous play and less whistles because of it though, I agree it has opened up the game...

7. I understand your point, I guess with the added clutching, grabbing, interference it just seemed more physical.

I don't like auto icing because I like seeing a guy bust it out and actually negate the icing, but I agree 100% about the injuries and protecting the players from un-necessary injury.

Speaking of, damn Salo's injury looked painful last night.


Mar 29, 2004
We could seal up who is going to the Eastern Conference finals tonight. Anyone think Pittsburgh and Boston will end these series tonight?


Aug 29, 2006
Hey Fleury make a big save... wait VS. show another commercial about a series that is not finished.

What if the Bruins loss another, do they pull Rask?


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Habs win to force game 7 - great effort by the Habs. And Halak has to be super thankful for those goalposts - ghosts of the old Montreal Forum moving over to the Bell Centre for that game last night???

Philly dominated last night. Boston looked horrible. Could the Bs blow a 3-0 series lead? Their offense is anemic right now. They miss Krejci big time.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Hopefully getting smacked around like that last night will wake them up!!!
they should have given Tukka some extra time to rest in the third period and put Thomas in.

Could this be the biggest epic fail in Bruins history?? Philly sure has the momentum. Although their goaltending is now totally piecemeal.


Aug 29, 2006
Can the Blackhawks close out the Canucks tonight? Or will they play like crap again like they did the other night?
I think the Hawks will do it. Not playing at home and the Canucks inconstancy should make for a 4-1 w/ empty net and yes Luongo will suck.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Close jsg...5-1 Hawks! Have a nice summer 'Nucks! Another classy ending with Van fans throwing crap on the ice and Smauellson taking 14 mins in penalties in teh closing minutes...
Lets go Hawks! Beat teh Sharks! Eric strt6...here we go...