
2016 Election Post Mortem (aka Monday Morning QB)


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
The good news is, that if it's not, you and I are so close to Cheyenne Mountain/NORAD, Peterson, Carson, etc that we'll be insta-fried, no wandering the post nuclear wasteland, Fending off the zombies and cannibals for us. Take that fly over America!
you can bang on the gate and scream "little pig little pig let me in!"


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
If Hillary hadn't shanked Bernie Sanders in the primaries, we'd have him as our next President instead of Trump today.

We all should hold the Media responsible for Trump because they chose to ignore the volumes of manipulative, corrupt dealings of the Hillary era revealed to the world by Wikileaks and shill for her in a complicit biased way. Unbiased objective Media is dead.
dnc should do away with super delegates.

blame debbie wasserman shultz and donna brazille.

bernie didn't give a fuck that she was a turd....he got in line....hoping to head a committee if she was elected.
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N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
I genuinely feel bad for my friends & family who are obviously hurting over the outcome of this year's Presidential election cycle. I empathize with you - the candidate who's platform I supported didn't even win a single electoral vote.

To those of you asking how is it possible that Trump won - answer is simple; this election cycle was about bringing political outliers to shake up the political elite's status quo in Washington.

Everyone saw this early on with Trump and even Gary Johnson. Heck, most Democrats I know saw it too with Bernie Sanders. Libertarians, Democrats, and Republicans were all on the "sweep 'em out of office" bandwagon thru their respective primaries.

But then the one person who embodies everything everyone hates about the big money, media backed, corrupt, entitled political cronyism that is D.C. politics executed a successful campaign to shank Bernie Sanders in the jugular vein prison-style and forced him to bleed out his enthusiastic throngs of motivated, wide-eyed idealists to back Her™® since it was Her™® turn, not his.

After all, she'd suffered a humiliating defeat to virtually unknown 1st term Senator 8 years ago and she felt she was OWED the nomination. After that loss, she grudgingly attached herself to his administration as his Sec of State in order to stay in the political limelight and set herself up to be his heir apparent. We now know she also used that time to enrich herself personally and mishandle classified info by setting up a separate network for her communications which would fall outside of a Freedom of Information Act request should one be filed and it most certainly would be when she ran for President again - and it was.

This was totally Her™® election to win. The Media told us she would win. The political elite told us she would win. But instead she underestimated Trump's base and completely and totally blew it, losing (once again) to a novice with no political experience.

By totally backing Her™®, the DNC shafted their most viable candidate, Bernie Sanders, and in the end, totally shafted their voter base.
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filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I wonder how long til the douchebag Assange unearths some shocking emails about Trump...as he said, he hated them both, the choice between them was like the choice between gonorrhea and syphilis.

And to the moron protesters, where the fuck were you on the 8th? And during the preceding months? Where the fuck were you during the Democrapic convention when you should have been shouting for Bernie?


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
they should have given trump a white box at todays meeting that says white house starter kit....


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Whats really pissing me off is all the talk of working together and such...where was all that bullshit the past 8 fucking years? What a load of crap. The last thing I am going to do is work with some fucking Neo Con to live their fucking white bread dream of having all the gays back in the closet, the darkies in the butlers room, the Mexicans who are left mowing their goddamn lawns and having all the women giving birth for Jeebus' Army. Not to mention the dirty Muslims being pushed back into the sea whether they came from there or not.

Thanksfornothing Debbie Fucking Wasserman Schultz, you no good cunt for fucking over Bernie. And while I am at it, fuck you too Bernie. Fuck you for giving up on it when you knew goddamned good and well you were being fucked, fuck you for giving up on the dream you were selling us in exchange for whothefuckknows what. Where is Nelson Muntz to punch you for compromising your values?


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Squeeb was talking about punk rock...Bad Religion just happened to be mentioned in the conversation as becoming great again.

Cant we all just get along??
punx and skinz! let's unite them!
punx and skinz! let's put 'em on a boat!
punx and skinz! we'll send 'em out to sea!
punx and skinz! we'll sink those fuckers!


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
I think for now on whenever a Trump supporter says something to me, I'm just going to grab them in the crotch instead of shaking hands. I mean if Trump can "grab them by the pussy"' then so can I.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I think for now on whenever a Trump supporter says something to me, I'm just going to grab them in the crotch instead of shaking hands. I mean if Trump can "grab them by the pussy"' then so can I.
You have to be a celebrity to do whatever you want. Maybe get a reality show and then you are good to go.

Or run for president, I guess. :rofl: