
2016: Hillary vs Paul?


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
I usually don't agree with Peggy Noonan, but this is actual analysis instead of her usual water-carrying drivel. Basically it's talking about the hawkishness of Hillary vs the populist (and non-internventionalist) aspects of Rand Paul.

But what if the nominee were Rand Paul? And he went up against Mrs. Clinton? The Kentucky senator would, presumably, be to her left on foreign policy. That would be historic enough. But what would the GOP's establishmentarians, its money men and opinion shapers, do if the 2016 election came down to Mr. Paul versus a more moderate-seeming Hillary? They just might choose Mrs. Clinton. Bolt the party, or sit this one out.

We could see a rising populist candidate pretty much split the Democratic Party this year, and a rising libertarian one pretty much split the Republicans.
And then this morning WashPo had an article detailing how Rand Paul (and the other Libertarians) are using Ferguson to tout a populist message.

It does bring up an interesting point: If it comes down to a populist, non-interventionalist like Paul vs a Wall Street, big business hawk like Hillary, what then? Might be the first election since 2000 where I'd actually be interested in what both candidates had to say...


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
hillary's no thatcher, bhuto, or meir. at best, she's going to be couched as a benevolent dictator, right or wrong.

and paul, for all his appeal to CTs & fair-weather anti-war types, will be only slightly more influential in this election as lyndon larouche.

they're both going to have to shape-shift or be significantly re-branded to get north of 40% turnout (even if that means making the other guy look like devil spawn; IOW: politics as usual)


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
do african americans and hispanics really love hillary that much?

will hillary really be just bills hand up her ass calling the shots?


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Never happen. The Wall Street backers of teh GOP and Military/Industrial Complex types will never stand for a Paul, be it dad or jr. Chicken Hawking Billary is much more their type. Rand will never make it out of a GOP convention.
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