
7 years of dental school and I have something Evil to get out


Turbo Monkey
Sep 23, 2001
Boise, Idaho

Been a while since I've posted on here, have been quietly lurking in the shadows keeping tabs on everyone and everything bike related.

About 7 years ago I had a biking breakdown and sold all my bikes- bad sponsorship deal put a real sour taste in my mouth + overall lack of boredom with the riding in the area I was living. Fast forward to 2 years ago, tried to get back on the bike but was dealing with excruciating leg pain, the type where tying your shoes was equivalent to being stabbed with a soldering iron..... in the eye. Come to find out, my right hip was shot from years of biking (see hucks to flat back in my pre teens)/ snowboarding/ skating/ falling off things abuse, so I had it replaced in March 2016. Doctor recommended I get back on the bike to help heal up.

I spent most of April demoing bikes and finally settled on the Evil Insurgent. I wanted something that rode like a big bike, but could also rip the single track and climbs Boise is famous for. I test rode the Ibis mojo HD3, the Kona process line, Transition scout and patrol carbon, Evil following, Specialized enduro, and SC bronson.

Build kit:
Insurgent frame M, slimeball
Push 11-6 rear shock (installed today) factory monarch debonair will be in the trash can if anyone wants it
Push tuned Fox float 36 (new today) hated the Pike that I was riding prior
Enve 60's on Dt swiss 240's with fancy spokes
Specialized slaughter 2.3 grid R w/ lots of stans
Maxxis minion DHF 2.5 exo 3c F w/ lots of stans
XTR trail brakes
XTR shifter
XT rear derailleur, cassette and chain
Raceface Sixc Carbon 165 cranks w/ 30t Cinch ring
Zipp ceramic BB
Reverb dropper post
Specialized Phenom saddle w/ SWAT tire kit
Raceface turbine stem
Chromag BZA 800mm carbon bars and grips
Raceface Atlas pedals (loners)

Total weight as is (on the fancy shmancy bathroom scale) 30.2lbs with SWAT kit (tube, levers, flat kit)

So far I love this bike, haven't had a chance to ride it with the new push-y goodness, but the RS garbage that was on there before was really holding the bike back. I could feel both shocks being overworked on relatively mellow trails no matter how many combinations of knob turning,air volume and spacers I tried. I'll probably switch to a 46t or 50t cog and a larger front ring, or ditch the shimano and go 12sp in the future. Bars, stem and seat are all up for debate and waiting on a pair of deity bladerunners to replace the Atlas pedals.

Big thanks to Jason and Cody at G Fit studio in Boise, guys have been awesome to work with!
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Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Talk about blast from the past! Hip replacement sounds really rough, but glad you're healed up and back on the bike.


Now, what was it about 360s again? That's all I remember.

Mr Lahey

Sep 23, 2009
Fancy! Short list bike.

If you were serious about trash canning the Monarch I nicked my stanchion this weekend...


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
Can someone please get stickers of this made, One of my best riding buds isn't a dentist but he is an orth surgeon with 4 evils and 2 Porsche Turbo's, I want to plaster his entire garage in these.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 23, 2001
Boise, Idaho
Thanks everyone, feels good to be home!

In regards to the hip, its truly amazing. I was off crutches and walking a few days after surgery and riding 3 weeks out. I am 13 weeks post surgery now and knocked out a 17 mile ride this am- also took my first digger today directly onto the robohip.

FYI anyone thinking about getting an 11-6.... do it immediately. Took an already amazing bike and transformed it into an absolute train murdering machine. Climbs better, tracks better through the gnar, is more boostable on jumps, feels more planted, less fatigue, and is 100% ADA approved.