
70% Of Iraqis Say Life Is Going Good...


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
And over 50% in the same survey say the country is going to ****. Nice use of selective stats N8.

However it does show that there is hope, now the US and its vassals need to step up to the plate and show the Iraqis that they are serious - sorting out the power and sewage issues and show that real reconstructions is gonna happen.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Yes, Sewage, electricity and gas supply are still at lower levels than when Saddam was in power. The US needs to get serious or get out.

The Amish

Dumber than N8
Feb 22, 2005
Echo said:
It's that other 30% that seems to be the problem.
Thats the truth. I work with I guy that just came back from a 2year tour over there who was telling me stories about it the other night. He said its nothing like the crap you see on tv and in the papers. WHat you have to look at is the fact that we liberated the majority of the country(60% shiite pop). THese people love AMERICANS. He said he couldn't count the times people would run out of their house with everything they owned in there arms tryin to give it to him for freeing them. I mean everything tv's, food, stereos, there daughters. He said it was f'n nutz how theese people were willing to part with everything they owned as a token of appreciation. Then they would drive down the street and a hummer would blow up because of a roadside bomb planted by the 40% sunnis who we turned into bums overnight by ousting saddam.