
888 wc's or Fox 40rc2x ?


Jan 11, 2006
looking for new forks for my 224,
either 888 wc's or Fox 40rc2x

has anyone ridden both forks and how do they compare ?

demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
fox 40 is plusher, other than that they felt the same.

they were both on the same bike with the same build as well


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
40's sh*t the bed like a 7 year old with diarreah.
I have seen nothing but headaches with 40's


Jul 5, 2006
Squamish BC
40's sh*t the bed like a 7 year old with diarreah.
I have seen nothing but headaches with 40's
that's funny, its the exact opposite for me...I had nothing but troubles with all of my 888....and Im 160 pounds.:plthumbsdown: If you have a chance to take both fork apart you'll see with your own eyes which was better engineered...As far as which one rides better I guess it all depends of your taste...I find the FOX to be better if you like to play with the internals and I actually enjoy the "whooshing" sound my 40 makes...

I would personally never buy a Marz product...


3 Dude Approved
that's funny, its the exact opposite for me...I had nothing but troubles with all of my 888....and Im 160 pounds.:...
You could eat yourself and be close to my weight. I weigh 230+ and ride hard and crush stuff, my 888's now abd then have never givien me trouble. I like the 40's but reliability is an issue thats for real and all over the internet as well as 888's reliability.


Jul 5, 2006
Squamish BC
You could eat yourself and be close to my weight. I weigh 230+ and ride hard and crush stuff, my 888's now abd then have never givien me trouble. I like the 40's but reliability is an issue thats for real and all over the internet as well as 888's reliability.
On my last 888 I had to replace the lowers twice o(leaking).I stopped counting how many times I've changed the seals, blew up the damper and replaced the stanchions...I must have been cursed with bad luck or something. I do a lot of maintenance on my forks, simply because Im fascinated and loves how suspensions works .When I open a FOX 40 and see all the potential to play with the shims I get all excited..It doesnt require more maintenance for me than a Marz, I would do the same with any forks anyway...and I dont think a Marz requires less maintenance by the way.Unless if they made enormous changes with their internal since 2006...

Put it this way, It see the FOX 40 like an F1 car.If you had one would you drive it until you absolutely need to do a oil change before replacing the fluids? Wouldn't play with the spoilers, supsension, engine settings yadiyadi ya....probably not...:disgust1:
Dec 3, 2004
San Jose, CA
40's feel great when theyre new, but they blow up in a year. Everyone I know who has a 40 has had it blow up. 888's are super reliable. They feel about the same as the 40, little heavier, but you don't have to do sh*t to them and they keep on working.


May 25, 2005
I'm actually on a 888rc2x, and am in the market for a 08 fox40. The Marz rides great, but i've always had the urge to try the 40, since i love how my 36Van rides. Are all the issues with the Fox 40's been cleared up for the 08's? reliability wise?


Turbo Monkey
Mar 10, 2005
I like the 40's but reliability is an issue thats for real and all over the internet as well as 888's reliability.
i dont get it, its seems like there is a strong dislike for 40s on the internet. sure, someone can post up a buch of broken 40 pics. but in my experience i have seen far more failures with boxxers, but you dont hear them getting bad rep.


Jan 11, 2006
i dont get it, its seems like there is a strong dislike for 40s on the internet. sure, someone can post up a buch of broken 40 pics. but in my experience i have seen far more failures with boxxers, but you dont hear them getting bad rep.

Well said, I think the broken 40's were all the first generation
lowers, but i believe Fox replaced them under warranty
for the newer improved lowers.

I think rockshox also had issues with lowers snapping
and have since beefed them up also

demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
i do have to admit i did snap my lowers at the crown but it still didnt stop me from replacing it and buyin another for my other bike


3 Dude Approved
Allright Im coming out of the closet.
I love ride and recomend hands down the 888wc. But and here it comes; I have been wanting to ride a 40 for 2 years now. I know they have issues and Ill probably kill it but still Id like to ride one. Face it they look sick, they ride uber plush apparently and they say FOX. Looks cool!

I work on my stuff as well as a really anal person with maintenance so it wouldnt bother me.

888's rock though.......... I have alot of love for the Marz. product.

Take it back, I love my WC it looks sick, shines awesome and always has my back for bad landings. :thumb:


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
My '05 888 is 2 years old. 4 oil changes and one set of seals. Its probably seen around 2000 miles of use. That is serious reliability.

My friends 40rc2 was purchased around the same time, and sees around the same amount of use. Its blown the rebound circuit twice, blown the seals 4 times. It feels good and all but goddamn thats pretty ridiculous. I'd write it off as just bad luck, but I've seen similar results with other local riders. For me the weight savings are not worth the downtime and expense.


Mar 4, 2002
Hostile Sausage
I'm about 230lbs and have crushed 888's since they came out and Monster T's before that. If you want a reliable fork go with the 888..........if you want to do maintenance on your fork after every other ride, then go for the 40...........I dont know anyone that doesnt have problems with there 40.

Stay true to the darkside.....and rock an 888.
Dec 3, 2004
San Jose, CA
i dont get it, its seems like there is a strong dislike for 40s on the internet. sure, someone can post up a buch of broken 40 pics. but in my experience i have seen far more failures with boxxers, but you dont hear them getting bad rep.
Boxxers used to have a really bad rap because they did what 40's do now... blow up, but unlike fox, rockshox seems like they have solved a lot of problems in their design and are making more reliable forks. Fox is still sacraficing reliability for weight because they haven't come up with a good enough design to optimize both.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 10, 2005
no, i dont mean the old boxxers(pre05) i mean current ones. and i think if that there is any fork that is compromising strength for weight, its the boxxers. and ppl saying that a 40 is high maintenance is just talking ****. an oil change which takes 10 minutes, and i have seen 40's which have gone 2 years with out an oil change and still work fine.

i just hit me again why i normally dont get into threads like this.