
A Congessman in need of arresting...


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
she sounds like an a hole running her campaign on the back of this Capitol policeman.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Capitol Police Seeking Arrest Warrant for Congresswoman

WASHINGTON, April 3 — The Capitol Police said Monday that they were seeking a warrant to arrest Representative Cynthia A. McKinney for an altercation with a police officer last week.

In addition to the rarity of a member of Congress facing such an arrest, the case has also attracted national attention because Ms. McKinney has contended that, as a black woman, she was mistreated because of racial bias.

She held a news conference on Friday to denounce the actions of the officer, flanked by the entertainers Danny Glover and Harry Belafonte and surrounded by black schoolchildren holding signs that read, "Is Cynthia a target?" She and her lawyers said that the officer had failed to recognize her and then touched her inappropriately, and that her treatment represented of a pattern of police harassment of black people.

A spokesman for the United States attorney for the District of Columbia said that prosecutors were reviewing the police request and expected to make a decision soon. United States attorneys handle all criminal violations in the district, which does not have a local criminal prosecutor.

The altercation took place at a checkpoint building in the Capitol complex. According to accounts by police officers and Congressional officials, Ms. McKinney went around a metal detector, as members of Congress are allowed to do. The police officer reportedly told her to stop, and when she did not he apparently tried to stop her, provoking a physical response from Ms. McKinney.

She has acknowledged that she was not wearing the lapel pin that identifies her as a member of Congress. But she said that the police responsible for protecting lawmakers should recognize them on sight.

Ms. McKinney, a Georgia Democrat, has raised the issue of racial bias in the past. In her first term in Congress in 1993, she publicly complained about a confrontation with an elevator operator who she said initially assumed she could not be a member of Congress because of her appearance and race. (Ms. McKinney acknowledges that her attire is unusual, especially her gold cowboy boots and running shoes.)

In her 1996 campaign for re-election, she called her opponents "a rag-tag group of neo-Confederates." She has also said she complained to President Bill Clinton of "disparate treatment" at two White House events during his administration because of her race.

Ms. McKinney's lawyer, James W. Myart Jr., affirmed his belief that the altercation reflected racial bias.

"There is a predisposition to have a heightened level of suspicion of people of color by law enforcement officials," Mr. Myart said Monday.

In an interview on CNN on Monday, Ms. McKinney said, "The issue is racial profiling."


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
On the one hand, she probably WAS the victim of racial bias. On the other hand, walking around a metal detector without your pin is just stupid, and reacting to being stopped by a police officer by slapping him is even stupider.

My take-away: the world is full of stupid people.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Echo said:
This definitely sounds like one of those stories with 3 sides: the police's side, McKinney's side, and the truth.
I hope there is video tape...


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
ridetoofast said:
what dumb cvnt...
If thats the only spark your two brain cells can make when rubbed together, perhaps you should stay out of this forum.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
wonkette.com has been writing some funny stuff about this incident recently. A lot of people in congress don't wear the pins and none go through the detectors. Might have been racial, might have just been some guy not remembering what this woman looked like. I mean, I doubt anyone would say "Hey, that looks like Cynthia McKinney. She's black; I think I should go stop her."

In any case, her reaction showed that she is basically a nut job, which is nice...


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
My officemate just brought this episode up. He blamed it not on a jackass congresswoman but on the liberal elite conspiracy. He went on for a while about how they are running the world and end up screwing over the people they are supposedly watching out for. I had a bit of a problem keeping a straight face. The irony of it all is this poor dude has had 5 jobs in the last 5 years as his positions keep getting sent "offshore".