
A downside to the Bush victory....


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Hate to say it, but I don't think much of the country is ready for a woman.....at least not in the oval office - and a lot of it not anywhere else either

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Jr_Bullit said:
Hate to say it, but I don't think much of the country is ready for a woman.....at least not in the oval office - and a lot of it not anywhere else either

Id have no problem voting for a woman, but NOT THAT ONE. Seriously, if a qualified woman who I felt had the right ideas, conviction, and leadership were to run, Id vote for her.

Though I have concerns about how much respect a female POTUS would get from misogynistic countries in the middle east Asia and Africa.

When Albright was Sec-State the Arab world was for the most part like: "Pffft, whatever biotch. Go bake some cookies."


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Damn True said:
Id have no problem voting for a woman, but NOT THAT ONE. Seriously, if a qualified woman who I felt had the right ideas, conviction, and leadership were to run, Id vote for her.

When Albright was Sec-State the Arab world was for the most part like: "Pffft, whatever biotch. Go bake some cookies."
And how is our oh-so educated and wonderfully diverse US any different?

And if by qualified you mean some meek, plain, leather faced widow who wears black and worships her deceased husband - sorry - I'll pick the educated woman who loves the fact she is woman - who thinks for herself and needs no man to try shoving his opinions down her throat. Like I said - the US isn't ready for that on the whole. I live in one of the "liberal strongholds"...and while I wouldn't say I'm a liberal - I have to say the respect given to women here is far and above what's found throughout the rest (yes I travel and teach on a regular basis, not to mention I work with school districts around the US 6am to 6pm 5 days a week)

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Jr_Bullit said:
And how is our oh-so educated and wonderfully diverse US any different?

And if by qualified you mean some meek, plain, leather faced widow who wears black and worships her deceased husband - sorry - I'll pick the educated woman who loves the fact she is woman - who thinks for herself and needs no man to try shoving his opinions down her throat. Like I said - the US isn't ready for that on the whole. I live in one of the "liberal strongholds"...and while I wouldn't say I'm a liberal - I have to say the respect given to women here is far and above what's found throughout the rest (yes I travel and teach on a regular basis, not to mention I work with school districts around the US 6am to 6pm 5 days a week)
No, by qualified I mean someone with a background that has actually prepared them for the highest office in the land. Someone who has held executive office on the state level, or held a high ranking office in an office involved in international policy...preferably both but you can't have it all.

But thanks for assuming you know what I am thinking.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Jr_Bullit said:
hrm...and how does all that describe a single one of the men who have held office thus far?
Bush - Gov of Texas (executive office in a very large state 22 electoral votes I think and a very diverse populace)
Clinton - Gov of Arkansas (uh........)
Bush Sr. - U.S. congressman from Texas (1966-1970), ambassador to the United Nations (1971-1974); Special Envoy to China (1974-1975); Republican National Chairman (1975-1976); Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director (1976-1977); vice president of the U.S. (1981-1989)
Reagan - Gov of CA (most populace state in the Union)
Carter - Georgia State Senate, Gov of Georgia
Ford - State Senate, US House, VP


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Other than your own personal opinion of what the qualifications of those offices entail beyond a personable demeanor and understanding of how to appease the popular vote in the US - in what way did either Bush demonstrate skill in the international arena? Diversity of thought?
Other than Bush Jr's choice for Secretary of State - what intelligent decision has he made that endeared us to other nations?
Clinton, at least, chose Madeleine Albright for his Sec of State - and demean her all you want as someone who should be baking cookies and popping out children, I worked under her, in her departments, and share a cultural heritage with her...so unfortunately I am biased...
Reagan - sweet man, ****ed us up royally in our economy, didn't do so bad internationally, had some unique ideas about how to defend the US
Carter - no argument
Ford - admitedly need to study up on his administration.

What makes a president is the contents of his administration. The current president's administration...I say run...especially with a majority of Repubs in Senate, House, and Jucial branches of gov't. time for some crazzy sheeot to hit the fan when the balance of power goes out the window.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
i would never vote for madeleine albright. i much prefer hrc over her. why? kosovo. my own analysis is that she somehow felt the need to horribly overcompensate for her jewish/holocaust family background (discovered late in life), and painted milosevic as hitler even tho he wasn't, and the u.s./nato action led to quite the mess, and quite the spilling of blood.

http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3a6eede67d66.htm <-- from harvard international review supposedly, not just some forum post. and no, i don't read free republic, got this via google + following links.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Toshi said:
i would never vote for madeleine albright. i much prefer hrc over her. why? kosovo. my own analysis is that she somehow felt the need to horribly overcompensate for her jewish/holocaust family background (discovered late in life), and painted milosevic as hitler even tho he wasn't, and the u.s./nato action led to quite the mess, and quite the spilling of blood.

http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3a6eede67d66.htm <-- from harvard international review supposedly, not just some forum post. and no, i don't read free republic, got this via google + following links.
I'd like to hear your milosevic summary - because I gots to help put together some of the US State Dept materials on him for Foreign Service Officers during my stint there and found him to be a rather repulsive individual, as well has his wife, by the end.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
my take on milosevic is unoriginal, as in i don't have any original thoughts to offer. however, from what i have heard from friends from the general former-yugoslavia region i can say that the issue was not nearly as clean cut as albright and the UN attempted to make it out to be. both sides were engaging in a slaughter. note that this includes the albanians. thus our black and white vilification of milosevic was an injustice to the whole region -- milosevic was no saint, sure (see the UN claim of "extermination or murder of hundreds of Croat and other non-Serb civilians, including women and elderly persons") but he was no hitler (see the UN claim of "extermination or murder of hundreds of Croat and other non-Serb civilians, including women and elderly persons"). painting him as such, implied by the first link below, couldn't find a direct "hitler" quote, can thus be seen to be an overreaction by albright, with the trivial psychoanalysis that she was so concerned with stopping a potential holocaust II that the bombing of innocents was no big deal.



Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
I personally feel that Hillary would probably be a pretty good president. The fact that the populus of the US is unwilling to accept a female in such a role is evidence of so many problems with the general US mentality. It's probably the same reason 5.6 liter V12 engined cars are popular.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
I know there was a thread on this earlier, but remind me again - why is it everyone has such a problem with her? She's a strong, independent woman, mother, and wife. If I recall, it had little to do with her politics, and everything to do with her definition as a woman and how she works with her husband.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Jr_Bullit said:
I know there was a thread on this earlier, but remind me again - why is it everyone has such a problem with her? She's a strong, independent woman, mother, and wife. If I recall, it had little to do with her politics, and everything to do with her definition as a woman and how she works with her husband.
Because right now the conservative religious groups have the power, and most conservative religious do not allow women to take on leadership roles.

The men in these groups are threatened by the thought of a women being in control and they will do everything they can to prevent it. This thread and the one I cited above are proof - they are and have been attacking her presidential bid before she has even gotten an opportunity to campaign for it!


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Changleen said:
I personally feel that Hillary would probably be a pretty good president.
:rolleyes: you dont say? :p

Seriously, I dont think its a woman issue. Id vote for Condoleeza, but that Hillary is a heinous b!tch.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Something all y'all Hillary h8ers will enjoy

Personally I think it is a non issue. America is not ready to elect a women president. There are too many people including women that fully beleive that women deserve equal rights but won't go for one in charge of them other than their mothers. If the Democrats nominate her even another republican knob would win. Imagine Cheney 08. :dead: :dead:


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Jr_Bullit said:
Gee Thanks Slugman....I never realized I come across as a right wing conservative bush lover...

considering that I'm not any of those things :eviltongu
Oops... sorry - I meant to quote DamnTrue.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Damn True said:
Apparently nobody is actually READING and they are just making knee-JERK assumptions of what I think.

read what I wrote on the first page of this thread ya goon
I feel for you, man...


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
BurlyShirley said:
Id vote for Condoleeza
why? she's proven to be a bush lapdog. powell is the only one who either had a conscience or spoke up about it during the whole run up to iraq.


Oct 20, 2004
Fort Collins, CO
then again you never know how bad the republican side guy will be...they could put up another woman....hmmmm that'd probly lead to the first green party win lol


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Damn True said:
Agreed. I haven't heard her speak a word that sounded like an original thought....but then it isn't her job to do so.
You obviously just havent been paying attention then. One of her best thoughts IMO, is that America's greatest rivalry is still with Russia and not with China as most seem to think. She breaks this down in great detail and she's a very sharp woman with alot of ideas. Id recommend looking into it sometime.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
BS, please provide a link. googling for "condoleeza rice russia china" didn't turn up anything resembling what you write about


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
BurlyShirley said:
You obviously just havent been paying attention then. One of her best thoughts IMO, is that America's greatest rivalry is still with Russia and not with China as most seem to think. She breaks this down in great detail and she's a very sharp woman with alot of ideas. Id recommend looking into it sometime.
Then she's still stuck in the cold war era. Russia is fading fast. Demographics are going to kill them. They happen to be dangerous because they've got so damn many nuclear weapons, but that's about it.

You want rivalry? China and India.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Toshi said:
BS, please provide a link. googling for "condoleeza rice russia china" didn't turn up anything resembling what you write about
I dont have a link. I was reading some stuff on her in a magazine about alot of her views on the world and found them pretty interesting. Dont recall which it was...

And silver, as for rivalry, she didnt mean on the same plane as china/india, but more militarily speaking. Wish I knew where I read that. Seems like it may have been an excerpt from a book she possibly wrote, but I couldnt say for sure.

But back to the original point, she's far more than a Bush lapdog as some have suggested.