
a little piece of me died


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011

That said, there is not enough content on the interwebs from guys like Matt, Mike Hopkins etc.

I have personally only seen one electric bike on trails. Buddy was going down/up hills seated the entire time, but was going slow as molasses.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
The puddle wheelie adds legitimacy.

Include the tucky tucky shoulder hunch bar turn for (cough) 'style' points.

A few earth based kickouts, and any piece of shit bike is an instant rocket ship to all hacks.

These and other pathetic tools of the trade are available in my upcoming pamphlet "1001 reasons why the bike industry sucks and needs to die in a hole."


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
That was terrible. Never really got 99% of bike videos, but that was bad. Was just missing a parking lot curb huck.


PM me about Tantrum Cycles!
May 24, 2007
Didn't lapierre drop DH to pursue teh ebike market? And we have spec dropping Gwin and pushing this?

Kanye West

220# bag of hacktastic
Aug 31, 2006
Just curious, how many people here have actually tried riding a full-suspension E-bike?


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Now when folks ask, "where's the engine" you can point and say, right there!


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Since there will allways be idiots who will buy crap like this, I will just point at them and laugh...
Here in the land of the free, we are not free to ride nowhere near as freely as in the backwards Old world. This will complicate already painful trail access issues, little to laugh about here.


Turbo Monkey
May 30, 2007
Start an(sic) petition of riders who will boycott any company that pushes this shit?
won't ever happen. the same way this thread will die a short death - people will soon forget why they were boycotting a company, find something they like from said company, buy it and move on with their lives.

also people will be leery to admit it due to their concern of how they'll be judged, but a lot of riders will see this and think it's an awesome thing (which i admit i do - i think it's pretty damn cool tech and i'd love to try one with standard width wheels and tires).

bottom line is people are self centered and not really concerned with the long view. if they can get a boost up that hill they avoid or never make they won't care about the impact it may have on their local trail system or the sport as a whole.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Thanks special-ed... now, show us the version that you stuff in the seat-tube.
Sep 11, 2015
As a community, how could we make the bike companies uncomfortable enough to kill this infant in the crib?
Too late. E-MTB is not an infant anymore. It's an obnoxious little toddler walking around putting anything and everything in its mouth. It is the fastest-growing category in Europe and several of the big brands are already playing there. Their presence in North America will only grow. Unfortunate timing considering the current STC/IMBA debate.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Too late. E-MTB is not an infant anymore. It's an obnoxious little toddler walking around putting anything and everything in its mouth. It is the fastest-growing category in Europe and several of the big brands are already playing there. Their presence in North America will only grow. Unfortunate timing considering the current STC/IMBA debate.
Yeah, I hear they put them in the seat tubes... gets them into trouble with the big daddy UCI.


¡Mira, una ardilla!
@stiksandstones chimed in at Vital in favor of them, citing the case of Troy Lee. He had a bad motorcycle accident a while ago and this would certainly help him to spend a bit more time on his bike. I kinda justify its use in that case, but I'm not so sure I could cope with the added avalanche of asshats speeding while climbing.