
A nice dry place to ride right now!!!


Oct 8, 2003
Seattle, WA
What's this about? They're not referring to 38 or 27, are they?

In recent weeks, the U.S. Forest Service has stepped up security to keep mountain bikers from damaging the habitat around the lower Garcia Road at Snoqualmie Pass, a popular training ground even though it is off-limits for mountain bikers.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
girlwhoboards said:
can we say "clear-cut"...which has a more devastating effect aye?
Yes but sometimes clear-cuts aren't so bad either.... being educated in logging practices and being educated in mt. biking affairs aren't topics well understood by the common joe. But i'm with ya, the hypocrisy in justifying our exclusion in the woods has always been realized and judged as a weak argument to me.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Kevin emailed the writer of the article this morning pointing out some issues he had with statements he made in the article.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
There is alot positive to this park in terms of showcasing mt. biking to the average person. Even if people don't think about trying mt. biking themselves, it can demystiy us to people right in the heart of King County. The same county where most of us mt. bikers hang our bikes, but the county that has fought the hardest against us.
i read the article myself and really didn't even pay much attention to the comments about the U.S. Forest Service. i highly doubt any readers paid much attention to the comment either save the typical blowhard hiker nazi's who want to pull it out as firepower for their cause. So i suppose in that respect it's a negative, but what else is new here? i mean that's the whole problem that can be corrected with Collanade. Regardless of how cool or uncool the park turns out to be it's still going to showcase mt. bikers and some of what we do. We will no longer be so villified, we'll be out in the open for people to see, and the perception of mt. biking will change, then a better day for legitimate FR/DH will be realized from that. i really don't think i'm being innocently optimistic about this. And from the first day i found out about it, that's what i've thought and that's why i'm totally behind and wanting to support the Collanade project.


Apr 17, 2004
Skooks you've brought up some valid points and I agree. I just think it's kinda sad we have to "simulate" mountain terrain when we are surrounded by it. Isn't there enough for everyone?


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Bullitrider said:
Skooks you've brought up some valid points and I agree. I just think it's kinda sad we have to "simulate" mountain terrain when we are surrounded by it. Isn't there enough for everyone?
Yes there is. And yes i think it's sad too, and i don't think it makes sense either. But it's the way it is and has been. It's gonna take time and effort to push back the other way, but you look around at Post Canyon, Gailbraith, and S. Seatac, it can happen. In some areas we're in a losing battle, knew it when you first went in there. Doesn't mean we cant win in other battles now. And in my mind it's doesn't at all mean that we can't use the victories to rescuscitate trails that are casualties down the road.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 22, 2004
Bullitrider said:
Skooks you've brought up some valid points and I agree. I just think it's kinda sad we have to "simulate" mountain terrain when we are surrounded by it. Isn't there enough for everyone?
I think that's not the point here. Simulating it, "in-town" will get people out of town too.
It's not meant to replace other riding areas at all. It's meant to do just what Skooks said, "showcase the sport". And, in that sense, it's perfect for our riding future. The big question, as with any project, is whether bikers will actually come out and help on it or not. If we looked at the history of trail work parties here as with Tiger, and St.Ed's/Big Finn, there will be a lot of talk and not a lot of walk... I'm hoping that's not the case. But...typically, it ends up being the same 3% of the riding community doing the work for the rest. While they bitch about it afterwards.
Keeping my fingers crossed though. More people means quicker completion and dry riding in town this winter. It really is a chance for us to build back a lot of respect.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
pangeist said:
I want my very own Rays MTB Park, I am sure you've all seen that place....? If not got www.raysmtbpark.com I think, if not google it. F'in awesome I tell you!!!!
yes i have seen it, and yes with time i think we can get alot of that stuff at Collanade too.....
Right now there's alot of worry about bums comin in and vandalizing skinnies teeter totters etc. but i think if things are creatively built with faux rock, and big logs it can work out to simulate some good techy stuff. And if things are built tough, and correctly, well the skies the limit. That's why i'm eager to help out as much as possible so they will tell me no until they get tired of it and then start telling me yes on some Ray's type stuff.


Mar 18, 2005
Santa Barbara
My new life goal is to find a locale for an indoor shore style park.....and the money too
I just go nuts when I have the supplies and time, I just cant stop planning and building. I would say I am addicted. The best part is to hop on my Rumble and rip it up.

If you havent seen it, check out my thread w/ Pics of my ladders and skinnies in Olympia.
Health effects... yeah, as in, cars dropping from the sky... imagine if likewise that dumb gal in Oregon, have someone droppin' in 100ft on your lunch session ... "whazzuuuuuuuuuup !!!"

I do believe that the Open Space project will be good for the sport tho', no question in my mind...


Nov 11, 2003
pangeist said:
Has anyone thought of the health effects of placing a riding venue beneath an interstate?
Yeah, more people riding and getting exercise and cutting down on obeisity = living a lot longer :thumb:

I would imagine the health effects of riding near a freeway are about the same as driving and breathing freeway air everyday. The dirt is fairly polluted, so we'll cover every inch of it with imported materials. Lots of rock, logs, rock, boulders and rock. Did I mention rock? It gets dusty down there since our native soils usually have rain on them. Another reason to cover everything with rock.

s dub

Nov 9, 2004
they focus on mountain bikers at 38. funny. If anyone ever looks to the left of the shuttle road you know what im talking about; The 'gun-shooters' are the biggest problem "destroying the forest". People dump their trash in pits on the sides and a lot of gun folks bring old computers and cans and stuff and shoot them apart into pieces doing WAY more than a bike tire does down a dirt path or on a rock. I think they should do more to take care of that problem before deciding mountain bikers are the problem.