
a question for 91% of blacks


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Sorry, I don't agree with GoP race relations policy. The quote I used above is from Lee Atwater, and helps me understand their policies better.
lee atwater makes karl rove look like a unitarian version of mother teresa.

makes the way he died more understanding


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
I stopped reading after TARP which was passed under Bush. You only have to get past three words before it it is inaccurate. Three fvcking words. :disgust1:
good to know obama signed an exec order to repeal/de-fund it.

like he did for gitmo, patriot act, fisa courts, etc.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Synopsis of the blog post:

Talking point
Talking point
Talking point
Talking point
Talking point
Amazement that everyone else isn't outraged
Talking point
The end
Seriously, he thinks that this is the most scandalous president ever? Even discounting THE ENTIRE IRAQ WAR, how about:

August presidential daily briefing "Al Qaeda determined to strike inside the US"?
Allowing Osama to escape because he pulled troops for his invasion of Iraq?
22 million emails deleted (ahem, "lost")?
Jack Abramof?
Valerie Plame?
Secret "energy policy" meetings between Cheney and the heads of energy companies?
The Patriot Act?

Yeah, if anyone still "has confidence" in Obama, it's because he didn't fvck it up anywhere NEAR as badly as the last guy did.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
I just went back and re-read the first few pages of this thread.

I'd almost forgotten what an oblivious racist $tinkle is. In a very bundy kind of way.......... :rofl:

"me the whitey just don't get it"

you don't have to be white to be confused by the cumdrunkedness.

questions pertaining to both america, and black america:
do you approve of his leadership style?
has he largely been successful?
has he implemented any effective policies to undo bushco?
have we had real change?
do we have any hope in this exec branch?

sure are a lot more [both as a raw number and as a percentage] who have said "fck it; i'm gonna pop that teet in my mouth"

so what don't i get that i need to get about the black experience under obama?

which bundy - ted, al, peg?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
trigger warning: uppity nigra making my case

if you contest his video [assuming you'll give it due diligence & not tune out], i get to call you racist
if you continue to assail me, but give this guy a pass, i get to call you racist
if you ignore this topic, believing it doesn't affect you, i get to call you racist

@16min, it gets reduced to a fine point


Artisanal Tweet Curator
"scandal after scandal'............... yeah that guy gets a pass. :rofl:

You genuinely think this is worth discussion, so I'll at least give it a go.

The basis of your questions is so mired in a blatant disregard for obvious concepts, it almost hurts.

Let's start here: People are fvcking stupid, and they don't follow politics as closely as the people on this board might. White, black, asian, latino........people are ****ing stupid and they don't follow politics. Your bespectacled buddy in that video provides a healthy mix of potentially insightful opinions but then tires to further those points by repeating utter bullshlt that he's just heard over and over again.

Whitey in texas had something similar going on with GWB 3-4 years in, the regular guy from andover with a vice president's hand up his ass animating him whenever a camera turned on. A president who flat out lied to monetize the death of americans and innocent civilians in two countries that they knew americans had very little knowledge about, and who couldn't even appear before the 9/11 commission under oath, OR without the man who's supposed to be his subordinate there to frame answers. But trailer parks everywhere sung his praises while greater and greater tax burdens were lifted from everyone above them. Why? Because people are fvcking stupid and they don't follow politics.

Where were your questions about that phenomenon?

In a democratic party primary, the woman of choice lost and the double x chromosome population was throwing around conspiracy theories, and vowing to vote for the other party who would assuredly be working towards policies in direct opposition to their chosen candidate. Why? Because people are fvcking stupid.

But you posted this thread, one year and six months into a term, with a democratic president having just signed into law some version of what had been a long time democratic cause (that means healthcare reform). This is when half the idiot media screaming was bloody murder about death panels and uncle sam in your uterus convincing a good number of people that this was going to be a 'thing'.

But you think there's something wholly unique about the black population in its unwavering support. A population that still even 4 years later has to deal with horribly disproportionate police scrutiny, messed up voter laws obviously meant to be the effective equivalent of a modern poll tax, and a supreme court who thinks the voter rights act has run its course. A population that obviously still hasn't reached an equalization in this country because they're still being marginalized in new and exciting ways ever since the end of Jim Crow laws. And you really sit there scratching your head about this as if it's some great mystery. Again, and again, and again, not just this thread.

There is nothing special about 'the blacks'. Just like everyone else, the majority of the population doesn't follow politics with a magnifying glass, and at the very least, hell yeah there's going to be some support for a guy who at a minimum, isn't going to be signing into law things that further place his family and theirs into a compromised position in society based on their race. Because when it comes to 'the blacks' that shlt is still going on all over the place. This is still the very first time that's ever even been an option. It's not like there's a long list of presidents who look like this guy. The fact that you even ask these questions just shows that it's never even entered your mind what that must be like for the population you want to keep singling out as somehow thinking differently than you would in that position.

So yeah, it's pretty obvious (to me at least) that there's a good healthy mix of supporters between the extremes:

-those who voted for and support the guy who looked like them and then left it at that because that was enough, and those who understand the significance of a first black president,

-how vital it is to this country's, and their future to make sure that historically, this whole period doesn't get looked at as 'yeah we voted for a black guy once, but that was a bad idea, so let's never do it again'. Because that's going to get said in idaho no matter what happens. I'd want to counter that too if I was one of 'the blacks'.

If all that's too much just go with this: It's a black thing. You wouldn't understand. :D
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Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
When Obama was elected I was elated. Not simply because we no longer had a backwards, retarded, conservative war monger for a president. But because we had come so far as a country and a culture that race had become less of an issue with the election of the first black president. On that day I was proud of my country.

Unfortunately, this elation was short lived as people's true colors started to show. The blatant and ubiquitous racism directed at Obama has been shocking to say the least. The GOP refuses to work with him and has coined several racist code words for Obama, such as; "socialist", "muslim", "communist", and "liberal elitist". The only cultural growth the GOP has achieved is learning that it is no longer socially or politically acceptable to call a black person "nigger" in public. Sad really. I had hoped we had grown more, but I was wrong.

And to your point Kidwoo, you are correct. However I would like to at least extend a wee bit of benefit of the doubt to those who are not racist at their core but simply corrupted by Fox news and GOP talking points. I realize that not every Republican who regurgitates Fox news talking points and adopts the code words, really understands their subtle meaning. "Why? Because people are fvcking stupid and they don't follow politics."
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filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
And that is what politicos prey on...the fact that people have a collective ADD, and will listen to the talking heads shout each other down until they form opinions based upon what Limbo or Nannity or that nasty b!tch Coulter is spewing...always about how the poor are lazy and the real enemy of middle class, while the 1%-er is your pal...bunch of horsesh!t and we all know it.

And yeah, lemme see...

do you approve of his leadership style?
- Sure do
has he largely been successful? -
- Sure has, despite an obstructionist Congreff
has he implemented any effective policies to undo bushco?
- Yep...got out of 2 wars (And kept us out of 3 more...), brought about health care reform, student loan reform is enroute too. Now if he could only get rid of the Patriot Act.
have we had real change?
- See above.
do we have any hope in this exec branch?
- Rich white folks are seeing their traditional power base erode, so maybe not for them...full panic mode for them. For the rest of us? I believe history will regard Barack Obama as one of the, if not THE most bestest POTUS evah...way more better then his moronic predecessor...


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
i think i checked myself:

if dr ben carson gets nominated, i truly believe support for him by the black community will be significantly less than for obama. no matter how much i believe how good he would be for ALL americans.

if true, it would reinforce the universal axiom of all the races, all the ages, for all time: "people are fvcking stupid and they don't follow politics."

makes you consider dropping out for good...ROI isn't exactly there...


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Stink, you have just negated all of the times when I thought "Hmmm, maybe this guy isn't such a raving lunatic..."

What bothers me most is that the past 6+ years have seen unprecedented attacks on the character, not to mention family, of a sitting president, and to what end? The previous administration saw nothing near this level of assaults or insults...I wonder why? The answer, if it is not painfully clear yet, is that he Right still cannot stand to see a minority succeed, especially as POTUS. They also cannot stand to see him not bowing down to their corporate masters (Partially because he is busy bowing to his own...) and steppin' and fetchin' for all of them. And then there is teh impeachment/lawsuit b.s.
If the Right has so much dirt on him, and has so many reasons to impeach, then why have they not taken action? Impeached Clinton over a BJ...so much crap and money wasted over what? You know Hilary wasnt fixing old Bill up anymore...

But I digress...
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Artisanal Tweet Curator
Stink, you have just negated all of the times when I thought "Hmmm, maybe this guy isn't such a raving lunatic..."
How much you want to bet he totally missed the dual application of my 'people are stupid rant' to both supporters of obama, and more importantly idiot whitey dropping the larger population approval numbers he was using as a reference/point of departure? :D

I typed too much. I should have just said teetee party.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Stink, you have just negated all of the times when I thought "Hmmm, maybe this guy isn't such a raving lunatic..."
there are no accidents
What bothers me most is that the past 6+ years have seen unprecedented attacks on the character, not to mention family, of a sitting president, and to what end? The previous administration saw nothing near this level of assaults or insults...I wonder why? The answer, if it is not painfully clear yet, is that he Right still cannot stand to see a minority succeed, especially as POTUS.
alternatively (or perhaps more accurately, additionally), there is indeed an element of skin, and the thickness thereof when a minority is in power. i posit it's only been emboldened by the left when they push public policy that says whitey is superior to brownie merely b/c of the color of skin (reasonable minds will agree this is without merit). this sets the tone, sets up *everyone* up for failure, and gives short shrift to any honest discussion on race. but, they can't have it both ways: you can't say "he was democratically elected, and now enjoys all the spoils of the office", then ignore that catcalls of racism are borne out of their own injection of his race (not the actual & prevalent incidents of naked racism; talking of manufactured/lazy j'accuse-ations). but, "racism" is certainly not a dog-whistle. it's real, and it's effective (if not lazy). call bush a cracker/fish-belly/honky, and the world yawns. have a go at the muslim witch doctor, and it's hurtful, b/c it hurts, and it's real. be nice if you could tell every race of every culture to get over it & don't give it any power, but we'd be living in a different universe.

But I digress...
don't we all?


Artisanal Tweet Curator
i posit it's only been emboldened by the left when they push public policy that says whitey is superior to brownie merely b/c of the color of skin (reasonable minds will agree this is without merit).
Reasonable minds also recognize the complete bullshlt premise of that claim.

The fact that you actually believe that tripe is what makes it possible for you to keep asking questions like this. You genuinely don't understand the impetus for the public policies you're referring to.

You actually seem somewhat curious about this. Have you read The New Jim Crow? It's a little heavy handed but still does a pretty good job of laying out the foundation that you don't seem to even be aware of.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Reasonable minds also recognize the complete bullshlt premise of that claim.
"soft bigotry of low expectations"

it's nowhere near false. it's very real, and with no plans to walk it back or even phase it out, all it serves to do is foment the already entrenched racism unique to our country.

all you need to do is consider preference programs & other related policies that dictate that race alone gives someone preference points, just because.

if i'm going to hire 1 person from 2 applicants who are equal in every way, why *should* race factor in? i'll tell you why: b/c i'm either being strong-armed by the gov't who funnels money into AA projects, or i am myself racist. and if you try & equate that to disabled vets getting preference, then you're saying being brown is a disability. i don't think so, but i don't think the way a lot of people do.

The fact that you actually believe that tripe is what makes it possible for you to keep asking questions like this. You genuinely don't understand the impetus for the public policies you're referring to.

You actually seem somewhat curious about this. Have you read The New Jim Crow? It's a little heavy handed but still does a pretty good job of laying out the foundation that you don't seem to even be aware of.
have only read excerpts, but will put it on hold.
and of course, i don't know what i don't know.

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
I personally think that it's less about race and more about our societal expectation to have a 'messiah' or 'hero' pull us out of our current mess(es).

O'Bummer didn't do it, therefore he "failed". In many ways, it's more about our collective failure to see what kind of leadership is needed in this time of our history. I am more in the camp of the 'anti hero' style of leadership movement myself:



Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I personally think that it's less about race and more about our societal expectation to have a 'messiah' or 'hero' pull us out of our current mess(es).

O'Bummer didn't do it, therefore he "failed". In many ways, it's more about our collective failure to see what kind of leadership is needed in this time of our history. I am more in the camp of the 'anti hero' style of leadership movement myself:

it'll be someone that's willing to take the "hulk smash" approach


Artisanal Tweet Curator
"soft bigotry of low expectations"

it's nowhere near false. it's very real, and with no plans to walk it back or even phase it out, all it serves to do is foment the already entrenched racism unique to our country.
What you don't get is that the other things have to stop first before you can ever expect anyone to take that argument seriously.

"Things" (for example) being the horrendously disproportionate scrutiny from the popo. That has ZERO to do with someone's accomplishments or lack thereof, that is a very real and very tangible outside action. Let's see some greater attention paid to what goes up the sinuses every weekend at frat houses. The drug crimes are there too. But only one community gets jailed at a far greater rate. Why? Because of skin color largely.

So in the meantime you can take your forced outcome BS and shove it up your privileged by association ass. Because the policies you see as so unfair still have loads of reasons to exist out in the real world. Equality has to come from society first. Then you'll see that reflected in legislation and law. That's the only reason affirmative action existed in the first place. White american idiots can't handle it on their own.
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Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Seriously, he thinks that this is the most scandalous president ever? Even discounting THE ENTIRE IRAQ WAR, how about:

August presidential daily briefing "Al Qaeda determined to strike inside the US"?
Allowing Osama to escape because he pulled troops for his invasion of Iraq?
22 million emails deleted (ahem, "lost")?
Jack Abramof?
Valerie Plame?
Secret "energy policy" meetings between Cheney and the heads of energy companies?
The Patriot Act?

Yeah, if anyone still "has confidence" in Obama, it's because he didn't fvck it up anywhere NEAR as badly as the last guy did.
turn over a rock, find 447 racists


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I can easily find 448 people who say he is the best POTUS in evah...

And besides..."...1,446 registered voters, 33 percent said Obama was the worst president since World War Two, while 28 percent pointed to his predecessor, George W. Bush, as the worst, the poll by Quinnipiac University found."

Margin of error?
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Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Don't worry, we'll get a President Palin and 2 more middle eastern wars and people will be looking fondly reminiscing about the "good times" under Obama...
who's "we", white man? you lot will be rounded up & shipped off to infidelistan, where your food stamps are only good for arugula & purple drank


Jun 21, 2007
I can easily find 448 people who say he is the best POTUS in evah...

And besides..."...1,446 registered voters, 33 percent said Obama was the worst president since World War Two, while 28 percent pointed to his predecessor, George W. Bush, as the worst, the poll by Quinnipiac University found."

Margin of error?
From June 24 - 30, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,446 registered voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 2.6 percentage points. Live interviewers call land lines and cell phones.