
A ride through Case

Quo Fan

don't make me kick your ass
So earlier in the week, I e-mail MMcG and say we should ride. He agrees, and then we decide to invite MBC and IAB. The ride was decided on and Case was the winner. We met at the Line St lot. MBC and IAB brought MBC's relative Keith, and I brought BigT.

MBC stylin' her new Motolite and FREE socks.

At the summit




A guy we saw on the trail. He cased the landing.



About half way through the ride, I landed on my back and my still camera fell out of the pouch I carry it in. I didn't realize it until we were almost finished when I wanted to take a shot of IAB after crashing. So IAB, MMcG and myself decided to ride back and look for the camera. MBC, BigT and Keith were going to ride back to the cars. IAB gave them directions, and we went our separate ways.

After we found the camera, MMcG got himself a flat tire, so we had to wait while he fixed it. After the flat, we met up with MBC, BigT and Keith on the trail. It seems that IAB gave them incomplete/bad directions (according to MBC).

Post ride was at John Harvard's Brew Pub for some great burgers.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Good ride! My strength, stamina and bike skills were surprisingly in tact after the winter layoff. My crotch hurts like hell today though. :dead: It was so nice to be outside yesterday. Sunny and 78 degrees. :)

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Early into the ride, here's Paul (Quo Fan) playing on a little ledge.

MMcG aka 29ER BOY follows.

Paul going up some rocks.

BigT navigates through some trees. She was a trooper. Still recovering from a broken wrist, she hung tough all day. I imagine she's pretty sore today.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Splish splash. With 439 straight days of rain, Case was relatively dry.

Paul clears the MMcG Kill Zone.

:think: I don't know where the hell Keith was going here. I think he tried going around the Kill Zone and ended up ass deep in the woods.

Last pic...MBC on some rocks.

Jewell approves.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Just got back from church - nice photos guys. That was a great day to be out on the trails (note to self: bring more than enough water than you'll need just in case).

Glad we found your camera Quo Fan - that would have been a costly ride had we not. Good deduction on where to look IAB!

Good times, Good Times indeed.

Looking at the photos - damn, I need to lose some flab.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Looking at the photos - damn, I need to loose some flab.
Don't well all, dude. I found out yesterday that my climbing ability is shot. I may just have to accept that last summer around the end of August was the most fit I'll have ever been for the rest of my life.

In any case, nice pics! Looks like fun trails.


Dec 17, 2002
New England
Yea .. that does look like a great time.
Nice to see you guys out there as couples ... inspires me to bring my gal to the dirt trail.

Good job MBC ... working that Titus ... Nice shot riding thru the stream. I have not ridden with IAB since .... I don't know when ... but I think it was in Case. Like to get down there again. Good riding in Ct.

It's all good. :thumb: