
A season in Whistler

Steve M

Turbo Monkey
Mar 3, 2007
Resurrecting this thread -one of the many many reasons why you should be in Whistler right now... this is a big rock roll, I'd guess between 25-30ft high (75ft if using the Pinkbike ruler), on a trail near my house. This was the first time I'd ridden it, notably it was damp, the rock is covered in moss, and you basically go from 0-60km/h (did not measure actual speed, probably a gross exaggeration) in the space of about 1.5 seconds which feels like you've just been shot out of a catapult. I was sh*tting bricks beforehand.



neu bizutch
Feb 5, 2006
not in Whistler anymore :/
Resurrecting this thread -one of the many many reasons why you should be in Whistler right now... this is a big rock roll, I'd guess between 25-30ft high (75ft if using the Pinkbike ruler), on a trail near my house. This was the first time I'd ridden it, notably it was damp, the rock is covered in moss, and you basically go from 0-60km/h (did not measure actual speed, probably a gross exaggeration) in the space of about 1.5 seconds which feels like you've just been shot out of a catapult. I was sh*tting bricks beforehand.

is this the trail you ride home from aline?

Floor Tom

Sep 28, 2009
New Zealand
no, i meant in which ep lodge, there are like 4 this year. there is one next to our house, one up the street and one somewhere next to the upper village...

Oh, I'm not sure. I'll ask them. Which one do I want to be in?

Also, with regards to the filming. I'll be taking my GoPro HD so there should be a few chest cams floating about later in the summer.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
Kenan pedaling? Only if you put some unheard of trash punk in his iPod.
Ha. Too much trash punk, and you cant hear the bears charging at you.

Well, while I can (and do) appreciate the shuttle/lift pig lifestyle, 2 weeks of it can get old. Give the hands a rest for a day! See pic above. It doesn't have to be that crazy, but just being in the trees out here is awesome.

Here are some good suggestions:
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