
A smile on my face.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
This morning was the first time on my bike since our son was born almost six weeks ago. On top of the snow and ice, it just seems that things have been too hectic to ride. The ride was just a simple, short commute. Down the hill, over the bridge, turn left at the light, show my badge at the gate, and ride up behind the office and lock up the bike. Roughly 2 miles, may be 10 minutes tops but the weather was great and the sun was shining. It about 45° outside, just warm enough to need only a t-shirt. After all, last week the highs were only in the 20's. It seems like a tropical heat wave.

Does that put a smile on your face? Well, yes, but, what will really top it off is that this afternoon, I'll turn around and head back home, take the baby from my wife and help her get her bike ready and send her off on her first ride in over 6 months. Now that really puts a smile on my face.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
It is also nice and warm here today. It is like spring has sprung, the birds were quite loud and my allergies are bothering me.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I got home last night, took the baby, and sent my wife out to ride. She was a little nervous having not ridden in 6 months that she would have forgotten how to balance, shift, etc. I'm not sure how far she ended up riding but she was gone around 1.5 hours. She definitely was smiling when she got back. Her only complaint was that her business was a little sore, which, after all, is to be expected. She did shove a baby through it just 6 weeks ago.

I'm so happy for her. She's been a little depressed about her lost freedom and being stuck in the house. It was great to see her so happy. I just wish that I could have gone with her.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Kenmore, WA
Very nice. It's been 3 months(today) since the birth of our little guy, and I'm getting used to my new ride schedule that consists of very early morning rides on one day of the weekend and maybe an evening ride once a week. Wife has not been on the bike in at least 6 months, probably longer.

Last night her parents agreed to babysit on Saturday mornings so she could get back out on the bike (with me). I'm so happy and can't wait for two Saturdays from now when this actually begins. Hopefully the weather will be better than it's been the past few weeks. Most of my rides were only possible when the trails were frozen solid and the temps were in the teens/20s.

BTW, congrats on your little one. We're having so much fun with ours.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Thanks. It's been fun. He's just starting to come out of that newborn lump phase and is getting into interacting with us, which is a lot of fun.

I wish we had some family nearby to pick up some baby sitting duties so we could go for a ride together. For the next few weeks, I expect I'll just be commuting. Then I'm probably going to have a fairly similar ride schedule once the time changes. 2x a week + commuting. Not too bad, but I don't foresee us riding together for quite sometime.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
YEAH!!! :D I definitely appreciated my first post-baby delivery ride. My hubby & I still find time to ride together, but not as often as before and we cherish our rides together for sure! You're a great husband for taking the initiative and giving your wife back some "freedom" :D


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I was supposed to be in Vietnam this week but the Vietnamese Embassy screwed up my visa and I had to cancel. We had arranged for friends and family to take shifts staying with my wife to help out with the baby while I was away. One of our friends decided to come anyway even though the trip was canceled and last night she babysat while my wife and I went for a ride together. We ended up doing a 13 mile road ride up the Baltimore-Annapolis rail trail and then back through some back roads on the Broad Neck Peninsula. It felt great.

Our friend was trying to get us to go out to a nice dinner and have a 'date' so to speak. We both agreed that a ride was a much better alternative.


Sep 14, 2006
The Right coast
Very cool. My little one should be arriving in the next month...wonder what my riding schedule will be like this summer?! Take it when you can get it...I think that will be the theme. Congratulations guys, and good luck!