
Animated GIFs no longer working?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Okay, so we've got this pretty cool new script that resizes images and stores them in the threads, preventing the page layout from going screwy.

There are lots of great features to this:

  • Images are resized and stored on the server, so you don't have to download the "big" image before it is resized.
  • If the target image is deleted off the server, or if there's a bandwidth exceeded issue, the resized image is still stored on the RM servers, preserving the broken images. This is going to mean that some of the epic image threads will remain intact forever!
  • We will have some great flexibility in what we do with images now - create thumbnails, image feeds, whatever

Unfortunately, animated GIFs were collateral damage to its implementation. You have to click on the GIF to open the source image in order to see it animate.

It's being worked on, but it's not at the top of the priority list - sorry. For now, just click the GIF and watch the animation in the new window, and we'll get them functioning normally as soon as possible!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I can't see any images. Linux non-compaticus.
Huh? Something's awry here; the script only calls a different image rather than the original, it's still a standard HTML image tag.

No images at all? What about smilies and such?