
Another Lance Allegation


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Book: Armstrong Intimidated Witnesses

Filed at 2:30 p.m. ET

PARIS (AP) -- A new book published in France on Thursday alleges seven-time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong and his entourage intimidated witnesses, including former teammate Frankie Andreu, in a high-stakes court case.

The book ''L.A. Official'' by Pierre Ballester and David Walsh, who wrote ''L.A. Confidential: The Secrets of Lance Armstrong'' in 2004, is based on testimony given in a legal dispute between Armstrong and Dallas-based SCA Promotions that had a bonus contract with the cyclist.

''I have defended myself and won every court case to prove I was clean,'' Armstrong said in a statement Wednesday night. ''Yet another French book with baseless, sensational and rejected allegations will not overcome the truth.''

SCA Promotions tried to withhold a $5 million bonus owed Armstrong for winning his sixth straight Tour de France, citing allegations of cheating in the book ''L.A. Confidential.''

Armstrong sued, and testimony in the dispute included statements from Andreu and his wife, Betsy, who alleged Armstrong told doctors in 1996 he had used performance-enhancing drugs.

Armstrong vigorously denied the doping allegations. The arbitration panel ruled in his favor, ordering the company to pay him $7.5 million.

One chapter in ''L.A. Official'' refers to an alleged conversation between Andreu and Bill Stapleton, Armstrong's agent, which the authors say took place in Belgium at the start of the 2004 Tour.

The authors say Stapleton tried to pressure Andreu to get his wife, Betsy, to back down.

According to the book, Andreu told Stapleton: ''Look, I've been protecting Lance for a while now.'' In September, Andreu told The New York Times that he had used EPO while preparing for the 1999 Tour.

The book also says that three-time Tour champion Greg Lemond was pressured into retracting a critical statement he made about Armstrong.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
UNTIL proof comes out that he's doped, all of these allegations mean very little to me. That being said however, I wouldn't be surprised if he doped.

The situation is different from the Barry Bonds rumors and allegations--he admitted to a Grand Jury that he used the clean and the clear. While he's playing dumb (didn't know what he was taking), there's proof that did indeed juice.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
The accusations are getting old. The horse is dead, quit beating it. I'm pretty sure MOST people believe that LA is not innocent, but I don't think anyone is ever going to be able to prove it.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
The french want to strip him of his titles. Plain and simple. He probably doped... but he retired before anything was ever proven, no one said he was a stupid man.

In other doping news, Tyler is back. May be racing for a Russian continental team next year.


Jan 16, 2006
Dope or no Dope I'd say LA is handling it perfectly. Unlike Tyler..."I'm a chimera..." Please dude.