
another useless poll

Do you think you will see the end of the world ?

  • Yup, shes a gonna blow

    Votes: 19 32.8%
  • no, life will go on.

    Votes: 39 67.2%

  • Total voters


Nam I am
I was sitting in my dentist office , and read some old magazine that I usually wouldn't pick up but boredome forced it . I think it was scientific america or something like that, and they the majority of people, and tracing back through history this has been a common belief even up to this day, that most people beielf they will see aramgedon in there life time .


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I wish I would. That'd mean there'd be at least a brief period of lawlessness for a rape spree.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
narlus said:
but will that be the end of the world?

iran and north korea are saber-rattling a bit, aren't they?
It will be the end of the world if someone launches a nuke at the USA. But more likely, we will see a nuclear war between Israel and an Arab state.


Nam I am
Welll It is interesting , because in the article while there was lots of religious beliefs for the end of the world, it was all how it was felt it would end . But almost all felt it would be something "else " that would cause the end of the world, and for the 50-60 years it has been nuclear war. while going thorugh history ,it has been war, plauge, fammon, floods , etc .


Turbo Monkey
Aug 13, 2005
the earth will adventually be destroyed if not then people will stop being known as people, so what i am trying to say is that the world as we know it will end, but not in my life time

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
zmtber said:
the earth will adventually be destroyed if not then people will stop being known as people, so what i am trying to say is that the world as we know it will end, but not in my life time
Well...it certainly will be an adventure eventually...:p

splat said:
while going thorugh history ,it has been war, plauge, fammon, floods , etc .
That sounds a hell of a lot better than famine...I'd hate to die of hunger...:p


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
SkaredShtles said:
And we know who'll win that one.

Israel would become a *very* large country after that war. :eek:
10 years from now when Iran is projected to have "launch" capability get back to me on that. The Iranians are more measured and patient then you may realize. They have a very diverse and educated society. Kind of like more like Pakistan then Syria. .


Turbo Monkey
Jun 5, 2005
I'm in to see the end of days. When the bomb goes off I am going to take my wife, dogs and my TV remote out side. Going to click on the mushroom cloud until the ****er changes colors...


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Humans are so damned egotistical.

In no way will humans be able to destroy the world. Even if we blanketed the planet with the pall of a nuclear winter, life would still exist somewhere....frozen in polar ice caps, in the bottom of the oceans....somehow life will still exist regardless of what we do.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
robdamanii said:
Humans are so damned egotistical.

In no way will humans be able to destroy the world. Even if we blanketed the planet with the pall of a nuclear winter, life would still exist somewhere....frozen in polar ice caps, in the bottom of the oceans....somehow life will still exist regardless of what we do.

yeah, cockroaches will be pretty happy once we're gone.


Oct 17, 2002
"It's time for you to fix me something to eat, bitch." ~ The girlfriend when asked about this thread.

I guess she's just gonna go binge drinking with her girls and no food will happen.

as for the end of days... do people really think about it? All I know is, I've got camping gear, survival skills, and plenty of vacant mountains to hide in while the **** hits the fany.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
"I can skin buck and run a trot line....

...a country boy can surviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive"


That is the first really MEAN song I remember. Hank III followed up with "put the dick back in dixie, and the cunt back in country".


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
People as a whole are like suicidal nincompoops that try to kill ourselves for attention, the threat is there, but i don't believe we'll ever really do it. i believe that the only real threat to our existence lies in a catostrophic world altering event, comet, drastic atmospheric change blah blah blah. That's why in order for humanity (and the resource consuming society we've made ourselves to be) are to survive, we gotta get off this planet. From one day to the next i'm torn on whether i hope we make it or get blown to hell.

Will it happen within my lifetime?

i dunno....

Everybody dies, everyone dying at the same time i guess would lend an odd comfort perhaps? Hopefully the mt. biking is killer on the other side.