
Any other dogs guilty of stealthy culmination?


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
(Sorry in advance for the cheesy turn-of-phrase, but I'm doing my best to keep this only somewhat distasteful. We don't want to contribute to the bulemia problem and inadvertently cause any mudhunnies to puke in their mouths, now, do we?) :rofl:

As a technique for countering a last-second switcheroo by your lady to a manual(or any other variant of non-oral) finishing move, have any other dogs here purposely- with malice and forethought- masked the discernable symptoms of impending culmination during oral in order to ensure that the culmination occurs intraorally? For fear of pregnancy, such "I promise I won't" antics are not practiced during conventional, pope-approved couplings but I have had to play off non-sanctioned oral culminations before in order to avoid the ol' stinkeye afterwards...especially if choking resulted.

Certainly I cannot be the only rascal guilty of this little bit of subterfuge, right? Does intentionally repeating the offense later and blaming it on "getting lost in the moment" make me a bad, bad man?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002

I don't give this thread 10 posts before deletion.

I also don't do it. If the lady is being so generous as to provide such services, one should only be generous enough to provide warning.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
binary visions said:

I don't give this thread 10 posts before deletion.

I also don't do it. If the lady is being so generous as to provide such services, one should only be generous enough to provide warning.
I know, I know...it's definitely not cool but sometimes the little devil argues a better point than the little angel. If it weren't for the choking hazard, though, I probably would be an a-hole for an even greater percentage of the time.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
N8 said:
What the hell are you talking about?

N8, now that's two of my threads recently that you couldn't comprehend. Is the problem my careful though circuitous wording or your lack of attention span for posts longer than 20 words? I'd accuse you of having smoked something but, of course, know better.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do, I just figure anything I can do to not discourage the act is a good thing for me. :p

10 times is better than 5 times, no matter what the cleanup situation is afterwards ;)


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
i try to discuss the issue beforehand :D . being sneaky/arousing ire is the last thing that i try to do when proximity of incisors to tender bits is involved


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
llkoolkeg said:
Does intentionally repeating the offense later and blaming it on "getting lost in the moment" make me a bad, bad man?

I don't know. Would me spitting it back in your (the universal you, let's not get carried away here) face make me a bad woman?


Feb 20, 2004
Alexandria, VA
binary visions said:
Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do, I just figure anything I can do to not discourage the act is a good thing for me. :p

10 times is better than 5 times, no matter what the cleanup situation is afterwards ;)
This is the truth!

Besides, my wife has some sort of precognitive ability to see it coming (no pun intended). :mumble:


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
All I know is, if TN kept getting caught up in the moment he would either be sharing in the joy of a mouth full or he wouldn't be recieving oral pleasure anymore.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
laura said:
All I know is, if TN kept getting caught up in the moment he... wouldn't be recieving oral pleasure anymore.
See, that's what I'm talking about. Why discourage a woman from performing such a wonderful activitiy for any reason?


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
I do not seek to discourage it, obviously, as it is practically my favorite thing in this world. I just seek to maximize my personal enjoyment of the activity, as that specific act really is about my enjoyment anyways. I would not seek to shortchange my lady by delivering less than my best performance when she was on the receiving end, so why should I settle for 7 out of 10 possible stars when I'm in the final furlong and 10 out of 10 is so easily attainable? I certainly do not ease up and make 11th-hour substitutions while SHE is on the cusp of culmination! Why should I have to compromise my enjoyment of an activity that is selfish in its very nature?


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
llkoolkeg said:
I do not seek to discourage it, obviously, as it is practically my favorite thing in this world. I just seek to maximize my personal enjoyment of the activity, as that specific act really is about my enjoyment anyways. I would not seek to shortchange my lady by delivering less than my best performance when she was on the receiving end, so why should I settle for 7 out of 10 possible stars when I'm in the final furlong and 10 out of 10 is so easily attainable? I certainly do not ease up and make 11th-hour substitutions while SHE is on the cusp of culmination! Why should I have to compromise my enjoyment of an activity that is selfish in its very nature?

You've never been shot in the back of the throat by a surprise load have you?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Not buying it. If she were asking you to swallow a mouthful of potentially nasty tasting, slimy textured goo at the end of each equivalent session with her, and STILL refused to do likewise, I might conceded that you have a valid complaint.

Until then, though, you're still asking her to participate in an activity that could be considered thoroughly unpleasant, when there is no tit for tat (no pun intended). Slacking on the enthusiasm, fine, that's not nice. Tapering off and losing interest when you are on the verge, okay, that's not fun. That's not exactly the issue, though...


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
laura said:
You've never been shot in the back of the throat by a surprise load have you?
Well, no, I can't claim to have ever had the dubious pleasure. I presume your question was rhetorical, though, and that you're saying it's a lot worse than I probably realize, right?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
llkoolkeg said:
Well, no, I can't claim to have ever had the dubious pleasure. I presume your question was rhetorical, though, and that you're saying it's a lot worse than I probably realize, right?
I suppose you could probably simulate it with a large syringe and some curdled milk or something...


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
llkoolkeg said:
Well, no, I can't claim to have ever had the dubious pleasure. I presume your question was rhetorical, though, and that you're saying it's a lot worse than I probably realize, right?

It's the surprise that's bad. If you know its coming you can brace yourself, use your tongue to guard that special spot in the back of your throat that, if hit with the right amount of pressure, makes you want to do nothing less than vomit all over your partner's lap. And the taste, words just wouldn't do it justice. It'll bring a tear to your eye. It's a cruel surprise that I only wish on my worst enemies. ;)


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
binary visions said:
Not buying it. If she were asking you to swallow a mouthful of potentially nasty tasting, slimy textured goo at the end of each equivalent session with her, and STILL refused to do likewise, I might conceded that you have a valid complaint.

Until then, though, you're still asking her to participate in an activity that could be considered thoroughly unpleasant, when there is no tit for tat (no pun intended). Slacking on the enthusiasm, fine, that's not nice. Tapering off and losing interest when you are on the verge, okay, that's not fun. That's not exactly the issue, though...
Now I don't know how widely practiced you are on giving said favors to your ladies, but without getting overly graffic, suffice it to say that some ladies emit quite a surprising amount of...ah...well, you get the picture...when they culminate. Because I am so caught up in their enjoyment of the activity, though, I actually enjoy all the physical evidence of their enjoyment. Not to say it's something I'd necessarily enjoy ladled over a bowl of Ben & Jerry's, but it has its own appeal beyond objective gastronomic or aesthetic measures.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
laura said:
It's the surprise that's bad. If you know its coming you can brace yourself, use your tongue to guard that special spot in the back of your throat that, if hit with the right amount of pressure, makes you want to do nothing less than vomit all over your partner's lap. And the taste, words just wouldn't do it justice. It'll bring a tear to your eye. It's a cruel surprise that I only wish on my worst enemies. ;)
I probably shouldn't give anyone the pruriant laugh by admitting this, but I have had Mr. Happy slightly vomited on once before as a direct result of pulling off "the surprise" on a girlfriend. Hearing all these other viewpoints on the topic, I guess I probably deserved it. :oink:


trail builder
Jun 17, 2002
Calgary AB
I have stealthily culminated and:
-invoked the gag reflex causing her to puke in her mouth
-it was like a treat to her and she kept going like she was trying to get the antidote out of it. She was like "mo 'tussin".

I have tried to/planned to stealthily culminate and:
-she just knew. I was pissed.
-she bailed out way early and went manual

I have been blatantly obvious about said culmination and had her not figure it out and then be pissed about it. No tapping out, but really it can't be that tough to figure it out if I'm not being stealthy at all.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
BTW, if you've got good timing and communication there's no need for manual intervention to finish... just for a little tactile sensation through the end of culmination.

Quo Fan

don't make me kick your ass
I've only had 4 finishes in my life, and they were because she wanted them. The present GF hasn't finished yet, and she said that she'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

For the first 6 months, she wouldn't even take it in the mouth, so I'm not complaining about not finishing.


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
I would bite.

If you were doing something that I didn't welcome.... repeatedly, I would either stop giving the pleasure, or get lost in my moment (teeth).

have fun with that mental image.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
MudGrrl said:
I would bite.
What a horrible, horrible thing to say! You certainly put the grrrrrr in Grrl!

As a point of clarification, I do not mean to imply that I am a current practitioner or champion of the stealth culmination; just that the topic came up randomly one evening and I thought this joint might offer a cross-section sampling to whom the question might be put. I have been married for 6 years now and my wife, who is considerably brighter than I, wouldn't be fooled by the same trick time and time again. Over 20 years of being a guy, though, does present one with enough opportunities for field study that old dogs need not necessarily rely on new tricks. Some dig it(or pretend to), some don't(but will let you slide once with a warning) and the balance you'd better be able to correctly clasify as risks before putting your putter in harm's way.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Holy crap this is funny...

LL, I applaude the elegant language you've used in presenting this issue. And it is true, sometimes the little devil gets his way. But for most of us, "stealth culmination" would result in a not-so-stealthy cessation of said activity for the near future, coupled with an undefined period of withholding similar, desired activities. And although the desire is mutual, my personal research has shown that the fair sex has a remarkable ability to refrain from desired activities to make a point.

Plus, I dunno, maybe I am too far gone from high school, but there is just something wrong with trying to get away with something you know is not wanted.


trail builder
Jun 17, 2002
Calgary AB
No $hit, man. Their ability to abstain/withhold services is no less legendary than their memory for injustices endured. :biggrin:
A guy I used to work with had a fairly crude way to deal with his wife withholding services...he'd just achieve self fulfillment on her back while she was sleeping. Classy. Confirmed by her, too! They're still happily married...


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
A guy I used to work with had a fairly crude way to deal with his wife withholding services...he'd just achieve self fulfillment on her back while she was sleeping. Classy. Confirmed by her, too! They're still happily married...
OMG, I've gotten away with that one during the course of a normal *conscious* session, but if I dropped a load on her while she was sleeping, I shudder to think what might happen to me the next time I fell asleep...and I am a VERY sound sleeper. :bonk: