
Anyone ever convert 3/8 dropouts to 14mm?


Dec 3, 2007
Greensboro, NC
Got a super light GT frame that has 3/8 slots and I wanna run my 14mm wheels and I was just wondering if anyone has ever done this before and if so what did they use?


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Yup, I've done it a few times.

First convince yourself there is enough metal to support yuo still once you remove some. C'mon, there's plenty. You know it.

If the frame is steel you are good to a small angle grinder with a thin, fine ferous cutting disk. Mark it all up with a compass point to scratch out the size then use the cutting wheel like a jigsaw to slice out the material. Clean it up with a fine file.

If it's Aluminium the grinder can easily get it too hot too quickly and do nasty thing to the local heat-treatment. Mmm soft dropouts. Again mark it out with a fine scratching point but you gotta manually hacksaw and/or file this one out. Takes a while even going down through coarseness levels.

I have tended to take half the material from each side of the cut to keep the geometry spot on, but on one frame I wanted to lower the back slightly so I took it all from the top. Only a tiny difference but whatever.


Oct 29, 2001
southern wisconsin
I've done the hacksaw variety on an old T1 frame. Worked fine, marked the top and bottom and went to town. Also did it on a set of Pitchforks. Aluminum is sketchy, have fun with that!


In heaven there is no beer
Jun 18, 2004
that's why we drink it here
I rode a set of pitchforks for years with that mod. A buddy of mine had a grinder with a 14mm wide stone. He should have charged for the service he did it so often.