
Anyone up for Mansell this week?


Turbo Monkey
May 5, 2002
just south of the ATL
Ahhh, you missed us yesterday. We were there til 4.

Can you ride in the morning? I work at night so I do little to no riding during the week. What part of town do you live?


Aug 7, 2004
Yo peete, are u riding tomorrow? Eric and I are planning to, dont have a time yet. I CAN DO THE MORNING! OR AFTERNOON! OR NIGHT!


Turbo Monkey
May 5, 2002
just south of the ATL
SpeedyObnox said:
Yo peete, are u riding tomorrow? Eric and I are planning to, dont have a time yet. I CAN DO THE MORNING! OR AFTERNOON! OR NIGHT!
Not this week. I forgot my wife goes into work late this week so I get some extra time with her.
Next monday am would work good for me.


Aug 7, 2004
thats gross peete, u should just say ur busy. i have school on mondays and wednesdays, so next week = disgusting unless tuesday


Jun 29, 2004
Actually, I'm going to meet Speedy at QT off of Roswell @ 4:30. Some stuff was dumped on my lap this evening so I am booked solid from the morning until at least 4. Any takers?

I'll be on a black ellsworth dare with a silver '02 shiver OR a black Giant AC2 with a black Super T. I'll wear something like what you see in the avatar so I should be easy to spot.

See y'all on the trail


SpeedyObnox said:
Yo peete, are u riding tomorrow? Eric and I are planning to, dont have a time yet. I CAN DO THE MORNING! OR AFTERNOON! OR NIGHT!
Do you have night lights? Riding at night rocks! Unless... there are a ton of low lying trees :nuts:


Aug 7, 2004
naw, i would like some lights. too bad im not shellin out wicked bucks to break em on my dh bike. i will be buying a niterider road rat for my road bike for the commute home soon.


Turbo Monkey
May 5, 2002
just south of the ATL
SpeedyObnox said:
thats gross peete, u should just say ur busy. i have school on mondays and wednesdays, so next week = disgusting unless tuesday
Hahaha, we need to save this post and have you read it in 20 years :evil:

I can get out there tuesday. I hear Dope Creek has a few short DH runs. It's right off of 285. I can do something like that in the morning. It's alot closer to me since I live on the southside.
I have off on fridays so I can hit it hard then. What about this Friday?


Turbo Monkey
May 5, 2002
just south of the ATL
cali4niabiker said:
Do you have night lights? Riding at night rocks! Unless... there are a ton of low lying trees :nuts:
Cali4nicator, speaking of night riding. Fontana Dam up in N.C. puts on a night downhill race in Feburary every year. They have a kegger/bonfire after the race. The course isn't deadly but it's fun ripping downhill at night. It's a good time. Keep that in mind. They should have the info up in January at fontanavillage.com. I went 2 years ago and had a blast. It's on my list of things to do for 2005.


Aug 7, 2004
ay peete, i have work this friday. gotta be careful at sope creek, i shred the hell out of that place, but some is off limits to bikers (bastard parks dept). just gotta be careful. but its gonna get cold soon, and theyre gonna cut all the thickass grass in the pipeline area and theres a cool 19 second dh runs with some ruts and stuff, you gotta pedal like hell tho, and then walk back up. we could do tuesday tho, theres one other good trail, but we cant talk about it here.


Jun 29, 2004
I had a kick ass time at Mansell. I gotta get used to the trees since I am used to dealing with low lying shrubs and cactus.

Seth, it was cool to ride with you. I'll be heading out of town this weekend (job stuff, relax, etc) and I should be back on Monday evening. Anyone up for a run for this coming Tuesday? I am going to swap my fork (a Super T :dead: ) and back to my old trusty Shiver and should be good to go :love:



Aug 7, 2004
yeah man, ur fork felt like crap, no offense. but if u ever get it to work i may be interested in buying it (next year, when i get my v10). gotta get all that crap figured out tho. Tuesday is good for me, we might wanna try earlier tho. it was gettin dark by the time we got there. I need to step it up man, ive been chicken ever since that damned rock. im wearin the full suit next time and im gonna do that big gap again too.



May 14, 2004
Peete said:
Anyone up for friday? Any time.
I'll be there around 5:00-5:30. I just went there for the first time in a while a couple of days ago. It looks like crap.


Turbo Monkey
May 5, 2002
just south of the ATL
Gnar said:
I'll be there around 5:00-5:30. I just went there for the first time in a while a couple of days ago. It looks like crap.
How far away do you live from Sky?

How do you get back to the top?

And I assume you mean 5 pm?

This friday went out the door. Gotta work overtime while we have it to work.

What's wrong with Sky? Alot of crap fallen on the trail?


May 14, 2004
SpeedyObnox said:
dont say mansell looks like crap, you look like crap! MANSELL IS HEAVEN!
First of all...Wow that was cool
Secondly, I am talking about mansell and not sky
Compared to the last time I was at mansell, it does look like crap. The lips on the jumps look like sh1t, there are chunks missing from the berms, etc... I am not bagging on mansell-I am glad we have it at least-but i am bagging on the fact that trail maintanence is not allowed. It's all getting flooded soon anyway isn't it? So, I guess no one is riding on Friday. Scratch that plan


Aug 7, 2004
someone did up the lip to the gap over the ravine, it was all ****ty. btw peete, im talking about the gap over the ravine. do u mean the dirt jumps, gnar? i have NEVER seen anyone riding up there. i sure as hell wouldnt, i hate dirt jumps. I saw Chris Warren out there, we hung out a while and he showed us how it was done, that was tight. he is wicked fast


Mar 4, 2004
Atlanta, GA
Gnar is talking about the D/S course. And yes, they are worn. The DJ's on the other hand actually look better then they have in a while. I guess they would look better if Pete would bring a chainsaw out(at least one that cuts).


Turbo Monkey
May 5, 2002
just south of the ATL
Gnar said:
First of all...Wow that was cool
Secondly, I am talking about mansell and not sky
Compared to the last time I was at mansell, it does look like crap. The lips on the jumps look like sh1t, there are chunks missing from the berms, etc... I am not bagging on mansell-I am glad we have it at least-but i am bagging on the fact that trail maintanence is not allowed. It's all getting flooded soon anyway isn't it? So, I guess no one is riding on Friday. Scratch that plan
It's my understanding that we can maintain what is at Mansell but we can not add anything else, for now.

I would like to enlarge the first berm on the DS course. It doesn't flow well at all. And do something with the log after it.
I was there this past sunday and I thought the gulley/ravine jump was somewhat worn. It's definitely not as easy as it was last year. You better be gittin' it out of that berm.
I may shwing by Mansell tomorrow after going to Central Park to help out/ criticize. :D


Turbo Monkey
May 5, 2002
just south of the ATL
Windowpane said:
The DJ's on the other hand actually look better then they have in a while. I guess they would look better if Pete would bring a chainsaw out(at least one that cuts).
My son will be happy to hear that.

I don't have an IMBA/SORBA/RAMBO/DUMBASS chainsaw card :mumble:


Aug 7, 2004
i dunno, when i jumped it last winter it was exposed wood, like stacked logs. i think its stacked higher now.


Turbo Monkey
May 5, 2002
just south of the ATL
SpeedyObnox said:
i dunno, when i jumped it last winter it was exposed wood, like stacked logs. i think its stacked higher now.
The jump is higher but it's also longer. It still doesn't have any kind of lip to it. You just bunny hop over the gulley.

Anyone have any word on the stupid jump? I want to spend a day out in that area doing nothing but big air and rocks.


May 14, 2004
I was talking about the the DS course, but also, the table to the 2 kickers. The DJ's are looking good...looks like somebodys been working on them. Scavenging the final bucks to get the P3. Anyway, we should get a day to go out w/ the shovulars, and fix somthing....I don't really care about what it is. Just get a start


Turbo Monkey
May 5, 2002
just south of the ATL
SpeedyObnox said:
I saw Chris Warren out there, we hung out a while and he showed us how it was done, that was tight. he is wicked fast
Wait, both of you were hanging out, and then he showed you how it's done?
Who was tight? Isn't he a little old for you? :nope: :evil:


Turbo Monkey
May 5, 2002
just south of the ATL
SpeedyObnox said:
peete, have u ever thought about going fast before?
Just with your mom. :eviltongu ;)

Oh BTW, did Mansell today. DJs were pretty run down but do-able. I just watched. I finally got the sack up to drop the big line on the big rock over by the Stupid jump. That's a hard landing.
I also rode over the berm before the gulley jump and became intimate with a tree. My front tire rubs the fork now. Had alot of fun anyway. Too bad I had to end it on a bad note.
I've already heard from several people about getting a crowd up for next sunday. Barring any "Oh, by the way"'s from the wife, I'm in.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
Gnar said:
Compared to the last time I was at mansell, it does look like crap... I am not bagging on mansell-I am glad we have it at least-but i am bagging on the fact that trail maintanence is not allowed. It's all getting flooded soon anyway isn't it?
The city is planning on starting construction for the wetlands project this month. Next time you are back there look for stakes with red tape on them, that is where the concrete pathway is supposed to go.

The DS area might be spared as long no one gets crazy with the bulldozers back there, but we'll see. They are supposed to be done in 6 months and we'll see what's left after that.

If it comes down to it and it's all screwed we may be able to put something together a challenge park on the other side. It's the city of Roswell that needs convincing as they are under pressure to turn the whole area into BASEBALL FIELDS, SOCCER FIELDS, and a SWIM COMPLEX.

Like we don't have enough of those. :mumble:


Turbo Monkey
May 5, 2002
just south of the ATL
SpeedyObnox said:
AY PEETE! ARE U TALKING ABOUT THAT Ten Foot rok drop to flat, or however high it is?
I wouldn't call it 10' but it sure felt like it!
It's the rock drop that has a little stream facing it.

Are you thinking of the rock up at the top by the DJs? That one looks impressive but isn't that bad. Just wish the run off went straight instead of a berm. Then you could boost the crap out of it!


Mar 23, 2002
Macon, GA
Or just boost the crap out of it anyway and total your tracer!

Sunday's gonna be good. WC run and Badlands all the way.


Aug 7, 2004
im talkin about the drop at the badlands, u can do like a 5 footer on the right, or go huge in the middle, and yeah, right in front of the creek. i dont really know how high it is, its been a year since ive been to the badlands


Turbo Monkey
May 5, 2002
just south of the ATL
SpeedyObnox said:
im talkin about the drop at the badlands, u can do like a 5 footer on the right, or go huge in the middle, and yeah, right in front of the creek. i dont really know how high it is, its been a year since ive been to the badlands
Staten shot a video of me dropping it the second time.
I'll do it again when I get on an Uzzi VPP.
I'm still sore as **** from stacking it into that tree before the gulley jump. :nopity: