
Anyone use a Virtual Monitor?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Was wondering....seems like a good idea. I fugure it has to take it's toll on memory, both Vid and RAM...

TechnoLawyer said:

With all the talk about multiple monitors, you might think everyone has them. But most people don't and probably never will. But that doesn't mean they can't enjoy some of the same benefits. When hardware isn't an option, software can come to the rescue.

Thinking Minds Building Bytes recently released CubeDesktop, software that enables you to create up to 6 virtual desktops. For example, you might keep your case management program in one, a document you're working on in another, and so forth. By rotating among different workspaces, you can remove clutter from your desktop without adding clutter in the form of another monitor to your real desk.

CubeDesktop comes in Basic and Pro editions. Both editions enable you to create your virtual desktops by dragging windows or using the "Send To" command CubeDesktop adds to every application's menu. You can also use hotkeys. If you always want a certain program in a certain desktop, you can send it there automatically by creating an Autosend Rule.

With several desktops, you may forget what you put where. The Pro edition enables you to use one keystroke to see all your desktops and then select the one you want. You can also name your desktops and assign each desktop a different icon and photo or wallpaper. The Pro edition also provides a number of 3D animations to impress your coworkers.

The Basic version sells for €9.95. The Pro edition sells for €19.95 and includes a free upgrade to version 2.0. CubeDesktop runs on Windows. Learn more about CubeDesktop.



i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
No but its really old technology. Various OS and third party apps have been doing virtual desktops forever.

Adding 3D is a waste of resources.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Thats what I was thinking as well. It seems it would require more memory due to it running in the background when the Virtual Monitor is not in use. It would increase exponentially with each additional Virtual monitor.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Virtual desktops don't significantly increase resource consumption. A little, but not by anything exponential.

syadasti is right, though, this technology has been around for quite a while and there are plenty of free alternatives. Even entire environment shells that replace Windows Explorer. I was using Litestep in the late 90's that natively supported virtual desktops.