
armed while riding?


blah blah blah
Mar 22, 2005
the place i would carry something would be like NYC in a bad area..though some parts aren't bad what-so-ever


Nov 17, 2004
habitatxskate said:
the place i would carry something would be like NYC in a bad area..though some parts aren't bad what-so-ever
True, not all parts are bad, but I still like to carry this to fight the odds in favor of my walking home from a ride. Cold Steel Voyager Tanto blade.
Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.



jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
llkoolkeg said:
It's humorous how most of those who disapprove of carrying a weapon cannot just say that they choose not to, but must imply haughtily that those who do are either paranoid, wimpy, crazy, violent or slight of schlong. It must be difficult to not choke on the irony when choosing that particular group of insults, as most of the people I've met who are anti-gun or weapon make up the biggest collective of sensitive, dick-tucking cakeboys ever assembled. Bear in mind I'm not singling anyone out, but making a general observation as the guys I know who own and possess guns & knives are not among the modern majority of men who cannot defend their families- much less themselves- w/o a cell phone with 911 on speeddial.
these are the same numbnutted folks who give out anonymous neg. rep for those of us who refuse to be a victim of the sub-human scum that lurk and rob people, or get you outnumbered in the middle of nowhere, then start f...in with you.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 5, 2005
These are armchair riders. They either ride the same tried and true trail every weekend, or live in a fantasy land where there is no danger in the world, and no one has ever been given the Deliverance vacation special.

Just remember, when fit hits the shan, all of you have to do is outrun these members of victim culture to get away scott free.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
dhbuilder said:
these are the same numbnutted folks who give out anonymous neg. rep for those of us who refuse to be a victim of the sub-human scum that lurk and rob people, or get you outnumbered in the middle of nowhere, then start f...in with you.
Not to be a dick here. But you seem a little upset and angry. Is it really that bad there in Windrock TN? If it is then you might consider getting out of there when you can. I grew up in a dangerous place and have lived in a couple of dangerous places. I have come to learn that moving is a good thing. And easier then you think it is.

Who cares about negative rep anonymous or not? And don't ever let anyone suggest to you you're wrong for being prepared. Thats just foolish. If you feel you need to carry a weapon then please do so.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 5, 2005
Some choose to stand for their homes, other choose to move along and give up yet another home.

Me, I'll stand up and fight for mine. If that means you have to be put down because you attempt by force to take what is mine, the so be it.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Tattooo said:
Some choose to stand for their homes, other choose to move along and give up yet another home.

Me, I'll stand up and fight for mine. If that means you have to be put down because you attempt by force to take what is mine, the so be it.
Homes are just things. Family however is where I draw the line. Mess with mine and you will learn in cruel way why that is not a good idea :sneaky:


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
jdcamb said:
Not to be a dick here. But you seem a little upset and angry. Is it really that bad there in Windrock TN? If it is then you might consider getting out of there when you can. I grew up in a dangerous place and have lived in a couple of dangerous places. I have come to learn that moving is a good thing. And easier then you think it is.

Who cares about negative rep anonymous or not? And don't ever let anyone suggest to you you're wrong for being prepared. Thats just foolish. If you feel you need to carry a weapon then please do so.

you some kind of analyst or something, that you can figure out by reading typed words if someone is upset or angry ?

don't take yourself or anything you see here so seriously.

upset and angry ?
that's funny.

try figuring out someone else.
you can't do any worse than the attempt you made here.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
Tattooo said:
Some choose to stand for their homes, other choose to move along and give up yet another home.

Me, I'll stand up and fight for mine. If that means you have to be put down because you attempt by force to take what is mine, the so be it.
Protecting yourself from a mugger isn't quite the same as fighting for your home.
BurlyShirley said:
The WORST place I have ever been is Hazard Kentucky and some places a bit east of there even. I would rather be in some ghetto in Brazil then that place after dark. Didnt hear any Banjos, but that is where Loretta Lynn is from.
Dude, the only reason anybody goes to Hazard is to visit relatives.....you do KNOW that, right?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 5, 2005
Bicyclist said:
Protecting yourself from a mugger isn't quite the same as fighting for your home.
No, it is the exact same thing.
Tell ya what, why don't you go somewhere, have a gun jammed in your face and then come back and tell me about how you feel towards guns.

Or try this on for size. You don't like guns, great, don't buy them. However, an attempt to curtail my rights is a bad plan. You do your thing, I'll do mine.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
CrankyOleBroad said:
OK, I confess, I'm old as dirt and I have no idea what you're talking about.....but it does conceal nicely.....
Bah, it's just a semi-ironic tribute to the cavalcade of comments that (used to, anyhow) follow the display of any bike hardware on the site. Nevermind.



Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
Tattooo said:
Or try this on for size. You don't like guns, great, don't buy them. However, an attempt to curtail my rights is a bad plan. You do your thing, I'll do mine.
Who ever said I wanted to curtail your rights? I would HATE for the right to bear ams to be destroyed.

All I said is I don't understand why you'd ride with them. I don't buy guns, I just wanted a bit of an insight as to why you ride with them.

Thanks to your defensiveness and over-generalizations, I understand why you carry a piece. :clue:


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
Tattooo said:
Tell ya what, why don't you go somewhere, have a gun jammed in your face and then come back and tell me about how you feel towards guns.
I would feel like guns are stupid. What does that have to do with "protecting your home," anyways? Nice try though.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 5, 2005
The reason I got into riding armed is the same reason I got into living armed, I have lived in places like NOLA and have ridden in places like real deep backwoods MS.

In New Orleans, the god's honest truth is that without my handy 40 or 45 I would be a dead man today. I am a big guy, and know how to fight. However, that means nothing when confronted with a knife or a gun. In the four years I lived in the swamp I was almost mugged four times. Every time that it was an "almost" vs an actual mugging, it was because I was armed. Now you might say "well just give them your money, wallet, keys, etc" but what you don't understand is that in places like that, even complete capitulation to the attacker's demands is no promise you won't be killed. More often then not they will shoot you even if you give it all over to avoid a witness. Personally if I am getting shot I am taking the SOB with me straight to hell.

When riding in the deep backwoods of MS one time I got real lost. Lost to the tune of turning a 18 mile ride into a 70 mile ride in country where if you get lost you may very well not come home. I remember from my days of Hunters Safety (yes, shock and gasps, we 'necks do teach our kids how to kill things at an early age) that the universal sign of distress was three quick shots up in the air. Once I went down on a double flat and blew my ACL, my Glock in my pack is what got the attention of two hunters a mile or so off. They came, got me out, and took me back to my friends who were three counties away.

I am a firm believer that a gun is a good thing, and can save lives. Some folks don't like guns, or don't take well to the idea of killing. At the end of the day, be it a crack head with a knife or a boar coming down on me, with the intent of shaking me loose the mortal coil, it will always be the boar or the crackhead that will be on the ground.

For some reason I think Ted Nugent may be my dad...


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
llkoolkeg said:
It's humorous how most of those who disapprove of carrying a weapon cannot just say that they choose not to, but must imply haughtily that those who do are either paranoid, wimpy, crazy, violent or slight of schlong. It must be difficult to not choke on the irony when choosing that particular group of insults, as most of the people I've met who are anti-gun or weapon make up the biggest collective of sensitive, dick-tucking cakeboys ever assembled. Bear in mind I'm not singling anyone out, but making a general observation as the guys I know who own and possess guns & knives are not among the modern majority of men who cannot defend their families- much less themselves- w/o a cell phone with 911 on speeddial.
Whoah there, when did this become about protecting your family or what you do with your dick? Choosing to go riding without carrying a weapon has no bearing on whether you have any weapons at home (and let's face it we all have kitchen knives longer than any of the knives shown in this thread).

Someone breaks into my house? The wife will be calling 999 (our 911) whilst I'm working on breaking the intruder's skull. I'm also not about to start getting tooled up when I go out for a ride. Does that make me a dick-tucking cakeboy?

Thinking that it is unnecessary to take a weapon riding is indicative of where people choose to ride more than their stance on guns or knives.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
i carry my Taurus PT140 (.40 cal subcompact) with me if i'm riding urban in the city where i work. otherwise i choose not to take it, mainly because it's just plain cumbersome. i plan on getting something smaller soon and i'll probably take that along w/ me in my camelback for the "you never know's".
oh yeah...to the point of this thread, i ALWAYS carry a knife on duty (benchmade auto-opener) and USUALLY when i'm off duty. knives are just plain 'ole handy-dandy tools.


May 26, 2004
Well, here in USA where knives are legal i carry 3.5" COLT folding knife everywhere.. I know how to use it & have martial arts training...
Otherwise i tote a 9mm also..in BIG cities/vacation/ Newport,TN /& sometimes just local trips when tourism folks have gotton real pissy.No, i swear it's unbelieable sometimes...It's unbelievable the road rage sometimes.If some redneck or big bity idiot pulls a weapon i would defend my family.. Who wants the legal issues, but it could happen ??


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
.. I know how to use it & have martial arts training...
Oooooh....It's Chuck Norris!

Know how to use it eh? Well I bet you don't! :poking you in the chest:

I'd like to see you try something fancy, there Jean Claude. I'd teach you a thing or two. And your momma is fat!

:turns away smugly:


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
Tattooo said:
I actually dislike hippies, but not as much as rednecks.

That said, you seem to carry a gun for a decent reason judging by the terrain you live in.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Carrying a knife while riding is cool for th Tool factor. Carrying a gun, like i said is more for protection against wildlife. For those that are thinking " Just ride faster".... Ever been chased by a pissed off Mama bear???. Ever had a Mtn lion Drop out of a tree at you??? Sppok a moose into a full on intercept???.... Repeating here that its Mtn liopns bears and Coyotes i am worried about were i live, and resonding to the lack of accessibility<SP>Few easy Mods take tare of that, like mounting the Holster underneath your pack. fits well right in your lower back, easy access. Like i also said before S&W model 13 .357 Very loud lots of knock down. Coyote or Mtn lion a shot into a tree and there gone, bear possibly same, if no time to think very dependable that it will do its job as intended.

Now for everyone saying Guns kill people and such...... i take a loaded gun, set it on the table, is it dangerous????? No, not untill it is in the wrong hands. Guns dont kill people Ignorance does.

There was a Boyscout camp a town away from were i live where they were teaching the scouts to shoot, a woman reporter was asking the man in charge," Arent you just arming these kids to grow up and be criminals, or to commit acts of violence?" His responce was wonderfull, " Ma'am, your perfectly equipped to be a Prostitute, but i dont see you working the streets at night do i?""


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
DirtyMike said:
There was a Boyscout camp a town away from were i live where they were teaching the scouts to shoot, a woman reporter was asking the man in charge," Arent you just arming these kids to grow up and be criminals, or to commit acts of violence?" His responce was wonderfull, " Ma'am, your perfectly equipped to be a Prostitute, but i dont see you working the streets at night do i?""
No, there wasn't...


That one's been on the Internet for as long as I have.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 5, 2005
DirtyMike said:
There was a Boyscout camp a town away from were i live where they were teaching the scouts to shoot, a woman reporter was asking the man in charge," Arent you just arming these kids to grow up and be criminals, or to commit acts of violence?" His responce was wonderfull, " Ma'am, your perfectly equipped to be a Prostitute, but i dont see you working the streets at night do i?""
Kick ass!


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
manimal said:
regardless of who said it and where...someone thought it up and it's a pretty good point.
Heh, I'm not arguing that, and it's funny to boot...but I've heard/seen several people claim they heard the broadcast or that it happened to/near them, which is even funnier.

I bet you got the email yourself from some old jarhead buddies, no? Made it through the USMC like wildfire...



Turbo Monkey
Jun 5, 2005
I love that in this thread that the best reputation ding someone can give me is "bite me."


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
not a whole lot of middle ground here on this issue.

i wonder what they argue about over on "crimemonkey"?
heck, they probably go on and on, over and over about calibers and blade length. and what shoes are best for eluding capture.:love:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 5, 2005
dhbuilder said:
not a whole lot of middle ground here on this issue.

i wonder what they argue about over on "crimemonkey"?
heck, they probably go on and on, over and over about calibers and blade length. and what shoes are best for eluding capture.:love:
If you ask my neighbors, no shoes is the best way to outrun the Popo, an angry daddy, and the guy who's bike you just stole.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
fluff said:
Whoah there, when did this become about protecting your family or what you do with your dick? Choosing to go riding without carrying a weapon has no bearing on whether you have any weapons at home (and let's face it we all have kitchen knives longer than any of the knives shown in this thread).

Someone breaks into my house? The wife will be calling 999 (our 911) whilst I'm working on breaking the intruder's skull. I'm also not about to start getting tooled up when I go out for a ride. Does that make me a dick-tucking cakeboy?

Thinking that it is unnecessary to take a weapon riding is indicative of where people choose to ride more than their stance on guns or knives.
1. Some people were making unsupported inferences about others who choose to arm themselves while riding.

2. I simply offered my own general observations of those with pacifist tendencies.

3. If the frosting fits, slather it on thick...but again, my comments were directed toward those who were demeaning people who trust preparedness over chance.

If you feel prepared or safe hiking without a signal mirror in your rucksack, for example, far be it for me to insult you for not carrying one. I look at weapons as nothing more than implements of preparedness. Having grown up owning and practicing with various weapons, I do not view them as toys for display or crutches for failing manhood. They are tools that are serious as a heart attack and should always be treated as such.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
llkoolkeg said:
1. Some people were making unsupported inferences about others who choose to arm themselves while riding.

2. I simply offered my own general observations of those with pacifist tendencies.

3. If the frosting fits, slather it on thick...but again, my comments were directed toward those who were demeaning people who trust preparedness over chance.

If you feel prepared or safe hiking without a signal mirror in your rucksack, for example, far be it for me to insult you for not carrying one. I look at weapons as nothing more than implements of preparedness. Having grown up owning and practicing with various weapons, I do not view them as toys for display or crutches for failing manhood. They are tools that are serious as a heart attack and should always be treated as such.
1. You did the same.
2. Just like all gun owners are homicidal maniacs?
3. Whatever.


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Maybe I'm just naive living in lil' old Canada, but are there a lot of mountain biker muggings on the US trails? The only protection we really need is bug repellent...or maybe I'm leaving my guard down.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Ridemonkey said:
Maybe I'm just naive living in lil' old Canada, but are there a lot of mountain biker muggings on the US trails? The only protection we really need is bug repellent...or maybe I'm leaving my guard down.
Most of time I hear of bad things happening on a bike trail, it is one in an urban area. When I lived by the W&OD Trail in Arlington, there were several assaults, robbings and rapes along its length each year, and that occurring with bike patrol officers cruising the trail network. Where I ride now, the only things you hear about are the occasional body being found or clandestine anthrax lab being sought. :rolleyes:

...and no, I'm not joking.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Ridemonkey said:
Maybe I'm just naive living in lil' old Canada, but are there a lot of mountain biker muggings on the US trails? The only protection we really need is bug repellent...or maybe I'm leaving my guard down.
A woman was murdered several years ago jogging along a trail at the place I ride most often. The place is in the middle of suburbia...certainly not miles out in the woods. Still, I don't carry a gun when I ride because a) I don't own a gun, and b) I'd probably crash, causing the gun to discharge and blow one of my nuts off.