
demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
I figure this is pretty common, so ill see what you hooligans have as far as advice.

Riding DH went OTB and landed on a nice rock on my lower back/ass. Swelled up real good, hurt like hell. After 2 days i got a nice black bruise (in a slanted line, such as / ) Ironically this lined up with my ass crack. Now there are "new" bruises popping up, and i havent fallen again. Why am i still getting bruises? The initial line is on its way out, and there are now 4-5 blob shape bruises coming up. Its been a week to the day. Its still very swollen, but its only been a week... Do you drain bruises? If so what is the normal timeframe for it?

*spine is checked by a chiropractor, its all good. I am down to a bad bruise, or bruise and muscle damage-which will fix itself.

Share your bruise stories or advice.


e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
Have your mom buy you a new ass/back! :D

Deep tissue/muscle bruises can take up to a week to appear. Man up and deal with it.

demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
Man up and deal with it.
Thats the plan, just want to make sure i "know what im up against" This is the first time i have had a severe enough bruise that it wasnt gone in 6 hours, this guy facking hurts! Also, and advice on getting the swelling down, can bruises be drained like a swollen knee? Its past the time where i can ice it, and i dont wanna drug myself up with advil for no reason. I figure if i can get the 2 inches of swelling down, ill feel pretty good. :confused:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 2, 2007
Thats the plan, just want to make sure i "know what im up against" This is the first time i have had a severe enough bruise that it wasnt gone in 6 hours, this guy facking hurts! Also, and advice on getting the swelling down, can bruises be drained like a swollen knee? Its past the time where i can ice it, and i dont wanna drug myself up with advil for no reason. I figure if i can get the 2 inches of swelling down, ill feel pretty good. :confused:
Just make sure you stay stretched out. Bruises go away dude, they are just ruptured blood vessels/capillaries from impact I believe. I say stretch because if you move like an old man for 2 weeks and then go out and ride hard you could get a hurt back, but hey, we are both young and don't have to worry about that too much.


e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
Thats the plan, just want to make sure i "know what im up against" This is the first time i have had a severe enough bruise that it wasnt gone in 6 hours, this guy facking hurts! Also, and advice on getting the swelling down, can bruises be drained like a swollen knee? Its past the time where i can ice it, and i dont wanna drug myself up with advil for no reason. I figure if i can get the 2 inches of swelling down, ill feel pretty good. :confused:
I took a digger two weeks ago on my left outer thigh right to the bone. I rarely bruise and it is still a good looking one.

A good bruise will last quite a while, then turn a very nice yellow as it starts to go away. Make sure to stretch it and continue moving. It'll hurt but it will transfer fresh blood in and bad out.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
My friend once got a hematoma on her thigh that eventually had to be drained. The doc asked the nurse to bring a bucket so he could squeeze out the jelly like blob of congealed blood.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Go to a hippie store and buy arnica pills and start popping them to speed the bruise healing. Sounds like you just had some deep bruising that is taking time to surface. If you have an ass related photo shoot upcoming, then some acupuncture can also help with bruise healing in a hurry.


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Thats the plan, just want to make sure i "know what im up against" This is the first time i have had a severe enough bruise that it wasnt gone in 6 hours, this guy facking hurts!
Whoa... Hold on a second here....

This is the FIRST time you have had a bruise that didnt go away within 6 hrs?
Are you sure you ride bikes? I've had numerous bruises that take up to 6 WEEKS to go away.

Big nasty bruises that start off all yellow and green and then slowly turn the more normal red and purple. Shoot, I have one right now! Was riding with my dog on Tuesday. We both tried to take the same line and got tangled up... I went OTB, bike landed on my dog and my right quad either hit the bars on the way over or a rock when I landed.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 13, 2008
Ellicott City, MD
Massage the hematoma lumps if you don't get them drained. They will solidify into scar tissue.
This... and speaking from experience, this sucks. I have two, both about 3 inches in diameter (one on calf and one on inner thigh) from old bruises that I didn't bother to do anything for. Having a lump of scar tissue like a beer coaster under your skin is weird.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
I'm glad the thrice daily salt water and pumice enemas cleared things up for you

demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
This is the FIRST time you have had a bruise that didnt go away within 6 hrs?
Are you sure you ride bikes? I've had numerous bruises that take up to 6 WEEKS to go away.
Cant say i remember ever getting a bad bruise, i always get cut up, and i have broken a few ligaments, but i (until last week) rarely took a fall that bruised me, guess i dont bruise easily. I usually fall onto my leg/arm and snap a ligament, or i slide across the ground and get cut up. First time serious bruise for me. IT SUCKS!

Will massaging actually heal a hematoma, or will i need to get it drained?


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Pvssies. That huge bruise is an average day of fighting for many of us who do medieval combat, especially when we first start.

Suck it up.

We even autograph ours... (not me and this is from one shot, not a day of fighting)

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