
Awesome, 1 more term of college for me!


Turbo Monkey
Sep 9, 2001
Nothing like a little vent!

Well it looks like I'm going to take a class during E-term which will finish around mid June I believe. The thing that sucks is that I worked my balls off this whole year since I was a little behind in my classes. I suppose the nice thing is that at my school you cannot receive a grade below a C since everything else is a NR (not recorded). This term I got an A on my Interactive Qualifying Project and I should get an A in my 4000 Thermal-Fluids course, but as I sit here, I've come to the realization that there is no way that I'm going to pass my 4000 Advanced Dynamics course. The grade is based on only 3 test, and needing to get basically a 100 on the one I have at 9am it's just not possible. I'm contemplating even going to it since it just ain't happening, ya-know?

It kind of sucks since my parents have spent ALOT of money sending me to school, granted my younger brother is at his 4th school :p so I guess it won't be that big of a deal. My financial situation sucks a bit because I owe some housing money that I'm going to have ask the parentals for to spot me. I'm going to have to find some sort of job to take care of money and allow me to bike and race early in the season while I'm taking a class. Luckily I don't need to take this class that I'm going to NR again, it just has to be a 4000 level ME course so hopefully they offer FEA since I wasn't able to take that earlier in the year. Hopefully I'll be able to attend the commencement ceremony as well with all my buddies despite having one outstanding course.

I suppose everything happens for a reason so I may as well role with the punches. It just sucks since that these punches hurt a bit more.

At least tomorrow is going to be the last day of classes for D term and it'll be about 60 and sunny, which means the buddies, grill, and beers will be out nice and early tomorrow and in the end isn't that what everything's about? :)