
back from Whistler (long recap, w/ pics) ;)

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
Copied and pasted from another bike forum, apologies if it refers to people or experiences that make no sense in this context :) Also it's written with the intended audience of my mates who have never been to Whistler, I should rewrite it for all of you Whistler regulars but frankly can't be bothered :p

General holiday overview:

Travelling was a bit of a faff. I got to Stanstead at 4:30am for my 8:30 flight to be told it was delayed by 3 hours. Turned out to be 5 hours :( Still, got there in the end. The flight takes 8-10hrs and the transfer was 2.5 hours on a bus (though if I go next year I'll sort out a van which will be cheaper and faster). Stunning scenary on the trip as you'd expect, flying over Greenland etc, and then driving up through the moutains :)

After just 3 days riding my hands looked like this. It got worse too, yet somehow after a few days they managed to heal over and hurt less and less. I blame my ****ty Boxxer Races, get me a Mojo cart! Not just me though, riding out in Whistler is punishing work even with an Avalanche fork, and days often ended with Sam looking like this :)

We rode every day, although one day I did only do 2 runs, we normally did 6-12. Normally in Morzine we have countless days off due to ****ty conditions, no need here, weather was good :) Every time you go up your liftpass gets scanned and you can ask how many runs you did, only 92 for me, my hands were hurting too much in the early days to ride more than half a dozen runs a day.

We stayed in Staff accommodation which is there for all of the people who work the lifts and in the shops etc. Cost is $10CDN/night or $14CDN/night if you want to be nearer to the village. I took the latter. Ride to the lift was about 5 minutes mostly along the flat. $10 is £4!! :) Sam stayed for free with Roger; I stayed there for a week too, sleeping on this sofa, but decided I needed to get some proper sleep (and I was a bit in the way) so after a week I moved upstairs to stay with 2 Canadian randoms, which wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. So yeah, cheap accommodation, £40/week, with this view when you wake up ;D

Weather was cracking, first 10 days was gorgeous sunshine with dustry trails, temp about 25°C so not too hot, and an ice cold water dispensor at the bottom of every run :) After that it started to rain a bit, but generally only at night and not enough to make anything muddy as such, just "tacky".

Courses and riding:

As you probably already know, Whistler is very different to Morzine in that all the trails are on one hill. You have 2 chairlifts, one takes you up 1100feet, and 90% of the trails are from the top of that back to the village. The other lift ("Garbanzo", just opened) goes up a further 2200ft but currently only has 2 trails from it. Will be loads more next year no doubt.

Trails are graded like ski runs, with green being piss-easy, blue being "OK" and everything any of us would want to ride being rated "Black diamond" (advanced) or "double black diamond" (expert).

The famous Schleyer drop: Me, Roger, Sam. It may not look like it but I nearly flat bottomed that drop - landed well past the wood, a 10ft drop I guess. View from the top.

Before this section was a sweet rock garden interspersed with ladders and slabs.

One day we were out riding and came across Josh Bender and a bunch of guys on the trails. Rode with them briefly until Bender pulled over to scope out this new drop he'd spotted. He spent a good half hour preparing the run in and landing, fafftastic. Was cool to see him at work though, the guys he was ridign with had been with him all day and said he was a great tech rider on the trails, which I've heard before. Apparantly Schley does this drop in NWD4 somewhere. Bender drops in!

Lower Joyride: This obstacle was scary in the wet, imagine what you'd get it you laid planks of wood down 3 small sets of stairs and over the flat bits in between, that's what this was. Fine in the dry, scary as hell in the wet.

National course had this scary rock slab. Chack out Sam trying to descend it. First day we saw this we were both too scared to hit it, by the end of the holiday it seemed a piece of piss, wouldn't even hesitate rolling into it. I took this pic of Roger riding it, and Sam took this one of me. It looked and felt WAY steeper than that when riding it, was like riding down a frikkin wall!

Roger and Sam's favourite track was Dirt Merchant, I didn't really like it. Similar to Aline, lots of jumps, but they had really nasty G-out compressions at the bottom of them, that sort of thing unsettles me, I like to be relaxed rolling up to a jump. Roger on Dirt Merchant. Dirt merchant log ride

Rented a headcam on my penultimate day, and got some CRACKING footage, but it broke twice and we lost most of the good stuff :'( :'( Not seen the footage yet, hopefully Sam will post me a copy soon.... Rental should cost $100 but we got it for $35 because it kept breaking, not a bad price for the 40minutes of footage we did manage to get.

Steve would have creamed himself if he'd seen the skatepark, this is just a small part of it.

All holiday people were telling me about the bears they'd seen, and after 10 days of riding I was pissed I'd not seen any! Then finally on the uplift I spotted a Black bear cub, and tried my best to get a shot. Each day after that I saw bears much closer, but didn't have the camera to hand. One time the lift went about 6ft over mumma bear and her two cubs, so sweet :) Another time I was hooning down a fireroad (links 2 trails together) to see a black bear sitting on the track. It ran off before I hit it, pussy....

  • Flight: £386. I got charged 10kg excess baggage on the way out (the scales said I had 50kg when I'm allowed 20...). On my return they tried to charge me all 30kg, but then his supervisor told him bikes go free so he didn't charge me at all, reeeeeeeeesult. So flights were £411 if you include my £25 charge.
  • Transfer: $240 (£98 but I know how to do it cheaper next year).
  • Liftpass: $320CDN (£130)
  • Airport parking: £109
  • Accommodation: $14/night = £74
  • Beer: $5-$6 (£2-£3). Not toooo bad.
  • Meals: $6-$15 (£2.50-£6) cheap

Living costs and bike parts are way cheaper than in Morzine. Whistler ISN'T the super expensive place you might think. Last year we were paying £4 for a beer in Morzine!

What is annoying is how taxes aren't included in stuff. On food and beer you basically need to add 25% to what it says on the menu to cover the taxes and your 10-15% tip.

PS I know the photos suck :)

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
Addendum for people who know Whistler: :)

I loved riding out there, though the more DH-style trails appealed to me more than the freeride type stuff. No Joke and Original Sin were good, but need bedding in more. I did ride the manager. In fact the only thing I didn't hit on the trails was the Clown Shoes drop, which I'm a tad embarrassed by :)

My favourite section on the hillside is (rather embarrassingly) the first 4 corners of Hornet. I swear I could hit that as fast as any pro racer, certainly felt that way - what an ego boost I got whenever I rode that bit :)

Does anyone else think the food at Longhorn is crap? The chicken wrap was quite nice, but their "fries" are mank. If I want wedges I'll ask for wedges! Fries should be fries.

If you want a quality fun meal and are happy to pay for it check out Teppan Village steak house. Seafood dinner and Lobster with sushi appetiser and a few Kirins set me back $90CDN, but I've never had a meal where they cook at your table before, worth it!


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Great job!

I will be making my 3rd trip to Whistler this August :heart: . I am on fire about it and I cannot wait to hit it with my new rig. Thanks for getting me even more amped to go.

I pin it on B-line :thumb:

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
PsychO!1 said:
The DH trails rock at Whistler, the rock slab on Natioanl Course is SCARY!!! (the first time)...and yes, the food blows at the Longhorn!!!
When we got to it we were like "hold on, where does the trail go?". "Nah, not down there, surely....?" ;)

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
©2001 said:
freakin' rad -seb!!!
Dammit, I saw you'd replied and while I waited for the page to load was all "Plleeeeease say you were there and have a mental photo of me, please!!"

Ah to be photographed by Spomer, a dream come true it'd be :)

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
PsychO!1 said:
It's the thick forest and immediate left turn at the bottom that makes it sooo damn intimidating. The consequences could be high. :D
No immediate left, you kink to the right and step up over a pinch-flat-inviting rock, then cut across clown shoes into a small drop into a left hander. Maybe it's changed since you were there.
- seb said:
No immediate left, you kink to the right and step up over a pinch-flat-inviting rock, then cut across clown shoes into a small drop into a left hander. Maybe it's changed since you were there.
Nooo, your correct. I do remember the transition from the sunlight into the woods at the bottom made it hard to see past the bottom of the rock. The left turn may be from another rock I'm thinking of......my mind blends trails together all the time. :D

It's been a year.....I need to get back!!!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Longhorn sucks. Period. Highest quantity of beer sold in the world in 2002 though :)

Glad you had a good time (gotta agree with your buds though, dirtmerchant is better than aline...at least for all levels of riders :))

Most people get freaked by clownshoes, I wouldn't worry abvout it. Cool to see bender in action...hmmm only pro I never seem to see haha.

Pysco...if you had said right hand turn I would think whistler dh (my first crash was on that right hand turn). Can't think of one going left...hmmmmm


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Sweet review Seb, sounds like you and your crew were rockin. I went for the first time last year then went back earlier this year. Funny thing, last year I didn't hit the clown shoes drop either, I blamed it on a fork issue (which was legit) but still I spent almost a year thinking about it. (Not constantly, but I knew I had some unfinished business up there...) So of course one of the first things I did when I went back this year was hit it. A few times, just to be sure! Felt damn good and man, if you can roll the rock on National without hesitation then the clown shoes drop is a piece of cake! I also like the new woodwork on clown shoes, especially that new stunt right before the drop. I don't get to ride the skinnies that much but you can't help but kill it up there. And yah, it feels great to come screaming into hornet at Mach 1, especially once you're familiar with it. We rode a couple days in the wet and when it dried up we were flying!!

Ok, thanks for the moment of blissful recollection, I think I need to start planning another trip now...


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
awesome recap seb! very good writing and i liked the links w/ the pics, embedded into the story. nicely done.

now i know where i wanna be next summer.


Jan 15, 2002
Vancouver, BC Canada
Roasted said:
I always forget to hit hornet. Even though I enjoy that trail a lot. I guess it is because I never ride aline...hmmmm
They really messed up Hornet with the new bottom section of A-line.

Thanks for the trip write up Seb!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Yeah they took out some gap or something right? I don't know what it used to be like so I can't really comment. I enjoy it now...but I still skip a-line most of the time.

BTW -seb- I didn't realize about staff accom. Those are some great prices. will have to remember that for next year when I get people to start coming up here.

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
Roasted said:
Longhorn sucks. Period. Highest quantity of beer sold in the world in 2002 though :)
Well the service was slow too, but at least the girls serving the beer were nice to look at :thumb: Now the GLC bar, pretty girls, better food, still ****ty slow service though.

-BB- I took the bike on the plane with me, using a Planet X deluxe bike bag. In previous years to France I've used a cardboard box from a bikeshop instead, but with two holidays this summer (going to Morzine in 3 weeks) I thought I'd save myself the hassle and buy a bag. All I have to do is take the wheels, pedals and rear mech off and turn the bars, then the bike just drops in the bag and it has a pocket each side for the wheels. All nicely padded, and fill in the rest of the space with all my biking clothes.

Cheers narlus, I wish I had the time to do a proper write up and make a webpage about the trip. Can't wait to see the headcam footage :)

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
Roasted said:
BTW -seb- I didn't realize about staff accom. Those are some great prices. will have to remember that for next year when I get people to start coming up here.
The catch with the staff housing is you don't know what you're going to get. If you went up with 3 buddies you could end up with a flat all to yourselves, alternatively you might end up each staying in a separate flat with 3 people you don't know. Luck of the draw. And you can't book in advance, have to just turn up and see what they have.


May 1, 2003
Thanks man! Sounds like a super time and I'm sportin wood just reading about it.
Cant wait..... will be there 1st week in Aug with a good group of riders. 2 days on the N shore with Johnny Smoke and 6 days at the park. I can totally relate to that pic of your hands..felt the same way last year and I'm sure we're in for it this year...but WTF...you wanna play, you gotta pay! :thumb:
Dec 25, 2003
Edinburgh, Scotland
Nice write up, I know you were pretty excited about heading out so glad it lived up to expectation!

Next year could be a full on Whistler onslaught by my crowd, I need to get back to BC for a decent amount of time and do a catch up with my guys over there too.

Nice snaps too, I expect to see Sam ripping it up at the next race!

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
It was cool, but if I go again I need to sort out some van hire and do Squamish, Pemberton, Williams Lake, North Shore, whatever else is around. I thought I might do east coast next year, though aside from Plattekill I don't know what else there is.


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
- seb said:
-BB- I took the bike on the plane with me, using a Planet X deluxe bike bag. In previous years to France I've used a cardboard box from a bikeshop instead, but with two holidays this summer (going to Morzine in 3 weeks) I thought I'd save myself the hassle and buy a bag. All I have to do is take the wheels, pedals and rear mech off and turn the bars, then the bike just drops in the bag and it has a pocket each side for the wheels. All nicely padded, and fill in the rest of the space with all my biking clothes.)
same bag I use...but I also wrap my frame in an old blanket before inserting it in the bag.

I take my wheels, pedals, handlebars and rear derailleur off...that's it.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
- seb said:
It was cool, but if I go again I need to sort out some van hire and do Squamish, Pemberton, Williams Lake, North Shore, whatever else is around. I thought I might do east coast next year, though aside from Plattekill I don't know what else there is.
Next year also try and check out mt Washington :)


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
I just got back too. I remember seeing the GT a few times. I liked Whistler but the North Shore was that much better. Plus my buddy did Diggers Rock. It was about a 20 ft drop. It was amazing. He did it on a cracked Scream, which he got warrentied while we were at the shore.

We did 3 days at Whistler and 2 at the shore. When I go back I will ride the shore a lot more. One of my buddys did try the drop on Clown Shoes and ate crap on a Bullit with a Z150.... He lost the bar because we were so tired from riding so much. I think the drop on Clown shoes is the biggest drop at Whistler. The Rock drop on Dirt Merchant if you hit it at the highest point is pretty close. We did get to ride Garbonzo with Schley the last day. That dude rips. He was on a RMX with the new single crown 7" Zoke. I did see a few guys riding the Zoke on the shore too. It felt pretty good but I will stick with my 888. I just cant trust a single crown. Ill post pics later. I even have a short film.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Get the film up :D...

The shore kinda scares me. Every friend I have seen go down there this year comes back messed up BAD. Not even simple injuries, but season ending almost.

And yes, that has been brought up a couple of times on nsmb of how close clownshoes is to dirtmerchant...:)

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
My worst crash at Whistler was riding A River Runs Through It. On that secton with the two linked teeter totters I fell off sideways, cracked my head/shoulders on a treetrunk running parallel to the stunt a couple of metres away, then toppled to the ground )6ft or so) thinking I'd broken my neck. Pain subsided after a few minutes though and I managed to finish the trail, was very worried though!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Ahhh the draw bridge...good stunt but gotta nail it at the right speed. The worst stunt in there for me is Mike Garage...I don't freaking fit. I hit my head and both my shoulders....stupid short people stunts haha

Thats a rough spot to really hurt yourself. Almost halfway into the trail...what did you think of the trail otherwise?

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
Well the guy I was staying with said we should check it out, so 360 and I went along with him and a bunch of his mates. The difference is they'd been working all day, so were pretty fresh. We on the other hand had been riding 10-5, and had 4 beers at the Longhorn, then come 7pm we head off on our heavy DH rigs to ride it, while all of the others were on hardtails with reak gear ranges....

Basically due to tiredness, alcohol and inappropriate bikes it was frikkin hard work! I'd like to do it again fresh, on a hardtail.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
ahhh...yeah for trail with no elevation change you need to torque so much having more gears helps. One of my favorite trails since it is like 10 minutes from my house. Good to see you didn't stay on the mountain full time :)

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
You're a lucky man living out ther. I liked the sound of a lot of the other trails around but without a truck it seemed it'd be wasted energy really. Have you ridden the train line at Function Junction? Sounds amazing from what I heard of it :)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Train wreck. Pretty wicked trail. Gargemel is a new one that is hidden. Anything in emerald is definately technical. The 2 main trails to hit in whistler are kill me thrill me and River. Past that Train wreck and anything in emerald kick ass.

I actually have a buddy making a movie using shots from train wreck. When the teaser is done I will post it. Sweet 10 to 15 footer off of a turned over train. Pretty interesting place for a trail :)

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
Cheers mate! Had hoped to see you on the trails in Whistler - I think I saw you as you set off down Aline one day but didn't spot you at the bottom, were you wearing an evilbikes top?