
Bad dates


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Anyone been on a bad date recently?

I went out to dinner tonight with a woman that I was interested in(up until now). I thought she was interested in me as well because she would openly hit on me in public. During our lite conversation she proceeds to tell me that she is dating someone. WTF, why is she out with me? Is that the dude she was with the last time she hit on me? At this point I kind of stopped paying attention and was waiting for this date to end. Then she starts telling me how to run my business even though she's never been self-employed or owned a business. Now I'm listening, not because I'm interested but because she's starting to piss me off. She ends the night by saying she was just trying to help and we should get together again for dinner?

Can anyone explain this?


Crusading Clamp Monkey
Sep 27, 2006
Deep in the heart of TEXAS
I cannot, but I really shouldn't ever try to advise people on relationships. Heaven knows I have issues with it. I have been married 8 years, but only because Julie has saint-like patience.


Mr. Big Hot Pastrami
Feb 26, 2003
Bozeman, MT
I haven't had a date recently but I do have two bad dates that come to mind.
First one:
I pick up the girl and we go to a restaurant. We are seated and everything is going well. Conversation is top notch and things are looking good. She had ordered the chicken fried steak. She is cutting the steak when she starts flipping out about how the steak is too tough and is attracting negativity from every person in the room. I try my best to calm her down which isn't working. I then say alright lets just leave. She agreed to that and I put 50 bucks on the table even though the meal was only 25 bucks. I hoped that 25 would be enough of an apology to the waiter.
I had been dating this girl for about a month and we had set aside a time to stop all studying and have some time together. We are walking down the stairs of the dorm when the girl sees one of her friends and asks her if she wants to come along with us and her friend immediately says yes. I just say alright I guess I will go get my truck. We go to the restaurant and not one word is said to me, all it is is them just talking about insignificant dorm gossip. When it comes time for the bill. My 'date's' friend goes to pull out her pocket book when the girl I am with speaks up and says "You don't have to pay, Drew will cover everything." I was speechless and paid the bill just so I didn't have to get into an impending argument.


Why don't you have a seat over there?
Jan 27, 2005
I heard she was trained to deal with retards.
Lame. Exceedingly lame.

Angry... Some people will flirt with reckless abandon with people that appear to have a significant other. She's probably seeing you as a forbidden fruit since she's seen you with another woman. Once she has conquered she'll lose interest pretty quick. Freak magnet.


Nov 13, 2007
Well, I just got finished having a problem with my girlfriend (now my ex) but anyway wel had been going out for a few months and all of a sudden she started being extreamly repellent and talking about all her other boyfriends and thats all she would talk about. All I can say is I cant figure girls out, being single is alot simpler.

Red Rabbit

Picky Pooper
Jan 27, 2007
I had a bad date.

I went to a restaurant before my ex showed up. Ordered her favorite meal. Put some roses on the seat. Waited. She arrived, she started picking a fight on our one year anniversary. The conversation got heated. I said "**** you I am done with this ****" found the waiter, paid my bill and left.

Haven't talked to her since. She emailed me once.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
1) First date with a girl, though we had spoken for 2 hours on the phone two nights before. We met at a coffee shop. I find out she used to be behlemic(sp?). She was bipolar, but didn't medicate. Also, she was then anorexic, but in denial. We never talked again.

2) On a date with a girl, good conversation. She worked at a coffee shop I studied at from time to time. I find out several things about her: used coke, speed, and heroin back in high school. She pulled up her sleeves and showed me where she used to shoot up. That was a trip. Also, didn't believe in BC: she swore by the rhythm method. Chick was freakier than I ever imagined...we never spoke again.

3) Was studying one night at a coffee shop when a girl I knew invited me to dinner. Supposedly her friend had cancelled on her and she wnated the company. Whatev. We grab sushi and head back to her place to watch a movie. We make out, or whatever she called that miserable combination of biting and tongue. Gross, at least use your lips. Mid make out session, she a) tells me how many guys she's slept with, b) tells me that protection isn't necessary because she's on BC, and c) she loves @**l. My response, "I gotta go." That's just the tip of the iceberg.

4) Just last month. I met a girl at a church function. No, I'm not very religious. Yes, I have met several girls at church. This chick goes Swingers on my ass, calling me no less than 4 times and sending no fewer than 10 text messages, all after midnight. Plus, I got a text from her the next morning. That was a train wreck.

Dating rocks.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
I have a date tonight with a girl I met two weekends ago. God I hope she doesn't freak out on me. If she does, expect an update on this thread.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
emotional girl with a stomach full of raspberry stoli + a windy road = bad date and burning need to clean the interior of your truck.


Mar 17, 2002
Last New Year's I was in Big Bear sharing a cabin with my friend his gf, and someone they wanted to set up with me. Seeing as how I had no plans for New Year's, I went along. Get some snowboarding in, and maybe meet a cool girl and have fun.

Terrible idea.

Their friend was a heinous human being. Mean, fat, negative. Everything. Basically everything terrible in the world rolled into one doughy bag of negativity.

Upon first introduction, she immediately starts complaining about the cabin, the air's too dry, she should have stayed in Scottsdale, the food sucks, everyone in Big Bear is "backwoods" etc, which would continue non stop throught the weekend.

The idea of a whole weekend with this girl was a nightmare. So I did the only thing I knew would get me through. I drank.

Things she had issues with: Dogs, the snow, my shoes, her friend's shoes, the toilet, the towels were trash, snowboarding, skiing, lines, Big Bear, my friend's car, gloves.

Finally on New Year's eve, I had reached my breaking point. I'm a nice guy, pretty tolerant of people's flaws. I've got my own, but this girl was a piece of work. After her third tirade about how stupid the bar we were in was, I ordered a round of drinks for everyone hoping she'd shut up.

She didn't. She wanted the wine I ordered for her to be sent back. Looking at the econo sized wine glass on the table, I gently nudged the wine closer to her. Then a bit closer, then a little bit closer.

She looked at me and started glaring, "You better not do that...you better not F'ing do that!".

Then I gently nudged the glass one more time sending it into her lap, spilling wine all over her.

She flipped out. I got kicked out of the bar.

Yay! Go New Years!

So, when a friend asks you if you want to go to a cabin with them on New Year's, and they say they have a friend they want to set you up with.

Don't Do It!


May 13, 2007
Most of my dates have gone well, even the odd ones where it ends and they're crying.

My brother in law wins the prize though.

He takes this hot little number, way out of his league, to his senior prom.
Pays for the limo, pays for her flowers, pays for dinner, pays for tickets.

They go for all of 20 minutes, at which point she says she wants to "get back to the limo" with the hint of impending nookie.

They get in the back, make out for twenty minutes.
She says "hey, can we head over to the Adventure Inn?"
In Reno that's code for "let's get a room to go **** in!"

He has the limo take them over to the place.
She jumps out, runs up to the room above the limo, and her ex boyfriend opens the door. She goes in, text's my brother in law "thanks" and he never hears from her again.

****ty and expensive.


Why don't you have a seat over there?
Jan 27, 2005
Most of my dates have gone well, even the odd ones where it ends and they're crying.

My brother in law wins the prize though.

He takes this hot little number, way out of his league, to his senior prom.
Pays for the limo, pays for her flowers, pays for dinner, pays for tickets.

They go for all of 20 minutes, at which point she says she wants to "get back to the limo" with the hint of impending nookie.

They get in the back, make out for twenty minutes.
She says "hey, can we head over to the Adventure Inn?"
In Reno that's code for "let's get a room to go **** in!"

He has the limo take them over to the place.
She jumps out, runs up to the room above the limo, and her ex boyfriend opens the door. She goes in, text's my brother in law "thanks" and he never hears from her again.

****ty and expensive.
HAHAHAHAHA. Pwnt. That's the winner right there.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
hope she drinks decaf...
Truer words are rarely spoken.

A friend of mine is also hoping to set me up with her best friend's younger sister, who is still 4 years my senior. I have an odd feeling this one will be a piece of work, and here's why. I am a decent guy, though I have a tendency to attract bitches and crazies. Such is life. This girl's tendency has been to date guys who treat her like crap. Haha, this one is going to end badly. Most defintely expect an update if and when this girl and I hang out.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Thanks guys. I appreciate my marriage even more now.

I am so glad that I am not single and that my wife is awesome.


May 13, 2007
Truer words are rarely spoken.

A friend of mine is also hoping to set me up with her best friend's younger sister, who is still 4 years my senior. I have an odd feeling this one will be a piece of work, and here's why. I am a decent guy, though I have a tendency to attract bitches and crazies. Such is life. This girl's tendency has been to date guys who treat her like crap. Haha, this one is going to end badly. Most defintely expect an update if and when this girl and I hang out.

Or follow Colin's advice on dating.
When it starts going strange, stick your thumb right up her pucker and scream "YATZEE!" at the top of your lungs. If she stays, you've got a winner or real issues on your hands.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
This girl's tendency has been to date guys who treat her like crap. Haha, this one is going to end badly.
No, not necessarily. Don't open any doors for her, tell her she's stupid for wearing those shoes with that skirt, don't listen to anything she has to say and talk about yourself in the third person. Do this and you will probably get some.


Aug 5, 2007
1) First date with a girl, though we had spoken for 2 hours on the phone two nights before. We met at a coffee shop. I find out she used to be behlemic(sp?). She was bipolar, but didn't medicate. Also, she was then anorexic, but in denial. We never talked again.

2) On a date with a girl, good conversation. She worked at a coffee shop I studied at from time to time. I find out several things about her: used coke, speed, and heroin back in high school. She pulled up her sleeves and showed me where she used to shoot up. That was a trip. Also, didn't believe in BC: she swore by the rhythm method. Chick was freakier than I ever imagined...we never spoke again.

3) Was studying one night at a coffee shop when a girl I knew invited me to dinner. Supposedly her friend had cancelled on her and she wnated the company. Whatev. We grab sushi and head back to her place to watch a movie. We make out, or whatever she called that miserable combination of biting and tongue. Gross, at least use your lips. Mid make out session, she a) tells me how many guys she's slept with, b) tells me that protection isn't necessary because she's on BC, and c) she loves @**l. My response, "I gotta go." That's just the tip of the iceberg.
Dating rocks.
sounds to me like you need to stay the hell away from coffee shops


May 13, 2007
Maybe start paying for sex?
I had a brothel worker for a client on time.
She explained that you weren't actually paying for the sex.
You were paying for her to never call you, to cause no drama, and to make it so the whole thing was a breeze.

That made even more sense to me than snot rockets.


May 13, 2007
One way or another we all have to pay for it, sometimes with little bits of our soul and dignity.
I think I'd rather take it out of my checking account then my soul.
I can always make more long green, but soul is hard to come by.

I guess the flip side is that you have to date a lot of lorena bobbit's before you meet your own personal Jenna Jameson or Suzy Homemaker. Me giving dating advice isn't the best idea, I've been out of the game for 11 years, accidentally nailed a bride's maid at the batchelor party, and my wife's still around after being told by that crazy cooze.

I'm going back to my original statement, just pay for a hooker.