
Beacon ridable????


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
Haven't been to beacon lately, but it is been cold. The other day we had a low of -3 with a high of somewhere around 20. No new snow, but there is snow/ice on the ground.


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
I have heard of folks riding there, but there's a good 6" or more on the ground . They did say the Ezzie trail was packed down well from snowshoers....But if you are looking for dirt you'll need to wait for the next chinook spell.



Turbo Monkey
Dec 18, 2004
spokane, WA
can do. what is your definition of rideable? because some people like to ride in a bit of snow, others want it dry.


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
dirtjumpP.1 said:
can do. what is your definition of rideable? because some people like to ride in a bit of snow, others want it dry.
a.) when you can pedal, b.) when your ties are slipping side to side while on the single track.
I'm interested in knowing too, but I doubt I'll get back over there anytime soon.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
I dont mind snow. But I hate riding in the mud and goo.

Any updates on conditions? Its suppose to be warm for awhile. We were thinking of hitting up Beacon the first or second week in Jan.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 18, 2004
spokane, WA
Kanter said:
I dont mind snow. But I hate riding in the mud and goo.

Any updates on conditions? Its suppose to be warm for awhile. We were thinking of hitting up Beacon the first or second week in Jan.
it rained yesterday and last night, the snow is going away, but theres still like 5" or so. a few weeks without new snow, and it'll be ready to ride


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
It's really warm here right now, ( 41) which means that everything is melting fast. If it continues this way, it might be rideable in a week or so, but only on the South Side, by the river, where you guys most likely ride. That part, Camp Sekani, is fast draining sandy soil.

The esmerelda trail is a different kind of soil, that stays goo a lot longer. In fact the esmerelda trail got significantly widened last year when it got ridden as gooey mud.



Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
Bellingham, WA
yeah the bermy trail by the golf course is pretty muddy for a while...but yeah the dh area drains fast and only hold water on the low spots, between jumps and such mostly


Turbo Monkey
Dec 18, 2004
spokane, WA
well, its been raining alot, and all the snow is almost gone... if it stops raining soon, i would say you could ride.. like first week of january


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
I'm going to be riding tomorrow - there around 10am. If anyone wants to go, look for me on my blue VP-Free.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
So Beacon was awesome today - I did Rushmore, sessioned the jump over the road at the bottom for about a half hour, the new DH course (even the rock roller), as well as some random trails that looked like fun.

Oh, and there were 3 other people that I saw riding there today, too.

It was a little muddy in places, and there was some patches of snow, but for the most part, the tires hooked up good and it was a blast.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
My parents live at the base of the hill, so I get a really good idea of what the conditions are like everyday.

I'm probably riding tomorrow again, whenever I wake up.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
It rained today, but it was fun. Just a little muddy, that's all. Bring a poncho and you're good to go.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
I just dont want to drive 5 hours to ride in the mud and rain. Let me know when it drys up a little. Thanks


Sep 10, 2001
Area 51
whoa... beacon is rideable? I've been on xmas break for a month so I haven't checked the scene yet, guess i'll start heading up there too, look for a haggard looking red banshee with gold shiver.


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
How about you NOT build some jumps? Not unless you check with the property owners of the location where you'd like to to build. Most of the DH runs are on City Park property, and the city parks dept has made it clear to the new bike club that dirt jump digging is one of the few aspects of mountain biking up there that they have issues with. Why? Any number of reasons: sandy soils that erode when holes are dug into hillside, craters left next to the jumps, redundant trails. As for the other property owners, they too don't mind the riders, but again, it's the digging and building without asking first that some of them have issues with.

The local mountain bike club will be laying out and starting to build the stunt/ladder trail at Camp Sekani ( the official name of the city park property where the DH trails are) this spring. We truly welcome you input and help. Here's the club website not much going on right now (winter) but I post workdays, meetings etc.


/puts soap box away, carry on...


Sep 10, 2001
Area 51
"The local mountain bike club will be laying out and starting to build the stunt/ladder trail at Camp Sekani"

Do you know these dudes well? While skill camps are fun to ride because they usually have some challenging ladders, usually none of the stuff is very advanced.

do you know if we can build some more really big jumps? 20 feet is about the minimum gap for video worthy stuff these days :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
LOL, I'm the president, I'll say I know these dudes well. ( one of them is the guy that built the zipper and brain damage) I've seen the plans, and I've sat in more than a few meetings with the city parks folks. We are using what's been done at Post Canyon & the city of Hood River as our guide, along with the Whistler building manual. . What the city of Sp. does want is all ability stuff - there's plenty of advance lines there, room for more, plus lower level stuff that's not intimidating for beginners. They are very supportive of developing the are for more DH/FR mountain biking use. This concept goes nicely with a lot of the regional outdoors development going on ( Silver, Great Gorge park etc) I've done walk thoughs of the property with the recreation directors, and we ( the club building committee) know pretty much what's ok or not. In addition, some of the local pro DH racers are working with us on our plans. Anything that the club builds will be legal up there.

Examples... the ramp jump that's right above the old archery pit, we call it Bridge to Nowhere... basically the size ramp and the gap is ok, what's not ok is that it's built out of total crap wood, not for longevity and the landing was just gouged into the hill with shovels, no thought given to erosion. They think that the Rushmore drop is cool, no issue with things of that size or the road gap near the bottom. Craters left from digging dirt jumps is decidedly not cool.

I don't know if I posted this link:
this is the presentation that the bike club gave to the Park Board this summer. We were invited to talk about what we had in mind. I was for sure convinced there'd be a lot of hard questions about liablilty and risk but nope, all they wanted to know was where did we get our training in how to build/maintain trails.

tell you want, anyone want to be part of it, PM me with your email, I'll get you on the list serve which will keep you up to date on planning, work dates and so on.

sorry, I do go on...


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
I know where the Zipper is but where is Brain Damage?

Are there any other trails like the Zipper and Brain Damage in that area?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
geargrrl said:
How about you NOT build some jumps? Not unless you check with the property owners of the location where you'd like to to build.
Thank you!

See, I'm pretty sure that the Zipper crosses my parent's property, and I'm really tempted to go up there and rip out stunts (the man-made ones on their land) just to keep them in the clear as far as liability, along with posting No Tresspassing signs every 6".

Its a great trail, but it will take one ass-clown to really **** things up.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Radarr said:
Thank you!

See, I'm pretty sure that the Zipper crosses my parent's property, and I'm really tempted to go up there and rip out stunts (the man-made ones on their land) just to keep them in the clear as far as liability, along with posting No Tresspassing signs every 6".

Its a great trail, but it will take one ass-clown to really **** things up.

Please dont. As I recall, there really aren't any man made stunts, most are natural with a little help from man. That is one sweet trail. We drove 150 or so miles, one way, to ride the Zipper.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
Trust me, the trial is in my back yard. I love it a lot more than most people out there. But it is those "little help from man" parts that opens up lawsuits that deal with attractive nuisances.

I'm not going to erase the trail completely, I just want to make sure that everything is CYA, and only on the private property. Everything else will be left alone. Worst case scenario: There'll be one short section that's a little less exciting, and will have more signs posted.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
The trails today were about as good as they get - there was only one or two really small standing puddles, other than that, it was all really tacky and nice. Everyone's tires were hooking up great, and I think I even got a little bit of a sunburn on my cheeks.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 18, 2004
spokane, WA
no organized ones planned for this year... a few bike shops have talked about doing non-official races, but its real hush hush right now.