
Best XC Trails in Whistler


Jul 31, 2003
Mount Vernon
Gonna be up there this weekend. . Not a big fan of Lift riding when it's wet and cold out, as your bike gets thrashed and you can't see after a few runs anyway. Looks like mixed rain/snow Saturday and slightly better on Sunday. We will ride XC Sat then Downhill on Sunday

Any recomendations on a good XC trail? So far I've ridden Cut yer Bars to River Runs through it, Comfortably Numb, most of the trails in the Lost lake loop, and Cougar Mtn. All super fun, top notch xc trails. Looking for something along these lines that's somewhat managable in the wet, and doesn't require a vehicle drop off.



Turbo Monkey
Oct 4, 2001
Sea to Sky BC
off the south flank, high society/three birds/acdc is a killer ride....cheap thrills/danimal is also top notch...after danimal climb up whip me snip me across the bridge at rainbow falls and into rebob/get over it/mels, then cut across west side road into emerald forest....

there's also some great loops in emerald proper, worca's done a **** ton of work on **** happens and anal intruder this year, I'd go check that stuff out too, super tech xc styles, and super fun


Turbo Monkey
Oct 4, 2001
Sea to Sky BC
Thanks guys. Flip your website is the shiz!
I have my sig's turned off on my view, so forgot that was actually there! it's actually grant lamont and a few others behind that, just a supporter, and occasional tail guide! although kinda light on info of late now that the season is winding down, there's bits and pieces of recent trail work info on here www.worca.com we could definitely do more up to date info a bit better, but hey, we're only vollies!